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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I think those kind of people can picture problems in their head that you and I cannot. It's like they can visual the answer before getting to the answer.
  2. I would use crank baits and jigs from shore. You're going to have a heck of a time trying to QUIETLY fish from the bank with all that brush around. I would probably focus casting to the opposite shore with a jig and work it back to me. Try casting a crank parrallel to shore (if you can find a spot) at different depths.
  3. 5 rods should do the trick ------ jigs, spinnerbait, rattle trap/crank bait, pointer minnow and senko. It's hard to tell from your video but it looks like there is a nice point in video 1 that might be worth fishing. What is the average depth of the lake? What type of cover/structure is on/in the lake? What will be the water temp?
  4. I never, ever, ever, ever travel with my rods in the bed of my truck. Open bed trcks are made for hauling dirt, dogs, wood and other junk, NOT my rods. I put my rods in the cabin with me. I have a F-150 crew cab (full door plus half door) and the rods fit nicely between thee seats, even with a passenger. My rods are from 7' up to 8'. You should be mostly concerned about reliability, gas consumption and price more so than looks and souped up trucks with 15k in add ons that never go off road.
  5. I was hoping there would be a few peeps with simular options that could post their experience. What's the average monthly cost of medical/dental insurance for family these days? And you're correct, medical insurance is going to be my biggest expence and has me worried. I might have to keep working just to afford the insurance.
  6. I get 3% of my salary for every year worked. I'd get 90% of my salary at 30 yrs so if I continue working i'd only be working for 10% of my salary.
  7. You're a 50yr old male. Good health Married 10 yr old child (college paid for) Mortgage on house (can't sell for what you owe) No CC debt No other debt 150k savings Option 1. Retire with 90K a year for your life and lump sum of 400k. Spouse continues to collect your 90k for 10 years after your death. Spouse gets whatever is left of the 400k. Option 2. Retire with 120k a year for your life and zero lump sum. Spouse continues to collect your 120k for 10 years after your death. You have to purchase (if you want coverage) medical/dental insurance for you and family out of you retirement money from either option. Continuing to work for same company is not an option because you'd be working for only 10% of your annual pay plus medical benefits. P.S. Spouse will continue working until she is able to collect SS or hits the lottery because she makes very little. Plus her staying home would interfere with your fishing excursions.
  8. Wait until he realizes he hooked the TM up backward and that mom used exlax in his cookies instead of chocolate chips
  9. I average 25-30k miles a year of in-town driving and get a new truck every three years. Oil is changed every 6k miles and have never had engine problems. Trucks are both Ford and Chevy with v/8's.
  10. I paid for the wife's car payment this month and got her a box of chocolate covered strawberries.
  11. Thanks Eric. My son will be 4 next month and I'll be 45 in August and retire in 4 years. I have got to drop some weight and get back in to somewhat decent shape. I haven't had any soda or ceffeine today and now have a major headache from the the withdrawl. Sodas pack on a ton of weight and I drink about 3 cans a day plus 16oz of sweet tea. I also LOVE ice cream. A 1/2 gallon lasts me 2 sittings. I actually eat pretty good/healthy meals, but I also eat a sht load of junk like ice cream, M&M's, PnutButter and jelly, and chips.. My plan is to lay off the ice cream, soda, tea and chips for 30-45 days and see if I can drop a few pounds. Once I drop a few pounds then I'll start with lite exercising.
  12. I use #8, sometimes #10, Yozuri for my LC pointerminnows.
  13. I hear ya, Flippin. I spent just over a month buying crack cocaine from certain individuals and finaly worked my way up to the leader of the clan.I went inside his house on several occasions to make my buys. Sometimes there were more than two dealers inside and sometimes they were armed. 2 of them had been arrested for murder, and released. It's not a good feeling when they lock the door. Anyway, they were eventually arrested and booked into the jail around 10pm on several drug charges. I went home, took a shower and went to bed. I went to work the next day only to find out they bonded out of jail by 8am that morning. And guess what, they're dealing again while out on bond. Talking about psssing me off!
  14. It almost appears as if the "after" photo's were taken before the tsunami.
  15. Whitney ruined Whitney with drugs, Bobby just presented her with the means.
  16. What's there to love about needles and juice. You might as well stay a fat ars.
  17. My wife does the same thing and I haven't got a clue as to why. I read the title to this thread and thought "Uh oh, someone is home alone with a warm apple pie"
  18. This game reminds me of the one we did on here several years ago. I mailed out 1 lure. That person fished it for a week and forwarded it to the next and so on. After a year or so, I got the original lure back. The lure was fished in several states and a couple countries. I still have the lure and refuse to fish it. I sure wish there was a way for the mods to find the old posts so I could make a nice plaque/article out them.
  19. I'm joining the party. 190 was my weight when I got married 8 years ago. Now I'm an even 230 and my wife don't cook, lol. I went from a fit, college athlete to a lazy, obese pile of dog do-do. I hate my appearance and I hate myself for allowing me to become the way I am. My wife bought me the P90X workout system over 6 months ago and I haven't even opened the box. My wife started the gym and thought she was going to die after her 1st cardio workout. She now goes 5 days a week and loves it. While typing this, I ate my last peanut-butter and jelly sandwich and drank my last soda. As of right now, February 11, 2012 at 9:41 pm, this will be my last post as an obese pile of dog do-do. I'm taking my life back and puting a new rod and reel into the hands of a kid. Peace, Obese pile of dog do-do
  20. Yea, like Bobby.
  21. She looks like a GIANT swimbait out there, haha. Ok, I'm sorry for the bad humor. I'm glad you guys are ok and thank goodness you were in somewhat shallow water. Did someone have to stay with the boat to make sure the thieves didn't get to it over nite?
  22. "That'll be the day" John Wayne "Don't pis down my back and tell me it's rainin'" Clint Eastwood "I'm sweatin like a ho in church" unknown
  23. I was hoping for a wardrope slip.
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