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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Hey, repeat post jokes.
  2. Scrub it with "release me" fish preserver.
  3. You need to put more backing on your reel so you can fill two spools with one pack of braid. Put 75 yards on each real. If you need more than 75 yards per real, then buy a bigger spool of braid. Just curious- why do you need 100 yards of line for bass fishing. Seems like you could get away with using 75 yards like I mentioned.
  4. I think the link to the study is in the original post.
  5. Do the baitfish change color after the sun goes down?
  6. I'm not sure, but here's an idea. ASK WALMART?
  7. How? And what temp is too hot for rods?
  8. It depends. Can't use the same line size for ALL techniques. (i guess you could but I don't) BTW, flippin and pitchin are differet casting techniques and have nothing to do with the type of line you use. #12 Yozuri around docks. (all water types) #10 Yozuri in shallow/deep open water. (all water types) #40 and bigger braid with NO leader for all vegetation. (all water types)
  9. I'm not sure, but I have 3 TP's and LOVE'em. I love them soooo much that I got rid of most of my Shimanos.
  10. Make sure your paddle is fully charged before heading out.
  11. I don't know where I was going with this, LMAO. I guess high maintenance girls cost a whole lot more to date than buying high end gear. And in the long run you probably get more out of the gear. And I don't believe just because your girls were a model and actress that they were necessarily high maintenance.
  12. I think you're supposed to focus more on what (who) is holding up the target. Not so much on the apt's. HAHAHA
  13. Here's some friendly advice. The Feds won't hire without a 4 year degree. I would urge you to get something other than the basic criminology degree, they're a dime a dozen. Sure, the basic criminology degree will benefit you at the local level, but if you want an edge over other fed applicants, then pursue something other than just basic criminology. If you choose DEA then learn Spanish. If you're Spanish then learn English. If you can already speak both then learn a 3rd language. Also, if you're serious about the feds, make sure you don't screw your credit up before applying.
  14. What is a Redditor? Is that even a word?
  15. I'll e looking for you gear on this season of Storage Wars.
  16. Ah, that good ol bargain bin. It looks like you were drawn to the "cheap" price tag over quality- it ok, we all do it. Like JF said, Lucky Craft. Although there are many other good quality brands to choose from, I have not had any problems with LC. Don't spend too much or else you'll be considered "high end.", hahaha
  17. The Animal Planet folks are coming down april 12 (next thursday) to film a show on the snakeheads.
  18. Do the bait fish change colors when the sun goes down?
  19. Maybe they'll listen to you. I have been saying this until I'm blue in the face but people still use a leader. What I don't understand is this. Someone uses 50-70 pound braid for flipping and then goes ahead and ties on a lower pound test leader. Think about it- you use heavy braid to horse the fish through and from cover but add an extra knot and lighter leader? And I'm really stumped when I see people tying on 6-10 foot leaders to their braid. Why even use braid?
  20. And here I thought only 3 year olds locked themselves INSIDE a car, HAHAHAHAHA
  21. You must be on team Pampers. Since when do you need money for that?
  22. I believe RW pretty much summed it up. Good post RW. Here's another way of looking at expensive gear. Have you tried dating a "high maintenance" girl? or for you girls, a guy. I'll bet you'll get more out of a high end combo.
  23. I hope all works out well. I'm sure your insurance company will pay for the damages and not increase your rate. You can always sue him in small claims court for your deductible.
  24. We finally made it to dinner and managed to have an enjoyable time. The wife was a real sweetheart and tried cooling me down by saying "It's ok, babe. You didn't do it on purpose." Even though we missed our reservations, we managed to go to a very nice, non-commercial steack house. A friend of mine is the owner and was able to seat us without any wait. We had bread, shrimp, lump crab meat and calamari for appetizers. Then we had salad, potato, Delmonico and NY Strip. We finished the dinner off with apple pie/ice cream and chocolate cake. I feel like a stuffed Thanksgiving Day turkey right now. The first thing I'm doing tomorrow is getting 2 spare keys made. Thanks for all the Congrat's.
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