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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I have a transom saver that came with my boat from the dealer also. I would think that if there was no bracket to keep the motor from bouncing while transporting it then you should get one. I'm not a 100% on that so keep asking around.
  2. I bank fished this evening and caught a 2 3/4 LB on my first cast. A few minutes later I got a 3 LB'r and about 15 minutes later I got this 6 1/2. Ended up catching about 12 fish but these three were the nicest.
  3. I have one. Very nice reel but for some reason I like my Curado better. The zillion is smooth and cast very good. I guess I'm just use to my Curado. I/m sure as I use the Zillion more I will cahnge my opinion. Buy it and if you dont like it then I'll swap my new Phleuger Supreme for it.
  4. Freshawater rods go on this one. BPS has it and it's not expensive, under 50 I believe. My salwter rods are too fat to fit on it though.
  5. Got 18. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. Yea. My 1st time hooking myself. The Bass was actualy still in the other treble hook when this happened which realy made it dificult trying to take him off. I don't know how I woulda takin him off if I was by myself.
  7. This was at the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge in Boynton Bch, Fl. We were only out for about an hour 1/2. He was more interested in wanting to drive the boat for the first time. The fish were shacked up under the Hydrila. He wasn't into to flipping........
  8. That's my storm chug bug. Awsome plug. Hey Avid, You ever go snook fishing. Look at my post under "other species". Wanna go ?
  9. The date on the camera phone wasn't set but not a bad way to start the Snook season.
  10. This plug worked great but caught the wrong species..
  11. Thanks to LBH I think Ilearned how to post pictures. My son after his lunch..
  12. Thanks a million LBH!!!! I'm gonna try and do everything you told me and post some more pics......
  13. Will someone please come over and show me how to transfer my pictures befpore I throw this Casio digital camera/video camera that my wife bought me for x-mas into the lake. And yes I followed the instructions on here but I can't figure how reduce the KB to 150. LOL, she just read what I typed and said I better not invite strangers over. I told her it's my camera, computer and house........
  14. Thanks for all the concern. I'm in in south Fl., doing just fine. Very windy though. North and central Fl not doing so good.
  15. BaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
  16. Palm Beach..
  17. Where you fishing at 0119 ?
  18. Thanks for the input. IMO these reels are very strong and durable. If it weren't for them being round and not fit in my hand as well as the low profile ones then I'D probaly have 5 more. I believe I will keep mine and use it for heavy flipping.
  19. Does anyone on here go Snookin or is this a freswater site only ?
  20. Nice job. I had to put a jacket on and crawl under the blanket just to keep viewing the photos. It's 65 out and the wife has the heater on......
  21. Was just wondering if anyone uses the Shimano Calcutta for bass. I have the the 700, 300TE and the 250. I use the 700 and 300 for snook fishing. I never had a need for many Bass reels so I always used the 250 until i just recently bought a bass boat. So of course I had to stock up on bass reels. I now have Curado, Diawa Zillion and Sol as well as Phlueger Supreme. These reels fit my hand much better than the Calcutta and are alot lighter. The Calcutta is hard to part with but I want another Curado, I can't buy it unless I sell my Calcutta. I don't know where i'm going with this thread cause it's late and I'm tired. I guess I'm trying to justify to myself that Calcuttas arent practical for bass fishing so I'll sell it but I having hard time to part with it.
  22. And people put their hands in those kind of holes to grab catfish...Helllllllll noooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  23. Flying and eating off someone elses plate. I lick my wifes toes gut wont drink or eat off her plate or fork....
  24. Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the woods when she saw the big bad wolf crouched down behind a log." My, what big ears you have", Little Red Riding Hood said to the wolf. The wolf, being disappointed, jumped to his feet and ran off. As Little Red Riding Hood continued through the woods she again saw the big bad wolf crouched down behind some bushes. "My, what big eys you have", Little Red Riding Hood said to the wolf. The wolf, getting aggravated, jumped to his feet and ran off. As Little Red Riding Hood went deeper into the woods she saw the big bad wolf was crouched down behind a rock. "My, what big teeth you have", she said to the wolf. The wolf, now furious, jumped to his feet and said to Little Red Riding Hood, "Will you knock that off. I'm trying to take a crap."
  25. Thanks for all the help. I have 17lb P-line flourocarbon on myCurado200 worm/jig rof. Diam is 0.39mm and cost $22 for 250yds. I have P-line flouroclear 15lb on my Diawa Zillion I use with senkos/spinnerbaits and other plugs. Diam .36mm I have P-line flouroclear 12 on my Diawa Sol I use mainly for small crankbaits Diam is .31mm. $12 for 300 yrds. I'm gonna start over and reline my reels since its been almost 2 months(roughly 40 hrs fishing) and not mix match my lures on different reels to see what happens. I used to fish Suffix which wasn't too bad before P-line but I'm gonna try P-line again. Just way tooooo many lines out there. Saltwater was much easier, ALWAYS ANDE.......
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