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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I had 3 Chronarch 50mg's and sold two of them when Shimano changed to the current model. I purchased 2 Lews Tournament Pro's and do not regret it one bit. I use to love my 50mg, but it doesn't fit my hand like the Lews. Now i'm consiering selling my last 50mg. I like my lew's over all the current Shimano line-up (excluding Calcuttas). I also have the the first year Abu Premier. I would have a tough decission to make if I had to choose between my Premier and Lews, but I'd more than likely keep the Lews TP. Shimano makes stand up products, but I feel as though the Lews and Premier's design surppased the Shimano low profile reels. BTW, where did you find Lews TP below $199?
  2. Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  3. LOL, you're talking to the (ex)Sheriff of the Shimano Posse. I went to Lews after Shimano failed stick with the 50MG. My Lews are just plain AWESOME but I'll always keep my Calcuttas
  4. I was thinking along the same lines as you, JKarol. I flip with my Premier but not heavy matted stuff. I was hoping there was a lightweight reel that could handle the heavy stuff and perhaps the Curado will be the ticket. Or I could just stick with my Calcuttas, but I was hoping on a low profile under 7 ounces.
  5. Another flippin' stick somehow out of the blue appeared in my rod rack and it needs a reel. I plan on using 40-50 pound braid and would like advice on the following reels, Quantum EXO PT Quantum PT Smoke 150 Abu Revo Premier Lews Tournament Pro I currently have two Lews TP's and the 1st year model Premier. I have not used my Lews for flipping or with braid, so let me know if you have and how you like it. I currently use my Premier for filpping but not sure if I can find that years model and am willing to give the newer model or different reel a try. Please give your advice from hands on experience. Thanks.
  6. All of last year was pretty much a bust for movies, nothing dearving of any award. I mean really, Moneyball up for best movie?
  7. Where ya been, prison? Anyway, welcome back.
  8. Welcome aboard, from S.Florida.
  9. Welcome aboard. There's no better resource for bass than BassResource. ^Hey, that's kind of catchy, lol.
  10. Who is Hugo? That movie is raking in the Oscars.
  11. I don't use leader either. If the bass aren't scared of a freaky looking jig then they're not going to be affraid of a piece of string that looks like grass.
  12. What do we think? I think it's going to be cold.
  13. Good info, thanks for sharing. I can't believe that doctor named his son "Martini" though, LMAO.
  14. I doubt anyone who doesn't fish would tune in to watch the event and the ones who do tune in already like to fish so all the clapping and yelling is for the birds. Geez, I'm such a grouch
  15. She's reaching out to you because 1. She recently got dumped and is lonely. OR 2. She realized how she messed up two years ago and now wants to give you a shot now that she had her fun. OR 3. She genuinlly(sp) feels bad and wants to say hi, BUT be careful not to fall for her sht. Wait a minute. Before I continue, why did she leave in the first place?
  16. If you need re-assurance then why not go out and use it. Let your experience be your guide.
  17. LMAO, me too. I just got home from Dick's from buying another flippin stick.
  18. I bought a coupon magazine from a friend at work who was helping his kid sell'em for school. There's a lot of good coupons inside. I paid 25 bucks for the book and have saved over 60 bucks at Dick's alone.
  19. People who congregate in front of the door to b.s and don't move when I'm trying to enter or exit. Poor restaurant service. Being constipated. People who pee on the floor in public restrooms. The price of popcorn, soda and candy at the movie theatre.
  20. I had three coupons for $10 off $50 purchase. I was somewhat in the mood for buying a new flippin stick so I thought I'd try out the new Loomis GL2 for $200. I only use Loomis rods and have always said to not waste your money buying any Loomis below the IMX level, but I thought "what the heck, let me give the GL2 a try." I'm not looking for an overly sensitive rod for flipping because I flip somewhat shallow water and a majority of the hits are going to be violant reaction hits. Anyway, I checkout and hand the clerk my 3 coupons for $10 off every $50. The clerk verified the discount with the manager and he approved it. I saved $30 . I wouldn't have bought the rod if I didn't get the discount, but I'll give it a shot for $170.
  21. I only use Kalin's trailers, but I'm thinking abou giving Rage trailers a try.
  22. The best workout I have found after a hard days fishing is a trip to the Asian Sun Spa massage parlor.
  23. The Snakeheads haven't invaded Palm Beach like they have down south yet. I have yet to see one on the Lake Osborne chain. I was talking to Fish and Game the other day and they said they haven't really moved up here and hopefuly won't. I do hope you guys aren't releasing them back into the water.
  24. Are you sure you're not a "he" posing as a "she?" Or in simpler terms, a "heshe."
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