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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. If it's a job interview at some "hip" clothing store in the mall, then no. Otherwise, it's unprofessional.
  2. WooHoo, way to go RW. It feels sooooo good setting the hook and instantly knowing you just stuck a HAWG.
  3. Mmmm, Skittle walks. What flavor?
  4. Cool. A couple of my friends take that Jack stuff. I think they said it does nothing as far as "growth," just a heck of amount of energy to push through a more intense workout.
  5. Man, sometimes I wish I'd start drinking again. It's been almost 9 years since I had a drink. Not even a sip. Not even on New Years. I quit for no particular reason, other than my heart strarted to have irregular palpitations one nite while drinking a beer so I got freaked out and quit. My wife, on the other hand, is Spanish and finds EVERY reason under the sun to celebrate.
  6. Hmmm, WHERE are the shoes I WEAR when it's raining? I wear an older pair of sneakers or flip flops when I go fishing and don't care if they get wet. I don't care about my feet getting wet, either, unless it's COLD. Here in S.Florida, most peeps don't go outside when it's COLD and raining.
  7. Congrats for the accomplishments. As you said, your time may not be great (FAR better than what I can do) but it is a SUPER improvement from when ur fat ars (haha) first started out. Don't lay off the cardio though. MOST fights are lost within the first 30 seconds, and it's not because the other guy was all muscle. Cardio plays a significant role in fighting as well as in good health (like I'm one to talk, haha) Let me ask you a question and I'm not trying to be a smart ars about it either, just curious. How much of your present condition can you attribute towards all those different supp's you were taking? In other words, do you think (honestly) that you would be where you're at today without many or all of them?
  8. Hahaha, lmao. Why do I have a strange feeling in my gut that this is no joke?
  9. America doesn't celebrate that holiday so I don't find any reason on wishing anyone anything happy.
  10. It's the sun hitting your skin that makes you hot. MOST of all lawnworkers here in S Florida are Mexicans and look how they dress- long sleeve and long pants. I think they know a thing or two about hot wearther.
  11. I reel right handed. I don't understand why some of you people can't cast with both hands. I flip/pitch equally with both hands. I primarily cast right handed and switch hands while my bait is in flight, but I also can accrutely cast left handed. It's not difficult, just practice.
  12. I can tell you 100%, without a doubt that I can feel a "tap,tap" or "tic" on SLACK line AND facing into the wind using the NRX series of Loomis and mono.
  13. Fishing with spinning and baitacasting gear are totaly different from one another. I use both and have no problems switching from one to the other. Just curious. Why are you switching after 40 years of using spinning gear?
  14. Sometimes I will use a push pole to navigate through heavy grass and lilly pads. I made the pole out of PVC for about $10. Another tip: when using the TM, travel AGAINST/INTO the wind.
  15. I'm don't have hands on experirnce with the MG but I have 3 Tornament Pro's. I use mine with jigs, soft plastics such as Senkos, worms and flukes, I also throw small swimbaits such as the Lake Fork Magic Shad. I have mine spooled with mono and braid.
  16. Is that the same type of place like "Aimy's all girl staff?"
  17. Go buy some fresh dead shrimp and see if you can catch me a 1/2 dozen or so large Sandperch for pan frying. MMMMMGOOD! You should be able to get out of the wind somewhere to catch'em.
  18. Get with Slonezp, i'm sure you can have sloppy 2nds.
  19. Try using a three-eyed shrimp. Haha, let's see how many of yall know what a 3-eyed shrimp is.
  20. biggil, Make sure you wet the knot before cinching it down.
  21. I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use. Toothpicks? I LMAO at this one. I can't believe I've never heard that one before.
  22. I agree with VolFan. I'm sure whoever doanted the rods wanted them to go to a needy child. I would suggest passing the rods forward to someone in need/less fortunate and has an interest in fishing. I'm sure if you look hard enough you will find a "down on his/her luck" kid, even if it's not through a charitible organization.
  23. You want sensitivity, get a better rod. You want great line, get Yozuri.
  24. Hey BassClarry, whats that brown spot on the end of your nose?
  25. I held the door for a young lady yesterday. She was about 5 steps away from entering the gas station so I stood there and held the door for her, I even gave a smile. She wasn't attractive or scantly dressed, either. I was just being polite. That didn't say or even acknowledge me. It would be an understatement if I told you I was just a little p'sd off.
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