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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Dang, Eric. You're always catching nice P's in your backyard. I think you need to host a S.Florida get together at your house. What do you say, guys. Everyone up to going to Eric's house for a fishing party?
  2. Easy guys, I already got a warning trying to defend some members from this guy's attitude. ( I think it was a nmod I was defending, can't remember)
  3. I took my wife and son to visit his 92 year young great-grandad (my grandad) today. We try to visit him every Saturday or Sunday. While there, grandad gave me this poem he had found while cleaning out his file cabinet. The poem hit close to home, in more ways than one, and I had to excuse my self to another room to finish reading it and fight back the tears. Grandad was a gunner and radio operator of a B-17 bomber when his plane was shot down over Germany during WW2. Grandad spent a year in Hitler's prison camp. He was ordered executed by Adolph Hitler- only to be saved by Hitler's mistress. Grandad didn't know if he would ever make it home to his wife, or to hold the son he had never seen. Her hair was up in a pony tail, Her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, And she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, That she probably should stay home. Why the kids might not understand, If she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; She knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, For her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, She tried to keep her daughter home. But the little girl went to school, Eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees, A dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, For everyone to meet. Children were squirming impatiently, Anxious in their seats. One by one the teacher called, A student from the class. To introduce their daddy, As seconds slowly passed. At last the teacher called her name, Every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching, For a man who wasn't there. "Where's her daddy at?" She heard a boy call out." "She probably doesn't have one," Another student dared to shout. And from somewhere near the back, She heard a daddy say, "Looks like another deadbeat dad, Too busy to waste his day." The words did not offend her, As she smiled up at her Mom. And looked back at her teacher, Who told her to go on. And with hands behind her back, Slowly she began to speak. And out from the mouth of a child, Came words incredibly unique. "My Daddy couldn't be here, Because he lives so far away. But I know he wishes he could be, Since this is such a special day. And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know. All about my daddy, And how much he loves me so. He loved to tell me stories, He taught me to ride my bike. He surprised me with pink roses, And taught me to fly a kite. We used to share fudge sundaes, And ice cream in a cone. And though you cannot see him, I'm not standing here alone. "Cause my daddy's always with me, Even though we are apart. I know because he told me, He'll forever be in my heart." With that, her little hand reached up, And lay across her chest. Feeling her own heartbeat, Beneath her favorite dress. And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears. Proudly watching her daughter, Who was wise beyond her years. For she stood up for the love Of a man not in her life. Doing what was best for her, Doing what was right. And when she dropped her hand back down, Staring straight into the crowd. She finished with a voice so soft, But its message clear and loud. "I love my daddy very much, He's my shining star. And if he could, he'd be here, But heaven's just too far! You see he was a soldier, And died just this past year. When a roadside bomb hit his convoy, And taught Americans to fear. "But sometimes when I close my eyes, it's like he never went away." And then she closed her eyes, And saw him there that day. And to her mother's amazement, She witnessed with surprise. A room full of daddies and children, All starting to close their eyes. Who knows what they saw before them, Who knows what they felt inside. Perhaps for merely a second, They saw him at her side. "I know you're with me Daddy," To the silence she called out. And what happened next made believers of those once filled with doubt. Not one in that room could explain it, For each of their eyes had been closed. But there on the desk beside her, Was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose. And a child was blessed, If only for a moment, By the love of her shining bright star. And given the gift of believing, That heaven is never too far. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, An hour to appreciate them, But then an entire life to forget them. Take the time... to live and love. -Source unknown
  4. Both of my warnings have come from the same mod. I wonder why the other mods aren't doing as good as a job.
  5. Since this tracking system is relatively new, can EVERYONE start with a clean slate? Can those who receive warnings/strikes have their screen name and amount of warnings made public to the rest of the forum? I suppose a locked sticky thread that can only be updated by the mod's would sufice.
  6. X3. Hmmm, you'd think we might know a thing or two
  7. John Travolta and Olivia Newton John
  8. How about the Fart Poop= You know the kind. You're doing the chicken/rain dance while trying to get your britches undone before crappin'em. As soon as your cheeks touch the seat, you let out that massive air bubble. You look in the toilet and all you see is mud. You say to yourself "geez, I only farted." And what about the Water Fall Poop= Nothing but murky, yellowish brown water comes out. You actually feel as though your peeing out our booty.
