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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Very nice. Nothing like a blow out to boost your confidence.
  2. Nice catch. Glad you got out and had some fun. Wheres the water at though ?
  3. I scored 60..That darn cow with all the beef questions skunked me. And I love beef........
  4. Thank you for the prayers. Get out and go fishing when you can. Best time is anytime.....
  5. Avid, You are a true CHAMPION.
  6. When is the deadline for the pics. I want to send you some new ones but I have to take them first. Won't be hard to send in some good pics.....
  7. this questioned was asked earlier. look under this same section but titled "where do you keep your rods when not using them?" was asked by Gar-bvalls on Feb 05.
  8. Geeee, you people are lucky! I know your lakes are frozen and the ground is covered with snow. I can only imagine how difficult it is to move around while outdoors. But listening to you all describe the different kinds of birds and animals along with the changing of the seasons makes me want to leave home and head your way. I'm in S.Florida and have never seen snow. The only time the leaves change color on my trees is when I dont water them and they go from green to brown. If a deer wondered into my backyard I'm sure one of my neighbors would mistake it for a rabbid dog or something. Don't get me wrong though. There are many good sites in my area to be thankful for. I just think it's cool how we live in the same country and perhaps only 6-15 hours of driving away from eachother yet it seems as we are on different continents.
  9. Way to catch'em! The weather has changed dramaticaly this week but I'm glad it hasn't kept you inside. And never go fishing on an empty stomach lol>>>>>>>>>
  10. that was great troutfisher. I do hope yall get some warm weather sooooooon.
  11. I just spent the last 5 days in the hospital for a heart problem which the doctors think they corrected. It sucked not being able to log on and read everyones stories. The hospital staff wouldn't let me use the hospital computer. I got home yesterday and confined myself to the bed and most of today reading yalls posts and got the bug to go fishing. The weather had dropped here in S. Florida to the mid 50's so I begged the wife to drive me to the lake for some fishing time. I told her it was the best medicine. I managed to catch three before I started to feel bad and had to leave. They aren't big but it was great being able to get out. I don't know how you people up north manage to survive winter time with frozen lakes and not being able to fish. All were caught on Chug Bug.
  12. Thanks Dan. I put it on my birthday list.
  13. I have a brand new 19' Tracker with a plastic tank as well.. I also smell the fumes when I open the hatches. It is srongest in the hatch that contains the tank and not so obvious in other hatches. I cant smell it when the hatches are closed.
  14. I use a zoom speed craw,watermelon. I go through 1 bag almost every trip. They tear easy.
  15. Hahahaha. Someone needs to invent a camera that lets you view your picture from both sides of the camera because I cant tell if the fish is in the picture when doin it yourself.
  16. http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s295/bassman_023/0209072.jpg http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s295/bassman_023/2-9-07-1.jpg http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s295/bassman_023/02-09-07.jpg I caught these on a Storm Chug Bug this evening. The same one that I caught my finger with, hahaha. The bass in the dark picture, forgot the flash, weighed out at 4lbs.
  17. I left the resteraunt feeling sick but after reading about your lost I think I'm going to puke. Seriously, I feel ill thinking you lost a rod. Especially a Loomis. Were you fishing in Palm Beach? If so, I'll come help you look for it. We'll drag the lake. I enjoy night fishing but I like to do it with a full moon so I can see better. Pith black sky makes it difficult. I won't take my boat out on lakes at night unless I know the lake very well. (unless I'm snook fishing then I'll go anytime)> I'm looking for a jon boat to rig for the lakes around my neighborhood. I wasnt to rid it with deck lights and possibly a bow light.....
  18. I got these today from 5-6 pm.I was fishing private lakes that used to be fishable by anyone who wanted to trek offroad to get to them. Now they went and built a development around the lakes imaking them private. So now I have retired people who just moved to the area from out of state telling me I can't fish in their community even though I lived here all my life. NOT..........I'm fishing darn it.....
  19. and this one..
  20. Sorry you all had such a bad day. I wasn't going to post these but I suppose I will just to rub it in. LOL ..I caught 7 from 5:15 to 6:00 pm. Avid, I want to appologize for making jokes about your photographing capabilities. I asked you in another one of your posts if something ate the bottom part of your fish because you only had a head shot of it. Well, I tried to photgraph these by myself and now I know how hard it is. I was only bustin your chops which I'm sure you didn't take it personal.
  21. low 70's here in Palm Beach, Florida.(south)... Wore shorts this evening and caught 7 bass....
  22. LBH, it came off a bridge. I use #30 ande mono and #60 flourocarbon leader with a 5/0 live bait hook. I use a bridge gaff to get it up. It's a weighted snag hook tied to a long rope. You can hook the fish in the lip and pull her up.
  23. nice fish Avid. The head anyway. What happened to the rest? hahahaha
  24. The lake is agout 25 yrs old. The houses you see in the background were just recently built.
  25. It was getting pretty cool down here too. I was getting goose bumps as the sun went down cause it dropped to the low 70's. After I caught her I raised my rod to north and said " this one is for all you norherners".. Hoped it helped a little.
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