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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I went out this morning by myself to scout around for this Saturday's tournament. I had four hits and put 3 of'em in the boat for just over 9 pounds. Big one came on a black/blue jig, 6.79 pounds. The wind was absolutely horriffic, darn white caps. We'll see what happens tomorrow and Wednesday and Thursday.
  2. do u put the stick in the bed or on the edge?
  3. There are two types of fun in life, those with kids and those who don't have kids. Livng life without kids is fun and so is living life with'em.
  4. Man, I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day. Lake Osborne is NOT an easy lake to fish. In fact, I almost NEVER fish it in the day time. For some reason, Osborne is an early, early morning, late evening or after dark lake. And yes, there is a lot of snot grass in areas. You can fish a stretch of shore and get nothing but snot and then find clean bottom 5' away, but those spots come from learning the lake day after day. I have won many tournaments fishing in the spots I told you though. I'm going out in the morning and will let you know how I do. They sprayed the lake real heavy 2 years ago and killed A LOT of the grass, which has changed the fishing dramatically. Some years, the grass (hydrilla) will grow across the entire lake and will actually be so thick that you can't motor through it.
  5. The fact about all polar bears being left handed is false. I'm not sure about carnivores not eating mat struck by lightning.
  6. Clowns don't scare me, BUT I hate that darn CHUCKY doll.
  7. Did you see the guy (I forgot who it was) sticking sticks in the ground to mark the beds? Do you know if he stuck the stick in the middle of the bed or on the outside edge? I thought it was a pretty good idea, especially in muddy water.
  8. I skip under docks with a batcaster. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
  9. Geez, Sam. I thought this thread was going to be about you discovering the little blue pill and wanting advice on raincoats,
  10. I figured you and I would start a fishing club for retirees. Think about it, a multi species fishing club/tournament. Freshwater could be bass AND P's. Saltwater could be whatever we agree on.
  11. Thanks. I could go at the end of this year, but plan on hanging out 4 more. Unless the boss ticks me off, hahaha.
  12. I wonder how many Dick's have been checked out since the start of this thread?
  13. simply electrofying.
  14. Don't let him fool ya. He snagged someones line who was trolling the opposite direction, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  15. ^Only for 4 more years.^
  16. Like Glenn said, umtil I lose confidence. Example; I sat in one spot for 3.5 hours during a tournament. I had only 7 hits, puting 6 of those in the boat. the best 5 of those 6 were 22 pounds. Got 1st place. I was confident the fish were there, I just had to wait'em out and coax'em into hitting.
  17. Hmmm, I say sharks or smokin' kings. Though it's not too common, but it could be porpoise. Chase'em down with the boat.
  18. If your friend has a clean record then he'll probally get a small fine and maybe community service. He can more than likely do the first time offenders program which is a small fee and a class. Trespassing is only a misd, except for a few exceptions which are felonies. Have him cooperate with the state attorney or district attorney (same thing). I, personally, wouldn't hire an attorney and waste my money unless I was already on probation or had an extensive criminal history.
  19. Might I suggest Yozuri. Why do you want/need flouro anyway?
  20. I can fill 3 reels with 200 yards. That's less than 7 dollars a reel. I only strip off 1/4 spool and add new line to the old. Why waste new line on the bottom of the spool?
  21. Tilapia and rainbow trout are the only colors I use here in South Florida. Iv'e gone through 20+ packages of each in the last two years.
  22. Dang straight. Except for my in-laws. If the maet isnt cooked to the point that all the juices have gone and it's charcoal black on the outside then to them it ain't done.
  23. For some reason this ^ is making me LMAO. No matter WHAT I get her, my ARS is grass if I don't send her flowers to her at work. And the flowers can't be anything but red roses. Not white, purple, yellow, green, blue or black- just RED. Dang spoiled, I tell ya.
  24. I have been fishing Osborne for more than 25 years and there are still times I can go out there and get skunked. -I would concentrate in the evening, between 4pm and dark. -You will be hard pressed to find any place to fish from the shore once you get south of Lantana road, unless you trespass in someones back yard. -The main lake, off lake worth road where the boat ramp is, is starting to develope grass along the edges. Like I said before, I would concentrate in the NE section of the main lake. In this area, throw a rattle trap, pointer minnow, senko or 6-7 inch black worm. Here's a tip- use the lightest line possible with your soft plastics. -The next body of water south of the main lake is known as church lake, because of the church next to it, DOH. I don't care for this part of Osborne but it has the most area to fish from shore. Your max depth around this part of the lake is about 9-10 feet and 2-5 or 6 feet around the edges. - If you continue south from there, along the roadway on the east side of the lake, you'll see a big grassy island in the middle of the lake. Stand on the east shore and cast towards the west to the island. Use rattle traps or topwater. There is a bunch of sht grass on the bottom in sporadic areas so start reeling your trap as soon as it hits the water, You'll get a sht load of snot grass if you try bouncing it on the bottom, but there's bass in this area. -Next stop will be Lantana bridge. Walk down to the waters edge from the bridge and fish cranks, worms or traps. Fish the NE, NW, SE and SW sides of the bridge. -Another tip- If you fish worms or senkos, make sure you fish them SLOW and use light line (6-8 pound test). You won't need much weight because Osborne is a shallow lake. Average depth is 5-7'. I don't use more than 1/8 ounce weight. That about covers everything so don't ask me again until you go out there and try it a few times. Good Luck. P.S. If you see the illegal immigrants usning a cast net, make sure you kick'em in the ars.
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