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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I have 3 sons, 22, 19 and 4. 2 from the first ***** and 1 with my current wife. The 22 yr old is the one who gave the 4 year old the hamster. My 4 yr old is very good and gentle with his pet. He gets involved with feeding it and cleaning the cage.
  2. I never intended on my son having a hamster. My oldest son thought it would be funny to give his little 4 year old brother a hamster for Christmas. I think my oldest did it just to p me off. I'm a clean freak so the cage gets cleaned very often.
  3. Trust me, I tried to wake her up after I went to bed but the words wouldn't come out. It was like screaming during a nightmare but nothing comes out. LOL, she woke me up this morning to tell me the dog keeps chasing a lizard and wanted me to go catch it. She is PETRAFIED of lizards, hahahahaha. I told her it was Scout, the hamster, and not a prehistoric miniature dinosaur. Our dog kept sniffing the hall closet so Scout was an easy find and has been returned to its house atop our son's dresser.
  4. that our son's hampster is loose and running free through the living room? I cleaned my son's hampster cage earlier today and just noticed we never returned him to his cage-- we left him in his little globe. Our dog has been running around going crazy chasing what I thought was a lizard until I just saw a little furry creature run accross living room floor, out of his globe. The wife is in bed sleeping. Should I wake her and let her know the hampster is loose or let her find out on her own when she wakes in the morning ? I think I'll wait until morning. It will be great to start my day off by hearing her SCREAM. In fact, I think it would be even better if I catch it and lock inside the bathroom . The problem is, how do I catch a little 3 inch rodent that can run 100mph? Oh boy, I can't wait to hear her scream, HAHAHAHA.
  5. Do You Always Trim Legs No, I like to keep mine hairy.
  6. My wife, every now and again, finds one of my rubber worms in her bed sheets or underwear drawer.
  7. Haha, the funny thing about the video is that only the older adults knew the words.
  8. I'm an Astronaut by day and a Pimp by night.
  9. I wish someone would catch me a small king so I could make some smoked fish dip.
  10. Our Bassresource roadtrip is in Tennessee on Pickwick nxt year, May 2013. That would make a good trip.
  11. it's 875 miles from door step to waters edge. Anyone have a longer trip (driving with boat)?
  12. There are times that I'd much rather dedicate my time to saltwater fishing, both inshore and off. I sold my bass boat back in the early 90's and bought a 24' Aquasport CC. I gave up bass fishing because I got tired of fishing the same local lakes, but the jit skiiers is what pushed me over the edge. I kept one of my Loomis rods for the occasional bass trip, but invested in saltwater reels and built my own trolling, bottom, and inshore rods. I spent a lot of time wading the Indian river for trout and snook. I also did a lot of off shore trolling and reef fishing for snapper and grouper. The best thing about saltwater fishing is you never know what you might catch. I've caught redfish while targeting snook. I've caught dolphin while targeting kings and caught a porpoise while targeting spanish macks. The type of saltwater fishing I was doing is very costly, especially trolling. Rods and reels are basically the same price for salt/fresh but there is ALWAYS something broke on a saltwater boat the needs attention. The salt is a BIT** when it comes to protecting your gear. Gas is expensive, especially if you fuel up at the marina. I sold the Aquasport in the late 90's and went without a boat unil 2006. During my "boatless" time, I targeted snook from the local bridges and inlets. Bass fishing was left for the local neighborhood lakes. I got the itch in 2006 to buy a bass boat to fish small, local tournaments, but wanted one that I could use in salt, without worrying about ruining the beauty of a nice bass boat. I looked at several flats boats but settled on a Tracker. I can use it inshore and for bass. I can also go off shore on calm days for dolphin. I feel bad for those people who have never hooked into a snook, permit or dolphin on lite tackle. Now that I'm getting close to retirement, I'm considering a bass boat to use exclusively for fishing tournaments in the SE states. I would hate to live without being able to bass fish and saltwater fish and doubt I could choose just one. My passion is for fishing, be it salt or fresh.
  13. I think you two knuckleheads have noodles for brains. BUT, I like your enthusiasm and courage (or stupidity). HAHA
  14. Mary Jane?
  15. All of my rods are my favorites, or I wouldn't own them.
  16. All of your local police departments use calibration companies to calibrate their cruisers. Look up a company in the phone book and take your truck to them.
  17. Howard Stern as one of the judges? I don't know how they decided to have Howard as a judge, but he is an absolute trip. He's got me LMAO. Amrican Idol thought Simon Cowell was ruthless, hahaha. Simon can't hold a candle to Howard when it comes to speaking your mind.
  18. I dont the origin but my baseball pitching coach would always say "Can't never could."
  19. I gave my responce on the other two threads asking the same question.
  20. Bass difinately are NOT C&R when it comes to their own. I have caught several bass on live bass. I think bass may prefer their own over shiners, shad and bream. I firmly believe a fish puts out a distress signal that intices others to eat it.
  21. I'm glad you all enjoyed it, I know I did. I did a little research and found a few different variations of the poem, particullary this part "You see he was a soldier, And died just this past year. When a roadside bomb hit his convoy," That phrase has been replaced whith whatever fits the individuals situation. It appears the poem was written for a little girl who unexpectingly lost her father. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading the poem and found it to be very touching.
  22. Raider Nation Fisher, on May 13 2012 - 11:09 PM, said: I fail to see the issue here. All that was changed is the warning interface. I don't recall Glenn or any of the mods saying they were going to change how they are handling things. If anything it sounds as if they are being more lenient. I mean these are the same people that have been running things. The rules are still the same as before are they not? Like I said its just a simple interface change. Geez, why didn't you just say so?
  23. Don't you mean "Gilligan" hat?
  24. Don't worry, Stu. I believe senior citizens get a half off discount. Your warning point only counts as half a point.
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