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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. The real seat issue was supposedly fixed over a year ago.
  2. I use it for fishing. It's more like mono and flouro mixwd. yes, sometimes and yes. I use #8 Yozuri copolymer for most crank baits. #10 Yozuri for Senkos, Flukes, large/deep dive crank baits and most worms. #12 Yozuri for most jigs and some worms (depends on lake)
  3. Does the light stay on when you close the door?
  4. Chris, From the quality of your photo's, it's obvious you've got an eye for the outdoors. Now, we all know you're in Cali so how about some shots of those west coast, two legged, long haired, wildlife beauties strutten around that us east coast boys hear so much about?
  5. I'll tell you for $35.
  6. Not bad for a Hillbilly .
  7. The head looks a bit small for anything over 4.5-5, or perhaps you have a big fist. It's a nice catch though, regardless of weight.
  8. Stu, You ARE living it up, bro. Two over slot Snook are awesone, way to go . The JC is a heck of a fighter, especially on light gear and will wear your ars out, as you well know. Don't sell yourself short though. You ain't no spring chicken and either of those fish will give the youngest of hard core anglers a run for their money. And PLEASE be careful climbing down to retrieve your fish. I don't think our marine unit is operational that early in the morning to come fish ur ars outta the drink.
  9. Clayton, You can downplay, make excuses, refuse to see it, rationalize, be closed mided, etc. about the supplements you're taking, but the truth is they are *** you up. You body will get a "natural" high from working out without the supplements. It's obvious just by the way your writing that you're jacked up. I have never seen someone keep the same shape after quiting supplements- they always shrink. Ditch the gimmick garbage supplements and just exercise and eat healthy. EVERYONE'S body has a max level they can reach without help from supplements/steroids. Find your max level and learn to love it. No need to reach Incredible Hulk size unless that's the life style you want.
  10. Just cut the stomach open, preferably one under 2 pounds.
  11. I used to wade the St Johns all the time. Miles and miles of wading, catching bass.
  12. I dove the Lake Worth spillway for my castnet. I dove the ocean off the Breakers to free the anchor. (Dumb ars friend anchored on the reef). I've gone in the lake on more than one occasion to retrieve a bass, be it a hawg or my only lure. I even jumped into the ocean when the land was out of view and the water depth was over 1000'. (talk about feeling completely vulnerable)
  13. Slow down and take your time, unless you get paid by the piece. You have to know how far to push the envelope when slowing down though. LOOK busy and do just enough to make the boss happy but get your hours. Remember- you want the most amount of money for the least amount of work.
  14. SirSnook is right on point. I can't think of anything to add, other than backing up what he said. IMO, the cuda tube is by far the best artificial cuda bait. They are very easy to make and are extremely effective. Sabiki rigs are great for cathing bait but you can save money by just using little gold hooks. Tie 6 small gold hooks to your line and a 1/2 sinker on the bottom- it the same thime thing as the sabiki rig but without the little feather and cost. By the way, the rig will remind you of the drop shot rig, hahaha.
  15. 2.75 - 3.5. Nothing over 3.5
  16. Nice shots, Chris. The last one is my favorite.
  17. Ah, come on. If you catch her once, you can catch her again. That lake and scenery look very nice.
  18. Chatterbaits and big wake baits.
  19. The wife said NO to both American Reunion and 3 Stooges. We're going to go see Wrath of the Titans.
  20. Haha, I didn't say it was a GOOD study. I thought the same thing though, about the cage. I wonder why they didn't tag the fish and just return them to their natural habitat. They could have tracked the fish with GPS? Perhaps it would have been too costly.
  21. I've seen all the American Pie movies and will eventually see American Reunion. I just don't which one I should go see and which one I should wait for on PPV. I hear ya about the original 3 stooges. I think my expectations might be too high to enjoy the new release. Kind of like the "True Grit" remake. How do you recapture The Duke. I don't mind watching some remakes, but there are a few that's best left as originals.
  22. No beacause you won't be able to cast far enough to get to the knot. I make it so I have about 20 feet of braid remaining on the reel before the knot after my cast.
  23. Ok, here ya go. There is a way to detrermine how much backing to put on your reel so that you'll know exactly how much braid you need to fill the reel the rest of the way, but I just eyeball it. You'll get the hang of it after you've relined your reels several times. If you're leaving a 1/4 inch of the spool unlined, then you're not puting enough line on your reel. I fill my reels to the TOP. Try filling your spool atleast 1/16" from the top. Depending on the size of your spool and braid, fill the reel 1/4 the way with backing then apply the braid. If you find that you can cast SUPER far and still have plenty of braid left on the reel, then add more backing the next time you respool. Like I said, I eyeball it but that takes practice. I don't lnow the mathematical equation, but one way of doing it is like this. Go outside and measure out about 50 yard of your braid. Fill your reel 3/4 the way with backing and apply the braid. If you can't fit all 50 yards on your reel the start over and put less backing.
  24. Has anyone seen American Reunion or The Three Stooges? If so, any good? Tomorrow is movie day for the wife and me so I need to pick one.
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