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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Will you be fishing the Gulf or inland waters? The easiest way to catch some sort of saltwater fish is a simple hook, weight and fresh dead shrimp or squid. A m/h spinning outfit with 10-12 pound mono is very versitile. Slide a 1/2 to 1 ounce egg sinker on your line and tie on a swivel. Attach a 2-3 foot, 15-20 pound mono leader to the swivel. Tie a 1/0 or 2/0 hook to the other end of the leader. That is the most basic rig. I can be of more help if you were going for a specific species. Your best bet would be to go to a local tackle/bait shop nearby to where you will be staying and ask them for advice. I'm sure they will hook you up.
  2. I was pulling for OKC until last nites performance. The Spurs in 6, or maybe 5, if OKC don't step it up a bit. Of course I going with the Heat but Boston might open a can of whoop ars. I hope its OKC and Miami, but I have a feeling it will be the Miami or Boston and the Spurs.
  3. Dead on correst. Over the years, I have learned to somewhat ignore the ratings and go with what feels good.
  4. I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you nean what size rod and reel to use with Senko's? I use a 7.5 foot M/H rod with #10 Yozuri line.
  5. With me, it depends on the time of year. I fish more from boat from late October through April because it's not as HOT down here in S. Florida. From April through September I fish at least 2x month from boat because that's how many tournaments I have each month. Aside from the tournaments, I get out an additional 1-3 times a month to somewhat pre-fish. I guess that's 2-5 times a month from April through September. And 4+ times a month from October to April.
  6. You should have left one that read "1, 2, 3 BOOM!" OR WARNING: Contents infected with Herpes.
  7. Hahaha. That's like when I worked for an aluminum gutter company during the summer in college. The only 2 things I was affraid of were heights and ladders.
  8. American history? You can't even remember when the last time you caught a bass over 2 pounds. How do you expect to learn history, HAHAHAHAHAHA.
  9. Which sounds more appetizing? Sir, would you like to sample our Crappie? Sir, would you like to sample our Croppie? Sir, would you like to sample our Speck?
  10. When will Senkos become a thing of the past?
  11. HaHa, so did I. 1994.
  12. The only reason I'm not right now is because you're far, far, far away from home fighting so your mooshy, kissy, kissy, oh honey bunny I love you, conversation will be tolerated. I take it you two were texting since you noted the times. Please tell me you didn't write the times down everytime one of yall started to talk . Nonetheless, be carefull on that trip when you get back. That's how are made.
  13. one jig one jerkbait one crank bait one swimbait two senko I'm finding myself needing another crankbait rod though.
  14. :lol-045: I'm laughing at K_Mac, not you cgraham0590 . Go with what RW suggested and you can't go wrong.
  15. 85% of my fishing here in S. Florida is around docks so I feel pretty confident with my skills. A lot of good information has been given so far, but I'd like to summarize by pointing out a few key pieces of advice. 1. BrianinMD pointed out to make sure you fish the WHOLE dock, especially the back. I can't count high enough on how many anglers I see fishing a dock but NEVER fish the back. BIG mistake. Don't just skip your bait from the front to the back, but also position your boat next to the shore and flip/toss/pitch/skip or do whatever it takes to cast underneath the dock parralell to shore. 2. Make more than a couple casts around the dock. Sometimes it will take half a dozen tosses to the same pylon or boat lift to entice the fish into biting. 3. Use the trolling motor as little as possible. 4. Don't discount the outer peremiter of the dock. Fish every cast, even the ones that accidently hit the edge of the dock instead of going all the way underneath. I have caught A LOT of bass on goofed up casts. 5. FishinDaddy pointed out to use cranks. Absolutely true. Many people wil throw plastics/jigs an nothing else. Change it up. I will throw 3-4 different baits at the same dock before moving to the next Here's what I do if there are several docks in a row. I usually start out throwing a Senko (just because). If I get no hits or fish after fishing the entire dock then I will throw a crankbait and then a spinnerbait. I will let the spinnerbait sink to the bottom and simply bounce it off the bottom or slow roll it, dragging the bottom. If still no hits, then I move to the next dock and repeat the process. My other way of doing this is I'll fish the same bait at three to five docks in a row. If no hits or fish, then I'll go back to the first dock and throw a cranckbait, moving from dock to dock. When I get to the last dock, I start over again at the firs dock with the spinnerbait. 6. If there are two of us in the boat fishing the docks, then I make sure the guy in the back is throwing a different bait then me until we find what the fish want. These are just a few key things that I do fishing docks but don't limit yourself to just them. Sam and I hit the aENTER button at the same time so I didn't see his post until after I typed mine, but he made some very good points too.
  16. IMO, 2500-3000 is borderline between "needs lots of work" and "just barely acceptable". It may take a while to find the deal, but they're out there. I think you would have a much easier time if you saved a bit and had 3.5k-4.5k to play with.
  17. It's a 35 year old motor. How will do run after 35 yrs?, lol. Sorry I have nothing to offer other than sarcasim.
  18. I understand. I just didn't feel like typing a bunch of different scenarios, lol. I'd ask the guy what he's willing to offer me for the boat since I wasn't considering selling it. If he's offering more than what I know the boats worth, without me "over selling" it and he seems to know what he's talking about, then take the most he'll offer.
  19. Wifey Won't Allow Fishing Boat, But Will Let Me Buy "family" Boat. What Type To Look For? One thast doesn't interfere with what I want to buy with my share of the money that I saved.
  20. Here's two ways of looking at it. 1. A good deal is NOT a good deal if BOTH parties don't benefit. I have a feeling that you know, or can find out, what the boat is really worth, minus sentimental value. Lets pretend the boat value is 1k. Lets pretend the buyer doesn't know as much about boats as you do. You offer the boat for $3500, but then tell the buyer you will give him a great deal at $2900. Now, are you going to sleep good knowing you took advantage of someone? 2. Someone wants to buy your boat but it's not for sale. Make an offer for $3500 (if it's worth 1k) and don't budge below 3k. If the guy buys it, then good for you. It's not your fault the guy is willing to pay a stupid price and doesnt know about current boat prices. Take all you can get because life's too short to be nice. I personally would opt for scenario #1, but you do whatever you want. It's your boat and your heart.
  21. Call TW and I'm sure they will take care of you, or at least tell you the proper procedure for returning. DO NOT use it with the missing insert. You'll end up cutting your line.
  22. Simply AWESOME! How did you get him yo hold the bass? My kid will touch'em but he won't go near the mouth, haha.
  23. My workmate asked me to babysit his kids pet rabbit and 2 hamsters while he took his family on vacation.when my two oldest kids were 5 and 2. That was 17 years ago and the s.o.b still hasn't come to pick'em up, LMAO.
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