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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Did you eat'er or throw'er back?
  2. I hear ya about the prices. 2 tickets were 20 bucks. A large popcorn, two large sodas and a box of snow caps was $19.75. I told the girl I wanted small soda and popcorn but she insited the larger was cheaper, some kind of special going on. The wife and I only go to the movies about 3-4 times a year so I don't mind paying 40 bucks. To me, 40 bucks is worth it for her to have a good time. The 60 dollar dinner afterwards is what ticked me off. It has gotten SOOO expensive to eat out and a lot of the food is less desirable than the movies were in 2011. My grandad, self made money maker, would have a fit if he knew how much money I spent eating out all the time. Haha, granddads traits are starting to rub off on me though. The wife is frequently calling me CHEAP.
  3. Bassn Blvd


    It don't matter. Bass can't see the top of the lure. The color is to attract the fisherman. The action attracts the fish. I use the bass pattern only because I think the pattern is cool.
  4. Haha, I bet you were. I forgot to get my ticket stamped once and also flipped out when I had to pay.
  5. No, you don't have to pay for parking, unless you forget to get your parking ticket stamped at the movie.
  6. NOT a chick flick.
  7. We saw it at City Place too. 20 bucks for two tickets and free parking. Why did you pay for parking? Valet? Did you know the parking garage is free if you go to the movies? All you have to do is self stamp your parking ticket in the movies. The stamp is next to each theater door. I haven't seen any movies in IMAX yet, but I will be seeing one of the upcoming new movies in it. Ah, Bogart. Yea, me too. But those days are over. You have to roll with the times or get rolled over.
  8. There were none worth paying a dollar for either.
  9. ^ Duh, I'm a tard. You're right, Hunger Games. See, it was so good that I forgot what it was called, hahaha. Seriously though, it was a good movie.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. AND, at least it wasn't caught on a Diawa, LMAO.
  11. The wife and I just got home from seeing the "Hunger Games." We thought the movie was pretty good and weren't dissapointed in paying 10 bucks per ticket to see it (4:45 showing). Prior to the start of the show, several previews were shown for upcoming movies. I must say, based soley on the previews, 2012 looks promising for good movies. Most of the movie previews were action, adventure and fantasy. There were 3 that I actualy look forward to watching. IMO, the movies last year were horrible, none of which I thought were deserving of a 10 dollar ticket, much less an Oscar.
  12. Haha, I had to study and read this for about 2 minutes before I figured it out. At first, I thought you left something out of the joke.
  13. It sucks when something dies from our actions, but sht happens. The gills are a vital part of a fish and more than likely the damaged gill is what killed her. Sometimes it's easier to cut the line and pull the hook out through the gill but you have to be very carefull. Don't let her death get you down- you will unintentionaly kill plenty more fish before your fishing career ends. She will become fish food, turtle food, bird food, insect food, etc for those less fortunate creatures that have a hard time gathering their own food.
  14. I'd suspend myself if it was with pay. I don't have anyone near my circle right now that I would want to get rid off. There's been a few last year but they're already gone. Though he's not in my circle, I'd like to suspend our State governer.
  15. I said "pluck" but it's more like a staedy pull that makes it hurt.
  16. I can understand your frustration about being woken up, but that's life. My phone is on 24/7/365. Even on vacation and sick days. Granted it's my decision to work in the unit I'm in so I can't complain. There have been MANY of nights when I get to bed at 1 or 2am and have to be up at 5 or 6am and the phone rings. In fact, I have to be up at 4am and won't get to sleep before midnight tonight but my phone will be on. Here's an idea. Turn your phone OFF if you don't want unwanted calls waking you up. Or, explain to your boss that you NEVER want to come in to work on your scheduled days off. That way he won't call you to give you a chance to make some extra moey.
  17. We need to start selling snakeheads to the Chinese restaraunts. I bet we could make some serious cash.
  18. What's a "botes?"
  19. The first reel I learned to fish with AND caught ny first bass on was a red Ambassadeur 5000c back in the 70's.The first reel that I could call mine was given to me as a gift from mom and dad for by birthday and it was a black Abu 6000 on a custom built rod sometime between 1979 and 1982.
  20. I think my wife gets her kicks by making me scream like a little b****. About 2x a month she chases me down with the tweesers to pluck the hairs that grow on my upper check just below the eyes. That part of the face is very tender and she knows it. My eyes well up with tears and I curse her with phrases I've never heard before. She tries to prepare me by giving me the 3 count before she plucks, but she can't f'ng count. She grabs the hair with the tweesers and says "get ready. 1, PLUCK, 2,3." I'm like "you s.o.b! You're supposed to say 1,2,3 then pluck!" My jaws hurt from clinching down on my teeth and my cheeks are numb. I swear she gets some sort of twisted gratification out of hurting me.
  21. Your johson is going to fall off now.
  22. ^ I set the market. She gets paid on performance and I don't give her an amount until Iv'e had the goods.
  23. Get the Towne Car
  24. Contaminated water in S. Florida? Get the F outta here, really?
  25. That really sux, but I'll tell what I can do to help you out. Tell me if you'd rather me fish in the morning or afternoon, what presentation and how many bass you would like for me to catch. I will head out and do my best to video my outing so that way you can sit back, relax and enjoy the show. I realize it's not same as being out there in person, but I feel as though it's the least I could do to help a brotha out.
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