  9. Dude, you've got serious issues-haha. I get goose bumps just from reading about spiders.
  10. Bassn Blvd


    It wouldn't be the first some idiot got arrested after posting their crime on Youtube. If he's in Mexico, then hopefuly he'll have a run in with one of the CARTELS who might have a passion for Bass.
  11. No. Sarah Palin, you goof., HAHA
  12. FC, Do you know what time weigh-in is? I am quite the infant when it comes to fishing ALL day in the blistering heat that is ALWAYS present in June. A lot of tournaments don't go past 1 or 2 in the summer because it's harder keeping the fish healthy from the heat.
  13. I had the older model Shimano Chronarch 50mg's on both of mine. I sold both BCR 893's and 50mg's and replaced them with the NRX model and Lews Tournament Pros. The 50mg went very well with the rod and #10 Yozuri. I have not used the new Chronarch 50E. IMO, if fishing primarily Senkos, I would stick to the lighter low profile reels, preferably under 7ounces. Also, I must tell ya. The rod is 7'5 and fished the Senko and lighter jigs extremely well. I occasionaly fish Flukes and did not care to much fishing them with the rod because of it's length. The length was sometimes cumbersome around tight places and trying to keep the fluke moving. The rod also handled spinner baits and cranks well. RW fishes the 50E on his and likes it.
  14. Lucky you, going to Alaska. I've always wanted to go to Alaska but I refuse to fly. I'll make the drive when I retire. Say hello to Sarah for me.
  15. Registration form says you can sign up at day of tournament, but cash only. I might fish but its going to be hotter than heck. What time is weigh in?
  16. Looks like a warmouth. Good eating too.
  17. Ok, kid. If you want a rod for primarily Senkos then get the BCR 893 GLX. No other Loomis rod is going to fish the Senko better than the 893 GLX, except the NRX 893..
  18. For what it's worth, here is my opinion on G Loomis. I have no facts to back any of the following statements or ideas; they're just my opinion, right or wrong. Before graphite, we fished with primarily glass rods. From what I recall, Loomis was one of the first to develop a quality graphite rod when graphite started to come out in the market. I believe Loomis set the ground work for quality graphite rods, thus were a bit more expensive than most other brands at that time. Loomis built a name for him developing his rods and gained the respect of fisherman who used his product. Due to the advantages of graphite over glass, rod manufacturers had no choice but to build graphite rods. Fast forward to today. There are so many different graphite rod manufacturers out there that you can easily find a quality rod without breaking the bank. Technology/education has allowed for rod manufactures to build quality graphite rods that aren't probably too different from one another, other than the price tag. I believe rod manufacturers have closely caught up to the quality of that of the Loomis rods and some haven't. I also believe sensitivity is in the hands of the beholder, not so much the rod. Like many others, my hands are very sensitive at detecting bites or bottom debris. I can feel bites using a BPS rod while others may or may not. I prefer Loomis because they offer rods that enhance the sensitivity and I simply like their rods. Are there other rods out there that perform "just as well," sure. I honestly think that if you have a hard time detecting bites with any rod, then try using a GLX or NRX rod by Loomis and see if your "bite detecting" improves.
  19. I'm not an English major, but hopefuly you won't be scored on your ability to form sentences using proper sentence structuring. If so, then the tie is the least of your worries.
  20. Additionaly, RW might know a thing or two about Loomis rods and fishing in general. You said you wanted advice? Heres's some advice- You chose the wrong Loomis rods for the technique in which you want to fish. Perhaps you need to do your research before you buy, NOT after. More advice?, ok. Never mind, I will certainly get banned if I give you the advice that you realy need.
  21. The Loomis BCR 893 GLX is a very good Senko rod. In fact, other than the Loomis NRX 893C JWR, it's he best Senko rod Loomis makes. The rod is very sensitive and has plenty of power to pull fish away from trouble. Why are you even contributing to this thread since your BPS rods are your pick? Someday you will realize that you're talking out your ars when it comes to comparing the two rods.
  22. X2. BUT, do I get mad during a tournament and and let off steam? Absolutely, but it's almost always my fault for whatever it is that made me mad. Here is a piece of advice an old timer (deceased) custom rod manufacturer once told me "Learn to control your emotions." I would visit him with my dad when I was about 14yrs old. He would say that quote everytime someone was leaving his store.
  23. Oh Lord! You've got it bad in Washington. Cold and wet toes can spoil any fishing trip. Haha, I thought my toes/feet would be warm in two pair of socks when it got down to the 40's, but my dumb ars didn't think abpot the cold cutting through my mesh sneakers.
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