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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Dang it, you broke me down . I do, I do. I do love everything! I was trying to be a (tough guy) by hating the world, but it just isn't me. Hmmmm, I feel much better now. I think I'll go hug a jit skier,
  2. Are you shtn me? That stupid bi***!!!!!!!
  3. i hate everyone and everything. Yep, that suns it up
  4. Pats need TEBOW now., LOL
  5. Pats 20-18
  6. Yea, Prince is all heart. Good Lord, Nicks just got the sht knocked out of him, LOL
  7. Dang, Madona sounds the same after all these years. I thought she was good.
  8. Only during flu season.
  9. If you were moving here for strictly fishing, then I wouls say Lake Okeechobee. I guess it would all depend on what type of work you do, income bracket, kids/no kids though.
  10. I know they weren't a wild card team, but I don't think they should be in it. As far as playoffs go, I like watching them but no, no playoffs either.
  11. Wow! Why even post that you're leaving? If you had a problem, then I'm sure the mod's or Glenn would be open to hearing it. If no problem other than the advertisements, then I don't see how they affect you. Heck, Stephanie is starting to grow on me, hahaha.
  12. Who's going to get caught PEEING next to the gatorade cooler? What about Madona? I say her show is going to rock. Oh, back to the game. I pick the Pats. Why? because the Giants didn't have the best record going in and shouldnt be there. I don't like wildcard teams. I think the teams with the most wins at the end of regular season should play. Pats 31-24
  13. I'm sorry. Allow me to elaborate. I have found a stick bait that works extremely well for me and cost about 6 bucks a bag. I have spent a lot of money trying out other brands that, IMO, didn't produce like the 6 dollar bag. Those baits went to waste and it was like throwing money away. Sure, I caught fish on the knock off brands, but the numbers weren't the same as the original brand. I'm tired of trying out different bait to replace a proven bait just to save a few bucks. That being said, go ahead and try the ones you are referring to. They might prove to be a surperior bait.
  14. I'm in the 5% bracket, BUT I can help you get into the 1% bracket if you'd like :respect-059:
  15. Yes, you have a chance at catching a bass in 37 degree weather. You missed the point though. Fishing is trial and error. Bass migh bite today in 30 degree weather and might not bite tomorrow in what would seem like prime conditions. You go fishing whenever you can. and have a good time, even if you don't catch anything. .
  16. Good deals don't always mean you're getting a good product.
  17. If you have a passion for fishing, then its never a waste of time. It's almost as if your asking for our permission to go.
  18. Just fish weightless S E N K O S.
  19. Dang bro, you need to move outta da hood.
  20. That kid is like "Hmmm, forget the wings, give me the breast" The kid thinks to himself "will you be my mommy?"
  21. Geez'us, do you ever get the chance to fish?haha
  22. I thought that was his home, along with the abonimal(sp) snowman.
  23. Very true ^ Here's a kicker for ya. I got stopped AGAIN during my last tournament. This time it was a deputy sheriff from the marine unit. His reason for stopping me? He said there wasn't enough contrast between my FL numbers and the background paint. He said the numbers weren't visible enough from a distance. I said "from what distance, a mile?" I have black numbers on a red background. .
  24. I brough my new camera, the Hero Pro, but can't figure out how to work it yet. It would have been a cool video though.
  25. Yep, 30 bucks for tourny and it's put on by the same guy that does the nite tournaments.
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