I had 3 Chronarch 50mg's and sold two of them when Shimano changed to the current model. I purchased 2 Lews Tournament Pro's and do not regret it one bit. I use to love my 50mg, but it doesn't fit my hand like the Lews. Now i'm consiering selling my last 50mg. I like my lew's over all the current Shimano line-up (excluding Calcuttas). I also have the the first year Abu Premier. I would have a tough decission to make if I had to choose between my Premier and Lews, but I'd more than likely keep the Lews TP.
Shimano makes stand up products, but I feel as though the Lews and Premier's design surppased the Shimano low profile reels.
BTW, where did you find Lews TP below $199?