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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. fluorocarbon (especialy invisx) becomes brittle at the knot. I recommend retying atleast once per trip. Check your line alteast 2-4 feet up from the knot after every catch. Check for the slightest knick, fray, kink or whatever. If those things are present then retie. If not, then retie after you've caught 2 or 3 bass. It only takes 15 seconds to retie so do it.
  2. How the heck do I know, I never seen her feet, but I'd say on one foot. I read it in a pamphlet of interesting facts. I have a two friends that have 6 toes on one foot.
  3. Have you ever heard it's echo?
  4. Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet? So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills. O.M.G., I'm rich! Silver in the hair Gold in the teeth Crystals in the kidneys Sugar in the blood Iron in the arteries AND An inexaustible supply of Natural Gas. I never thought I'd accumulate such wealth. What do you call a ghost's mother and father? Transparents. New Times When Americans woke up a few months ago, they suddenly realized: 15 years ago they had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope....Today they have no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope. 50-50 A little kid is in school, taking a true-false test and he's flipping a coin. At the end of the test he's flipping the coin again. The teacher says, "what are you doing?" He says, "I'm checking my answers." Trivia -No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. -Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older. -The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum. -A Boeing 747's wing span is longer than the Wright brother's first flight. -Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. -Apples, not caffiene, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. -The first owner of the Marlboro company died of lung cancer. -Marilyn Monroe had 6 toes. -Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been on the head of a Pez dispenser. -Pearls melt in vinegar. -Average life span of a major league baseball? 7 pitches. -A ducks quack doesn't echo and no one knows why. Shakespeare Librarian to college football player. "May I help you?" Football player "I have to read a play by Shakespeare." Librarian "Which one?" Football player "William." Library book A blonde walks into the library, SLAMS a book down and screams at the librarian, - "This is the WORST book I've ever read!" "It has NO plot and far too many characters!" The librarian looks up at the blonde and calmly remarks -"So you're the one who took our phone book." True In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. After that, everything else was made in China.
  5. You're such a princess . But I have to admit, I like getting shampooed too.
  6. On what rod? I didn't think you had any 9/0's or atleast a 6/0.
  7. Rattle trap changed the style of hooks a couple years ago and I absolutely hate them. I change the hooks on my traps.
  8. Does this thread mean I can't wear a Dolphin's jersey to a Bill's game in Buffalo?
  9. Please, sir. You're insult to Budweiser is unexcuseable.
  10. Whatching two guys playing darts on t.v. Versus is now airing (I think it's new) darts.
  11. Lottery Split Husband: Honey, what would you do if I won the lottery? Wife: I would take half and leave you. Husband: Good, I won Ten Bucks, here's five now get out!
  12. I wear JJ's majic for cologne.
  13. Ok, time for my worthless two cent. I was at Gander Mtn the other day buying some soft plastics and started checking out the St. Croix, Abu and Quantum rods. I held a couple different models just to see how they felt, but guess what? I fish Loomis rods exclusively. I have one Loomis long sleeve t-shirt I wear in the winter (most comfortable t-shirt) and have a Loomis sticker on my boat. Just because I'm a Loomis fan doesn't mean I don't like checking out other brands. Put it like this. Just because she wears a ring on her finger doesn't mean she's married. OR just because it's worn like a diamond doesn't mean it isn't a QZ. Also, here is something I didn't know until yesterday. I'm not sure if it applies to all teams but did you know that when the NY Yankees play the Boston Red Sox in Boston, that the bat boy for the Yankees is NOT a Yankees fan. The bat boy is supplied to the Yankees from the Red Sox and has to wear the Yankees uniform. HMMMM, who woulda thought a why a guy wearing a Yankees uniform would be a Red Sox fan. Be carefull stereotyping, it can make you narrow minded.
  14. Why wouldn't I be fishing, I live in sunny, hot as heck S.Florida. I'm debating on fishing a tourny on lake Okeechobee Sunday or fish a private 100 acre rock pit.
  15. They could also be custom made and spray painted.
  16. I know where you can get one for FREE. My dumb ars tied the rig on yesterday. I tossed the A-rig over the edge of the boat and picked up the rod to start fishing it when I realized I had cut the wrong tag end.
  17. Not too many woman do
  18. That's frickin great.
  19. Yes, Palm Beach inlet. But its real name is Lake Worth inlet.I can show you where some BIG tarpon hang out on the south side but you need a boat.
  20. Nice Cuda. Put back out on a 9/0 and 10' of steel leader, haha.
  21. No Tiger haters here, other than the fact that he, since his first airing on t.v,, always has a "cry baby" appearance about him. I love watching Tiger and Phil go at it too. I hope Tiger finds a way to recapture his game and start kicking ars again.
  22. Yea, Beer Can Island has always been good for the species you mentioned, so I hear anyway. My brother fishes the island from a jon boat every now and again for bone fish but ends up catching an assortment of tarpon, snapper and shark. I think I may have mentioned this to you a while ago, but my brother was catching bone fish near the Lake Worth inlet too. I forget exactly where but can find out if you want to know. I haven't been out to the new docks yet but hear they're nice. I'm sure you and I will meet out there soon. I look forward to catching some snook on light tackle this year.
  23. Nice catch, Stu. Iv'e only caught one red in Palm Beach and that was in the ICW about a mile north of the Okeechobee bridge. Believe it or not, but speckled sea trout used to be caught here in PB too. Most of our ICW has lost it's grass and mangroves. Hopefully, with the restoration projects going on, we'll see a return of reds and perhaps trout.
  24. LOL, I'm the same way. I'm like "geez, not another 6 pounder!"
  25. Cool vid. Does Mike look like he's losing weight? His neck and face appear to be unusually skinny. Maybe it's just the video angle.
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