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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I'm a Deputy Sheriif. !0 more years till I can party like the rest of ya.
  2. i carry the Glock 22 40cal. But a lighter backup i carry a smith wesson airweight revolver. Very light and fits comfortably in my shorts pocket unnoticeably.....
  3. Who cares if it's the beer talking. Beer is the only acceptable excuse for taking home the ugly ones......
  4. Bass taste like BASS. DUH.... They are not bony or greasy/oily. Speck or saltwater fish I think are much better but nothing wrong at all with bass. I stay away from eating golf course bass, neighborhood ponds or dainage canals fish.
  5. I aint got a clue what your talking about . How did you fit a ram into your computer anyway ? And why arent you ?
  6. It seems the harder you look the less likely you will find. Don't think of it as hunting. Just go about your day and let it happen. If you can't just let it happen (takes time) then try this. Go to your local grocery store in the A.M during the week, many woman shop at that time. If you approach 10 woman a day for a week and just strike up a conversation I gaurantee you will get lucky with a 1 hour fling or maybe even a 2nd date. OR get slapped 50 times, HAHAHA. REMEMBER, girls are no different then men. They have needs too and at the right time and right place everyone is vulnerable. If all else fails then there is laways the CHICKEN farm.. P.S Don't forget to and take a
  7. Think a gallon of gas is expensive? This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective. Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ... $10.32 per gallon Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ...... ....$9.52 per gallon Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 .... $10.17 per gallon Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 ......... $10.00 per gallon Brake Fluid 12 oz $315 ........ $33.60 per gallon Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 .. $178.13 per gallon Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 .. $123.20 per gallon Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ....... . $25.42 per gallon Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 .....$84.48 per gallon And this is the REAL KICKER... Evian water 9 oz $1.49..........$21.19 per gallon! $21.19 for WATER and the buyers don't even know the source. (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.) Ever wonder why computer printers are so cheap? So they have you hooked for the ink. Someone calculated the cost of the ink at............... you won't believe it................... but it is true........................ $5,200 a gal. (five thousand two hundred dollars) So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, Nyquil or God forbid, Printer Ink!!!!!
  8. Thought you might need a good laugh today. This should do it. I was at the mall the other day eating at the food court. I noticed an old man watching a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange, and blue. The old man kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find the old man staring every time. When the teenager had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter, never done anything wild in your life?" The old man did not bat an eye in his response, "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son."
  9. That's right! There is a part 2. First I'd like to thank "redneckriot" for consuming 2 weeks of my down time trying to beat part one. I finaly beat it though. This quiz was harder than trying to catch a limit of LM's on the day of a massive cold front. I will post the site to part 2 as soon as I can figure out how to transfer it onto here. P.S. Here is a clue to part 1. You have to save all your skips in order to finish the last question.
  10. Thanks Muddy, Senile, and LBH. It is much better now. Good thing we dont need computers to catch fish......
  11. What comes around goes around. Awsome...
  12. Ok redneck. You got me doing this #$%$^&^ game and now I can't quit. Please help on 56 or i'm going to give you t he fishing curse for a month.
  13. Thanks senile. And dont be offended Glenn. I stuck it in general because I had no clue where to put it, knowing you would find the best home for it.
  14. You may be correct roadwarrior but I think your request for puntuation and paragraphs would be like getting everyone on here to give up their secret honey hole.
  15. This will more than likely get moved or deleted but I was wondering if anyone else has a hard time reading posts on here. I realy enjoy the site and have learned a great deal from many a different members, but I have a hard time reading posts longer than 5 lines or so before my eyes start bouncing around. Don't know if its the tan background or not enough space between lines or just me. I'm not trying to bit** or complain but is there any way to make more space between lines on long posts to make reading easier?
  16. you could always go to the RUB-n-TUG. Dont have to worry about conversation there.
  17. thanks alot redneck, now i've added another must do to my to do list.
  18. Has anyone been snookin since the season opened ? I haven't been in a while due to an illness but plan on going soon as the tide is right. I fish in Palm Beach and was wondering what you all have been using, Artificial or live bait. Any mullet around ?
  19. let me guess, they built a golf course around your favorite lake and made it members only to golf and membership is 3x your yearly salary. I say HAPPY FISHING. Try topwater such as a Chugbug or other noise maker.
  20. True Trespass story that happened yesterday. I took my son fishing on Federal Property yesterday. Part of the land you are allowed to fish and the other part is FORBIDDEN. You pretty much need a boat to fish the part you're allowed to fish. The other part though is set up for bird watchers, site seers and tourists. You can walk the banks and see MONSTER bass. Well, I decided to try it. Couldnt resist. It was an hour before dark and only 2 other cars were visiting. I couldnt even see any people around. Just as i'm reaching into my truck for my pishin rod, out pops the MAN. He saked what we were doing and I looked at my 17 yr old son like it was his idea to be here. I said "huh nothing." He asked if we were planning on fishing since he seen the rods in my truck I said " Heck no. You can't fish here, can you ?" He laughed at me......I asked what the penalty would be if caught and he said for the 1st offense it would be a $75. ticket, the 2nd would be a court date and $250. fine. Well I can tell ya this. I WILL BE THERE AGAIN taking my chances. The lunkers that lurk in those waters are worth the $75. Of course I would NEVER keep any, only pictures. I do feel horrible though allowing my son to be a part of breaking the law.
  21. Trespassing is only a misdameanor uless it's a construction site or you are armed. I was born and grew up in south Florida and have been run out of about every decent fishing hole due to developers and new communities. Most of the communities are occupied by people who moved here from outta state and never even seen a live fish. I trespass and stand in there backyard all day long till challenged. It seems as though the only freshwater I can fish now is the run off canals. I can also tell ya this, anyone who shoots a trespasser for fishing is going to have a lot worse day in court than the trespasser.
  22. Imus may have been wrong with what he said but the A/A population has said alot worse but you dont hear al sharpten or jesse jackson speaking up. Those two just like being the focus of attention. Also, how many of those basketball plpayers heard the comment live. Yea he was wrong to say it but there are also white girls on that team. I dont hear white leaders crying . We have Black entertainment television. Y dont we have white entertainment television. How do you turn nappy headed hos into racism anyway? give me a break.
  23. Well it has been 8 days since I threw the can out. For me it was a tough 3 days getting over the initial shock of not having a chew after dinner or when fishing. Fishing w/out chew has to be the hardest to refrain from though. To make it worse, I was served more child support papers from my ex-wife. She said she desreves a raise since I had one. I paid that @#$@$ 1k every month for 12 yrs w/out ever being late and all she wants is more. Now I'm venting, Sorry. Anyway, I did try one pinch from can I found in my truck that I forgot was there. Kept the chew in for like 2 minutes and spit it out. The craving is gone but I do miss it sometimes. Like when I'm fishing. This sounds silly but I feel as though I'm going to get mouth cancer now that I quit.
  24. Never fished off the pier but have fished many other of places on lake "O" for speck. Okeetantee (sp?) is a hot spot.
  25. Dang Hale, did you lose your rod after I left? You shoulda called me and I woulda found you guys to help look for it. First Avid and now you. That sucks. We did have a good day though.(as far as catching fish goes).. My partner and I boated 12 fish in about 2 hours but our biggest was only 3.5 pounds. Missed quite a few that were decent. Sorry about all your gear too. When I started to read this post I thought you were going to say your truck had been stolen after I called to tell ya it was okay when I left. Will your insurance cover any of the losses?
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