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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Really? I've seen Snook caught on Lake O but never a shark. Where did you hear that from?
  2. Who c-rigs the LFMS? How are you rigging them, what type hook? Thanks.
  3. Dark Shadows- 3/5 stars. I was expecting something different than what the movie really was. It was comedy/horror, but not scary. Nothing really like the original t.v series. Johnny Depp was very good and out acted everyone else. I didn't mind spending the 20 bucks on tickets for the wife and me. Battleship- 1/5 stars The previews for this movie started more than 6 months ago and I couldn't wait for it to come out- looked promising. The wife and I went to see it tonight. I was dissapointed. The acting was HORRIBLE. Even the popcorn was bad. Liam Neeson was the most experienced actor but his scenes were limited. I believe Chuck Norris could have done a better acting job then most of the cast. Save your money, not even worthy of pay per view. Wait for HBO. Next week will either be The Avengers or Snow White and the Huntsman.
  4. My trainee accidently drank out of my spit cup the other day. Yea, he was hating me and life for about half hour.
  5. The grandmother of one of my co-workers was the owner of Wich Hazel. He fishes the pro kingfish circuit.
  6. Haha, good luck. I thought I'd try the chew after I went 6 months without dip. I thought I could have a chew or two and not have the urge like I did with dip. WRONG. Chew is just as addicting.
  7. I was thinking about it, but I already have two warnings under my name.
  8. Chew is easier on the gums and lip.
  9. Ok, I understand what you were trying to explain in your op now. I misunderstood. My friend and I were just discussing the same thing the other day while waiting to take off for our tourny. I was telling him that the crankbait bite should be good. We were talking about how cool it would be if KVD visited our lake for a cuple days and did nothing but throw cranks. I would love to see how he locates the fish and how to choose the right crank.
  10. IMO, i think your wrong. The pros he selected weren't born with sponsors or a boat tied to their cribs. They started out bank fishjing also. Do you think you would be just as good as them if you had their boat, electronics, gear and sponsors? Probably not. RW pretty much nailed it on the head with his post. Shore fishing or from a boat, it would be a slaughter.
  11. You have to click link under bridg photo that says "CLICK HERE FOR PITURES OF FACE" Duhhhhhh, lol.
  12. Skoal from 17-39. Redman Golden Blend from 39 to present, 45. I quit cold turkey for 6 months, that's when I went from Skoal to Redman. Chew deffinately stains the teeth more than dip.
  13. http://929nin.com/police-shot-and-killed-a-naked-man-who-was-eating-a-homeless-guys-face/
  14. Absolutely 100% dead on.
  15. I bet a pack of worms he waxes his chest, or atleast shaves it. HAHAHA
  16. I knew someone was going to say that, HAHAHA. I just listen to the girls but have never bought anything from there. My wife buys the lotion. The years of sun exposure has ruined my once delicate, fine skin.
  17. Wassup up Red? Congrats on the home purchase. Don't forget to break in the the kitchen counter by cleaning a mess of fish on it.
  18. Alcohol will dry out your skin. Use a nice body lotion. I prefer non scented. Go to the make up counter in the mall, such as Clinique, and ask the ladies for a good lotion for men. They'll help ya out better than us scaley fisherman. You also might want to get soap designed just for the face. Dial makes a pretty good face soap. BTW, are you turning metro sexual on us?
  19. They are pros for a reason and that's because they're PROS. You are asking for three three people to fish your lake for one day so you can gauge your success based on their results. You should compete against yourself and see if you can improve on your own totals. If you caught 3 yesterday and only 1 today, then you flat out suck today. But if you caught more than 3 today then your the BOMB!
  20. Hahaha. There was only 3 minutes left before I had to make the short run back to the boat ramp for weigh-in or face disqualification for being late. I had hundreds and hundreds, if not a thousand, dollars in tackle neatly stowed on the boat. I had dozens of Lucky Crafts, War Eagles, MegaBass, Culprits, Anacondas, Dirty jigs and Lake Fork swimbaits, but there I was, flashlite stuck between my teeth, desperately crawling around the bottom of the boat on my hands and knees trying to find a salvagable Senko. I had finally found the fish and was in panic mode to cull my last dink. Six fully rigged rods with various baits lay on the deck, ready to do their job, begging to be given a chance. I just couldn't bring myself to use anything other than a Senko. "Come on, hurry up and find one" I kept yelling to myself. Time was running out but I didn't care. My mind was made up that I would waste the remainder of the tournament looking for a torn up Senko instead of throwing something else. For a moment, I understood just how an addict felt in search of their next fix. I needed a Senko and I needed one bad! My alarm sounded and it was time to head to the ramp. I had just spent 3 minutes of prime fishing by searching for the least torn up shredded Senko that I could find to no avail. I missed the money by THREE louzy ounces.
  21. Use the egg sinker when you're using cut bait or live bait. You can also free line your live bait (without sinker). When using the Flukes like SirSnook advised, you don't need the egg sinker. The only weight you need with the Fluke is the jig head.
  22. Hey Eric, I think I saw you on T.V. Were you wearing a white shirt, sitting in between two people who were also wearing white shirts? Yep, that's you.
  23. Great catches and I like the looks of your custom rod. My brother is on a business trip to Seattle and is going on a Halibut trip before coming home.
  24. Have a marshmallow roast.
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