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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. My 4 yr old never had the "terrible twos" or threes. He was a perfect angel and NEVER gave his mom and me any trouble. He is now 4 years old and lately has begun to be a real pain in the ars, which I'm almost certain I know why, but that's another story that has to do with my in-laws who like to spoil. The wife and I go out to breakfast this morning. I park the truck and open the back doors. I tell our son to go ahead and unbuckle his seatbelt and get out. The little sht looked straight at me and said "I don't think so. I'm NOT going!" With a very calm, soft voice, I said "Don't talk to me like that. Come on, lets go." LOL, he crosses his arms and turns his head away from me. I bit my lip and said "Son, I'm going to count to 3 and you had better be out of this truck. If not, then I'm going to spank you." I counted to three and he completely ignored me. It broke my heart, but I reached in, unbuckled the seatbelt and snatched his ars out of his seat. I stood him up in the parkining lot and gave him four, fast swats on the ars with my hand. He fought back the tears for about 5 seconds. Just as he started to cry from hurting his feelings (not from the ars pain, he was wearing a padded pull up.) I heard a voice from the next isle over. The voice was coming from a lady who said "I just saw you hit that kid and I'm calling the cops if you do it again." I replied "Mind your own business, you old hag." LMAO, My wife looks at me and says "really babe, Old Hag?" LOL, the lady was about 45 yrs old and I didn't want to say what I really wanted to call her so, for some reason, Old Hag is the first thing that popped into my head. Anyway, does anyone spank their kids? Is anyone dead set against corporal punishment? By the way, my son was the most perfect gentleman for the rest of the day.
  2. Yea, you shoulda got the M/H. Send the rod back and get a 7'11 m/h rod. I just got the Powell 7'11 and paired it with my Calcutta 100 TeDC and #10 mono. I can cast the Lucky Craft 20' diver a country mile. The rod handles it well.
  3. You're not ignorant, just a NEWBIE, lol. The small fish you see could be a number of different species. You said "minnows" and confirmed it to be saltwater. The minnows are refered to as glass minnows, at least here in Florida. You need a cast net to catch'em. Specifically, a glass minow cast net. The glass minnow cast net has tiny, 3/16 inch holes, as apposed to a regular cast net at 1/4-1/2 inch mesh. Click this link to see what a glass minnow looks like. Are they the same you see around your dock? http://www.google.co...O-hz-wfBkn_8FXQ Here's a cast net picture. You can find some for less than 100 bucks. http://www.google.co...DcpJ0n68ZTgkutA The Sabiki rig won't catch true glass minnows. Get a cast net.
  4. I'm kind of confused. You mentioned minnow and blue fish in the same body of water. I refer to minnows as freshwater bait, anywhere from1-2 inches long. I think of blue fish as being the toothy saltwater critter that fllod our beaches every winter here in S. Florida. If you're talking about the freshwater minnows, then perhaps I can help. Get rid of that trap and buy a minnow net, looks loke a swimming pool net you use to clean the pool. all you need to do is just scoop up the minnows. It's so easy that a 5 year old can do it. Are you sure you don't mean shad or shiners?
  5. That's odd, I had the same dream, but I was standing behind her trying to teach her how to hold a pool cue.
  6. What's the Rage rig?
  7. The best part of college ball is watching the dreams of half the teams go down the tube during the first 2-3 weeks.
  8. The Heat are so hot and cold that I wouldn't ever put money on them or on a single game anyway. I'm cheering for the Heat but they can really pisss me off at times.
  9. If that is your only rod, then I suggest you save for a longer rod.
  10. Hey Mike, My wife is from Chile' and has several family members living there. I wonder if they know your family members. Sht, I hope we aint related by marriage.
  11. Nope, wasnt birthday money. I'm used to it though, haha. He's a good kid, just 19 and always broke.
  12. Grass shrimp work well for bass and pan fish. Saltwater shrimp won't survive in freshwater but make good catfish bait.
  13. The only thing coke will do is give it a sugar high and cause it to swim circles in the baitwell, lol.
  14. X3 Check with your credit union next time. Sometimes they can give you a better deal on the extended warranty. I seriously doubt you're getting a 7 year warranty for 2400 bucks on a car that's already 5 years old, assuming you bought it new. I just asked my wife, who works at a credit union and sells extended warranties. LOL, She said VW's fall apart easily. She said it's extended by 2 years to give you a total of 7 years. She said make sure you get a list of EVERYTHING that is covered. At times, extended warranties don't cover everything the factory warranty covered.
  15. Haha, lmao. My middle son came over to wish me Happy Father's Day and give me a hug. He hit me up for 100 bucks before leaving. Then, as he was walking out, he asked if I had any extra toilet paper. I said "why, you gona sht on the way home?" He said "no, im out of TP at home." So, aside from the 100 bucks, he also took 3 rolls of TP home. Kids are Grrrrreat!.
  16. My wife finds a grub or used Senko under her pillow or toilet lid every now and again, haha.
  17. Happy Father's Dat to all. The best gift I got was my son waking me up with a kiss and hug. I just cut up some watermelon for a snack and he and I are headed to the pool so I can continue with his swim lessons. The wife got me 6 pair of shorts, 2 jeans and 5 shirts with her bonus money, but now she's broke so I have to give her an allowance, lol. Isn't marriage great, hahaha. I spoiled myself with a new 7'11 Powell cranking rod, a couple LC cranks, spool of Yozuri and a couple pair of Clark's shoes. Rod and tackle should be here Tuesday, just in time for Thursday's tournament.
  18. Yep, on every trip. Why? Because I don't want to leave it in the car so it can be stolen.
  19. I tend to agree with SirSnook in that I believe taxes are based on your total income from all jobs. You're not entitled to certain benefits working part time, but your going to pay the same in taxes because your making the same money in both scenarios. (I think). Is this your way of trying to circumvent the system? Hahaha, good luck!
  20. LOL, that's better. I'm glad your brain is functioning properly, but I still have no clue about taxes.
  21. You were probably (note: I said PROBABLY) a good worker and they hated to get rid of ya. Losing you may have hurt their feelings. Just let it go and be nice if you ever seem them again. Sht happens.
  22. First, let's get this straight. You quit a job that pays $10 an hour and you worked a 40 hour week. = $400 Now you work 2 jobs that pay $5 an hour and 40 hours a week each. =$400, but you work twice the time. Forget the tax question and get your brain checked, HAHAHAHA. I have no clue about taxes, sorry. .
  23. It's better to be pssd off then pssd on, HAHA. Congrats on your new job.
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