Ok Glenn, true story.
I had just bought my first cell phone and barely knew how to turn it, much less operate all its functions. A co-worker friend and I had gone out to a bar for another co-worker's birthday. My friend told me to go outside and call his wife and tell her that he was in the process of negotiating a drug deal with a bad guy and would be home late. (Apparently, my friend's wife kept blowing up his phone and he didn't want her to know we were out partying while she was home pregnant) I made the phone call like my friend requested and provided his wife with one of my stellar fairy tale performances, which I felt extremely guilty for lying to her, but heck, she wasn't my wife.
Our night out on the town was flawless. We drank our behinds off and had a great time. At one point, my friend was giving a girl a piggy back ride while walking to the next bar.
We ended up closing the bars and got to our respective homes around 5am.
My co-worker friend calls and wakes me up about 9am to tell me how I totally F'd him up with his wife. Not yet knowing exactly what he was talking about, I told him it was his idea for me to call and lie to his wife. My friend explained to me it wasn't the lie that got him in trouble.
My friend said when he got home that his wife was up waiting for him. The wife asked him if he had a good time partying and who "so and so" was. My friend tried playing stupid and denied everything, telling his wife we were at work doing a drug deal/bust. The wife was like "really, who was the BIT** you gave a piggy back ride?" My friend kept to his guns and still denied knowing anything his wife was saying, but wondered how and the heck she could have known about the piggy back ride. The wife said "you and you're friends are so stupid" and went over to the home answering machine and pushed play.
My friend played the answering machine tape for me and I started laughing so hard that I puked (I was still drunk).
I guess when I hung up from lying to his wife; I put my cell phone in my back pocket without locking the keypad. My butt redialed his house number ALL night long. My friend's wife heard me in the bathroom taking a leak. She heard me trying to pick up girls. She heard me ordering drinks and heard us acting the fool. In fact, she got so tired of answering the phone every time I butt dialed their number that she finally let my calls go to the answering machine.
The worst part- remember the girl my friend gave the piggy back ride to? HAHA, you could hear him clear as day on the answering machine bragging to me what nice jugs she had, how good she smelled and how she was all over him.
That incident happened many years ago and thankfully my friend and his wife are still married, no thanks to me of course or telephone technology.