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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Those are called "half inch long fish." And if you wait until next month they'll be called "one inch long fish."
  2. Thank goodness, I was worried there for a minute thinking I might be human.
  3. Oh yea, Scrutch. I forgot to tell ya, I was joking.
  4. I picture you as a non-fishing, wanna be angler.
  5. Save your money.
  6. Which general did you play?
  7. What did you expect them to taste like, PB&J? HAHAHAHA
  8. Geez, how come I never get this much attention? Where's the love for me? I don't eat the bass, I just leave them on the shore to die a slow death and rot.
  9. That better be Bass or I ain't eating. LOL, looks like you over cooked the fish and under cooked the fries. And Lord only knows what you did to the peas.
  10. One time, at zoo camp, there was this chicken and..........
  11. Stu, no sht!? I would have never taken you for a pool hall junkie, and why should I. That's a good story and congrats on being able to walk away.
  12. 100% correct. Kill those bastar**. Kill, Kill, Kill.
  13. Ok Glenn, true story. I had just bought my first cell phone and barely knew how to turn it, much less operate all its functions. A co-worker friend and I had gone out to a bar for another co-worker's birthday. My friend told me to go outside and call his wife and tell her that he was in the process of negotiating a drug deal with a bad guy and would be home late. (Apparently, my friend's wife kept blowing up his phone and he didn't want her to know we were out partying while she was home pregnant) I made the phone call like my friend requested and provided his wife with one of my stellar fairy tale performances, which I felt extremely guilty for lying to her, but heck, she wasn't my wife. Our night out on the town was flawless. We drank our behinds off and had a great time. At one point, my friend was giving a girl a piggy back ride while walking to the next bar. We ended up closing the bars and got to our respective homes around 5am. My co-worker friend calls and wakes me up about 9am to tell me how I totally F'd him up with his wife. Not yet knowing exactly what he was talking about, I told him it was his idea for me to call and lie to his wife. My friend explained to me it wasn't the lie that got him in trouble. My friend said when he got home that his wife was up waiting for him. The wife asked him if he had a good time partying and who "so and so" was. My friend tried playing stupid and denied everything, telling his wife we were at work doing a drug deal/bust. The wife was like "really, who was the BIT** you gave a piggy back ride?" My friend kept to his guns and still denied knowing anything his wife was saying, but wondered how and the heck she could have known about the piggy back ride. The wife said "you and you're friends are so stupid" and went over to the home answering machine and pushed play. My friend played the answering machine tape for me and I started laughing so hard that I puked (I was still drunk). I guess when I hung up from lying to his wife; I put my cell phone in my back pocket without locking the keypad. My butt redialed his house number ALL night long. My friend's wife heard me in the bathroom taking a leak. She heard me trying to pick up girls. She heard me ordering drinks and heard us acting the fool. In fact, she got so tired of answering the phone every time I butt dialed their number that she finally let my calls go to the answering machine. The worst part- remember the girl my friend gave the piggy back ride to? HAHA, you could hear him clear as day on the answering machine bragging to me what nice jugs she had, how good she smelled and how she was all over him. That incident happened many years ago and thankfully my friend and his wife are still married, no thanks to me of course or telephone technology.
  14. You're not making yourself into a girl are you? HAHAHAHAHA Thanks for all the replies. I look so forward to fishing with my "munchkin" that I can hardly wait till he gets a little older. But, on the other hand, I wish he wouldn't grow up so darn fast. Kids his age say and do the darndest things that make me smile from ear to ear.
  15. ^ BRAVO, BRAVO ^
  16. Mostly call'em Specs around here.Some say croppie, but mostly specs.
  17. Haha, don't kid yourself. He discovered the trolling motor yesterday, too. You ever see that commercial with KVD where he and the NASCAR driver keep going in circles? Well, that was us.
  18. Hmmm, I've never seen a painted bill from the factory, or perhaps I just never paid attention. Oh well, I'm not painting my bills or changing the hooks but thought I'd share the idea. Grimlin- Come on, bro. I know you're walking around with blue toe nails
  19. Sam- Yea, I told him how to hold the fish. He rubbed his finger across the sandpaper lip and wanted nothing to do with the bass, saying it had teeth. I held his thumb against the lip with my thumb and assured him it wouldn't hurt but he acted like he had ZERO trust in what I was telling him. Darren- No catfish for me, I caught enough of them as a youngster. Besides, I doubt I'll ever get him past the whiskers, lol. Big-O- I came home one nite after a tournament and told him I won 1st place. Now everytime I go fishing, even non-tournament days, he always asks "did you get 1st place?" Kids, especially at his age, are a pistol. I'm never going to be able to leave to go fishing without him holding onto my shirt tail wanting to go. But you know what? I'm ready for him- just wish he could drive.
  20. actually, more like a thought while resting my eyes. I don't use red hooks and, IMO, don't believe red hooks give you any more advantage over bronze or black hooks. That being said, I understand it's just my opinion and many of fisherman like using red hooks, red worm weights and etc. Has anyone considered just painting the bill of their crank bait red, instead of replacing the hooks? I'm sure you could find some red, shiny paint that would work fine on the lip of your crank bait and would probably be cheaper than buying red hooks. Anyway, just a thought .
  21. I can't give myself credit for coming up with the malapropism, I simply made a spelling error. HAHA,
  22. Taking your kid on his very first boat ride and watching him catch his first bass on his first cast. My son turned 4 two weeks ago so I gave him a life jacket as one of his B-day gifts. This evening, the wife and I took him out for his first boat ride (and the wife's second, she hates fishing and is affraid to get on the boat with me ). My son had a blast helping me drive the boat. He had an even bigger blast when he hooked into his first bass (actually he caught one from shore about a year ago but doesn't remember). I casted out a LC pointer minnow and handed him the rod. I showed him how to position his hand around the rod and how to turn the handle. There he was, jerking the rod every which way and cranking the handle. I'll be a sob if the rod didn't start bending and drag start singing. He brought the fish in all on his own. I unhooked it and had him pose for the pic's. Driving the boat Reeling the fish in Almost holding the fish Holding the fish and freaking out because the bass gave him his first "Bass Thumb," LMAO. He cried and had tears coming down his cheeks for about 10 minutes. He ran to mama saying the bass ate his finger, lol. I caught a few more and eventually had him touching the tails and side of the fish, but he wouldn't go near the mouth.
  23. It was in the first sentence. Echo been around for ions?
  24. Such a smart ars, but you got me laughing pretty good.
  25. The duck's echo question has been around for ions. I was reading where Mythbusters tested it out and say it's a myth. Besides, I just post'em, it's up to you guys to do the research, haha.
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