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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. There I was, fishing the last half hour of a tournament and one of my NRX's broke. My darn reel fell completely off in my hand during a cast. It seems the top part of the reel seat is stripped and won't tighten down to sufficiently hold the reel in place. Has anyone experienced this problem? Did Loomis consider it a manufacturer’s defect? I seem to recall this being a common problem when the NRX model first came out.
  2. Didn't bother me a bit. But, let me ask you this. Suppose you're the only on in the shower and there's 20 shower heads all spread out. In comes another person whom you don't know. Would you expect him to use a showerhead a good distance away from you or would you be ok if he showered right next to you? And there''s no curtains or dividers, just open showers.
  3. Rubber worms. Who needs rubber worms when there are Senkos? HAHAHA j/k My wife thinks our kitchen is obsolete since she hasn't cooked in 9 years of our marriage. To some people, cash is obsolete. I know plenty of peeps who never have more than 5 or 10 bucks cash on them. They always use bank carsds.
  4. I think some of you may have misunderstood my point. This topic isn't about having stage fright or affraid of exposing yourself in front of someone. I would like to know why would you choose to go into a restroom and stand incehes from a total stranger to take a leak when there are other vacant stalls available. It isn't a matter of me not being comfortable with my sexual orientation, It's more of a question as to what is you're motive for choosing to stand elbow to elbow while taking a leak when you could have chosen the next stall.
  5. Sometimes being strange is normal, except at the urinal, hahaha. I'm going to bed and I bet a pack of worms that this topic hits 5 pages before this time tomorrow.
  6. That's a whole different ballgame. And, surprisingly, I believe it's already been discussed on here too. I start singing nursery rymes or I might give a loud CONGRATULATIONS if the guy in the stall next to me lets out a bomb.
  7. I've never seen one of those for humans, lol. I think I would have to just go in my britches.
  8. OUCH! What a pain in the neck.. Okay, not funny. There had to be some incredible force for that splitshot to bury itself in his neck.
  9. You guys got me cracking up. Yes, Rhino, you should skip a urinal even if there are dividers. I've never seen this "trough" thing you speak of. Raider- If I walked in the restroom and saw you standing there with your pants around your ankles I'd more than likely pee in my britches from LMAO. Maybe the "MAN" rule is just a S.Florida thing
  10. Do you obey the "MAN" rule or do you not give a darn? Perhaps you don't know what the "MAN" rule is, but everyone should. Please take note if you're unaware of the "MAN" rule. The "MAN" rule has to do with public restrooms where there is more than one urinal. Example: You enter into a public restroom and notice there are multiple urinals (more than 2) and none of them are occupied. (by urinals, I mean the stand up ones. Not the toilet). You go to the first urinal to do your business. While standing there, staring off into space, someone enters the restroom and walks up to the urinal next to you and begins his business. IMO, that person has just violated the "MAN" rule because he didn't seperate himself from you by skipping a urinal. To make matters worse, he tries to strike up a conversation, such as "hello" or "how ya doin." IMO, not only has he violated the "MAN" rule by not skipping a urinal, but has now put himself at risk of being beaten by trying to engage me in conversation. Now, sometimes you can't have an empty urinal between you and the other guy, like during the 7 inning stretch or half time, and that's okay. I'm strictly talking about when the other person has another urinal available to him but chooses to occupy the one right next to you. Heck, I'll use the toilet if I walk into a restroom and there are only two urinals and one is occupied. So, what prompted this topic? Let's just say it was a very uncomfortable moment that prompted me to cut my business short and exit the restroom at mach 10. I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt and just assumed he might not be of this planet and is unaware of the "MAN" rule. Perhaps I'm being a bit over ___phobic but I think the "MAN" rule is something ALL MEN should adhere to at all times. And hopefully this post will prevent some poor, sheltered, innocent soul from being pumbled to death by unknowingly violating the "MAN" rule. Have a nice day.
  11. Welcome back, Catt. Do you think you could answer a few questions? Are Senkos a good bait? Do bass eat at nite? Which brand of Flouro is the best? Are red hooks better than bronze/black hooks? Is the Toledo Bend Reservoir a good place to fish? Will I catch more fish using Diawa or Shimano?
  12. Coke is also good for cleaning your battery ternimals.
  13. And judging from your first sentence, you still don't know who he is, or atleast his last name Too much baseball watching, Glenn?
  14. That Santa Claus' real name was Chris Kringle.
  15. every 2-4 weeks, depends how much fishing i get in during that time.
  16. I don't stress myself with such tough decisions, that's why a have a rod for several different techniques.
  17. The wife does but I don't. I have a higher expectation of Italian food. The only thing I like at OD is the salad.
  18. Didn't expect to see this either, LMAO.
  19. My girlfriend and I were at night club. Girlfriend excuses herself to go to restroom. Girlfriend gone mighty long time. I go to check on her. I find girlfriend making out with Ryan Klesko, (when he was playing for the Braves.) Girlfriend is no longer my girlfriend. (nor Ryan's)
  20. Tough decision, Shane. I have a 19' aluminum Tracker with a 90 Merc Optimax. The boat was 19k out the door new 5 yrs ago and their prices are still about the same. I'm sure you could find a used one for less than 10k. I fish mine in Lox and have taken it in salt for Snook with no probs. My boat will comfortably fish 3 people. The biggest drawback to my boat is the wind. Strong wind (15+) will push you around like a piece of paper because the boat is so light.
  21. When my 90 Optimax hit 120 hours I had gone through at least 3 gallons of oil, plus what was in the resoivor when I bought the boat new. I bought a case (3gal) when I bought the boat so I know I used those 3 gallons. It may have taken 4 , but at least 3.
  22. My 19TX is a 2007. I believe they use wood on the decks and floor. Wood is also used up aroung the TM connection on the bow.
  23. He can delete his original post if he wants too. Might save him some embarrassment.
  24. Sorry, but im laughing my ars off over your misfortune.
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