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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Today is my wife's and my 9 year wedding anniversary. I made reservations over a week ago for dinner and a Polynesian (sp) show in Ft. Lauderdale. My wife took off work today and I found someone to cover my on-call status. The wife and I got all dolled up and were very anxious to have a wonderful evening. I started the car a couple minutes before leaving and cranked the a/c so it would be nice and cool for us. Here comes the IDIOT part. I took my son to the car to put him in his car seat so we could drop him off at the in-laws. Guess what? I locked the keys in the car. I have no spare to my truck because im a double IDIOT. We would take the wife's car if mine wasn't in th driveway turned on. So here we sit, waiting for a locksmith. Now the wife can finally say, .
  2. My tackle remains the same if I'm fishing for fun or a tourny. Why practice with something you're not going to use during game time? Fishing for fun is my practice time for a tourny.
  3. Haha,Stasher. I think that's my problem. I try very hard to stay away from fast food and eat at least two very healthy meals a day. I think the no fast food diest has clogged me up. I need some good ol' fashioned grease to help ease things out.
  4. You may have srewed yourself by not reporting the accident when it happened. Your insurance company might get stuck paying for your damage and you may have to foot the bill for the deductible also.
  5. I just drank 2 1/2 tablespoons of Phillip's Milk of Magnesia and boy did it taste like the ars end of donkey . Not that I know what a donkey's ars tastes like, but it can't be good. I wouldn't expect something that is supposed to make you sht within a half hour would taste too good, but the bottle said "Fresh Strawberry" flavor. Hmmm, I like strawberries . Now, a light should have gone off in my head when the manufacturer had to put the word "fresh" in front of strawberry. As if I thought they’d use rotten strawberry flavor? Not to mention, how bad could the original flavor taste? You're only supposed to take 1-2 tablespoons. Could something taste soooo bad that you can't get a tablespoon amount down the hatch? Here is a tad bit of advice if you have to drink this sht. BUY THE PILL FORM! The initial taste of the medicine hitting your tongue taste ALMOST like strawberry crème hard candies, but quickly turns to sht flavor before you can swallow it down. And the after taste is 10xs worse and lingers forever. Even Redman Golden Blend chewing tobacco doesn't get rid of the after taste. This stuff better work because I'm constipated and desperately need to take a sht.
  6. Look out for ant nests.
  7. How do you come to that conclusion? And hopefully it's not from anything I have said. Unfortunately, a BIG part of the population can't do that.
  8. I hear ya about not going backward. It's like drinking your same favorite drink for years and then someone changes the ingredient to some nast tasting sht.
  9. I buy what I considere to be expensive equipment beacause I can, not because I think it will catch me more fish. I don't knock the less fortunate ones who can't afford expensive gear and don't judge those who can afford more expensive gear than me. It's all relative. What I considere expensive may or may not be considered expensive to others. These type of conversations should not be . IMO, they only cause hate. Will a Loomis rod give you an edge over a generic WalMart rod? To some people, absolutely. Can I go out and win touraments with "inexpensive," "inferior" equipment? Heck yes I can. I'll catch bass and excell at bass fishing no matter what kind of rod/reel you give me. But as long as I'm able to afford "expensive" gear, then I'm going to buy "expensive" gear and if someone has a problem with that then they can kiss my
  10. Then why did you go from low end to medium range? You could have saved even more for gas.
  11. Heack yea, I go apea for ticks. Actually, I go apes checking her for ticks
  12. You're killing me. That's twice you posted that joke and twice I had a good laugh. Only this time I didn't have to read it 3x over again before getting it.
  13. I think I like her hair better than her cantaloupes.
  14. I will pay whatever I need to pay to get what I want. If I can't afford what I want at the moment, then I won't settle for something less. I'll save until I have enough.
  15. The wife and I were on our way to dinner when she told me Thomas died yesterday. I love his paintings and have three of them hanging on the walls in my house. R.I.P., TK 1958-2012 http://www.nytimes.c...dies-at-54.html
  16. A horse wlalks inside a bar and up to the bartender. The bartender says "Why the long face?"
  17. IMO, 3 rods is really all the average angler needs. I have several rods and take 5-8 with me on tournament days. Out of those 5-8, I usually don't fish more than 2 or 3 for 3/4 of the tournament. I like to have a rod rigged and ready for unsuspected situations. I don't like to take time to retie in a tourny- time spent changing lures is time not spent catching fish. Another thing- I don't take all those rods with me unless I'm in the boat by myself. I'll only take up to 5 if I'm in a team tourny.
  18. Maybe he was brand new to fishing and just retired. Perhaps he always wanted a nice boat and but could never afford one until retirement. Did you take the time to give him a few tips on how and where to fish. Did you introduce him to Bassresource?
  19. New York Yankees come to mind.
  20. I laughed so hard that I cried. I can't imagine anyone claiming that guy as a friend.
  21. At least i'm catching fish. Cool photo though
  22. I hate to say it, but you are oh soooo wrong. My hands are extremely sensitve. Like Catt, I too can feel a fish fart from accross the lake. I'm not sure if my hands are different than the average hand or if my hands have been conditioned to know what they feel. I can feel a tap tap using a tree limb and kite string, but that tap tap is much more pronounced using my NRX. Don't be too narrow minded that just because you can't feel the tap tap any better with a "high" end rod over a "cheap" rod that it's the rods fault. More than likely it's you. Now, back to the title of this thread. My random thought while shaving is "I'm too sexy for beard, too sexy for my beard. Yea, I'm too sexy."
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