Dang bluecraw, You make me sick looking at it the way you put it. I spent about 40k on chew since i started. And thats without interest. Plaese don't add up all the sodas and candy bars
LOL. It's ok Dude. I start back to work tomorrow so no more evening fishing for me till my days off. I got spoiled over the past few weeks. But then again, vacation is coming up April 1st for 2 weeks. Yahoooooooo.
Thanx.. The pond leads to a little 200yd canal that opens into about 1000 acre lake. They are dredging a portion of the big lake to make it 4ft deeper to help with the drainage so the water has been muddy.
I bought them and used"em only once for about 30 minutes. no luck. I think they were worth the money cause they scare the hell out of the wife. I'm gonna try'em again soon though. They sure look good going through the water.
Hmmmmm. Your line shouldn't cut into the spool. Is it possible the tension knob for the spool is too lose causing the spool to move away from the frame. This will allow line to get caught inside the spool. Usualy if the spool is so lose for this to happen you will backlash every cast.
Caught about 7 this evening on cranks, traps and spinner baits. They were all between 1-2 pounds. Nothing big but good time. And to Westpalmdude, sorry you couldn't make it out.......
I'm doing it! I AINT giving up. The wife bought me 2 bags of jolly ranchers, bag of life savers and seeds. Hope I won't need the dentist with all the junk. LOL.....
The manufacurer would never know you changed it. As far as they know the dealership mechanic couldnt figure it out and made it worse. See what a beer can do !!!!!!!!
Congratulations. I hope you have many great trips with her. But dont start cleaning her up until you do your chores and bring the wife home some flowers.
I quit chewing for six months cold turkey. Missed it every now and again but the craving was gone until I was at work and had to take the boat out. One of my workmates had a bag of Levi Garrett. I thought I was strong and could have a little bit without the consequences. Boy was I wrong. 6 months of HARD work down the drain. That was 5 yrs ago and been doing ever since until 2 days ago.
Mine wont even go for a boat ride. She Never complains about me going whenever I want and as long as I want but she dont like goin with me. Took her snook fishing once and she started bugging me to go home before I could even catch bait.
LOl muddy. I gave up smokes for chew. I think chew is way more powerful . And yea I do the seeds also I went through a bag of seeds, pack of gum and 2 tootsie roll loli pops.
Thanks for all the help. I just finished dinner and told the wife I needed a chew or I was going to freaking bounce off the walls.. She said "NO". I think I slept all of 3 hours last night and the hardest part was going fishing today without any SKOAL...MAn the withdrawls are horrible but I'm not going to give up. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!
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