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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. That's too cool. It is like you were sent by some mysterious force to go fish at that particular time and spot just to catch and help that fish out.
  2. May thru September. Days I'm off work= 5:30 pm - 12:30am. Days I work= 11:00pm - 3:00am... Rest of the year ? whenever I have time.
  3. LMAO.......
  4. I use them alot for saltwater species, mostly live bait. I've only used them with Senkos for freshwater. Just remember that all you have to do is just reel when you get the hit. no need to "set" up.
  5. I think LBH and Valascus summed this up qiute well.. I got the same impression as you did LBH....I think the killing of the turtle was nothing more than someone had nothing better to do and was out screwing around. I can't imagine how much of a nuisance a turtle could be, But if i had to get rid of it then it would be more of a challenge and fun to try n catch it to relocate it than kill it. Just imagine if we could kill another human just cause they were a nuissance.
  6. Nice fish Dan. How many jobs did you go through until you found a boss who had a nice pond, LOL...
  7. Sorry Avid but I totaly disagree. Learning to worm fish by feel rather than line watching is much more valuable. Even if your just starting out. I can feel hits on the downfall and while the worm is at rest on the bottom. I've taught myself to feel the line against my finger as i hold the reel. When the fish hits, I can feel the weight of the fish and tell you what direction he is swimming (most of the time) with my eyes closed. Too me. watching the line move across the water means you have too much slack and are probaly missing alot of bites.
  8. Catt is obviously a worm fisherman. Learn to rely on feel, not line movement. Once your brain comprehends the line is moving and you reel the slack in, chances are the fish is either gut hooked or will spit the bait. I rely soly on feel. Even if the worm is on bottom and i have a little slack in the line, I can still FEEL the bump. This is where a good sensitive rod and line come into play.
  9. It sounds like you are letting the fish run too much. Try doing a 3 second count after the bass picks up the worm and then set the hook. If your not sure the bass has the worm or is just pecking at it, then take up the slack and try to learn to feel the weight of the fish on the end of the line without pulling the worm away from the fish before he consumes it. This is where a sensitive rod and line come into play. The best way for me to worm fish and avoid gut hooks is to rely more on feel rather than watching your line.
  10. Very nice fish T-rig. I think spinnerbaits are lots of fun catching bass on.
  11. Thanks Jason and the rest of ya. T-Rig- It's a floating Rapala about 5 inches in length. I'm not sure of the model but they been around for decades. Has 3 trebels on it.. Lightningrod- I'm somewhat impressed with the Sol. It's far from a power reel but I use it exclusively for small cranks and topwater. I have it paired with a 7' G-Loomis Greenwater.
  12. Okay, finaly got this picture to post after hours of trying to remember. I caught her yesterday (07-03-07) on a topwater Rapala, gold w/gold top.....
  13. Nice fish lightning. And talking about De ja vue.... About 7pm (same day as yours) I caught one about 1 lb on a R.trap. I tied on a Rapala topwater, Gold with blk top and caught one 6lbs. I swear it was identicle to yours. I'm trying to post it but I forgot how to transfer pictures.....
  14. I agrre with catt. I have a 19' tracker and a 10' john. Don't have a problem anchoring unless its real windy and all i use is a 10 lb mushroom anchor. The 7 to 1 or 10 to 1 rule I think applies mostly in saltwater where you have strong currents. try6 a different kind of anchor. If my 10 lb mushroom won't hold my john in 5-15' of water with 25' of rope then it tooooo darn windy to fish. out of a john anyway.
  15. Iv'e been nightfishing quite a bit last few months. I go 2 hours before dark and stay about 4 hours after dark. I catch bigger4 fish before the sun goes down but i seem to catch more when it gets dark. When it's dark i fish 8' black worm in 3-15 ft of water or flip a jig in the hydrilla/ pads. I also use a chug bug but the worm has produced more.
  16. Thanks for the replies and especially for the article Jig Man. I've been fishing that rig for years in saltwater but never thought of modifying it for bass.
  17. How do you rig the drop shot ? What size weight do you use ? What type of worm/plastic ? Spinning or baitcasting and what size line. Will it work with a grassy bottom( grass comes up about 3-7 feet off bottom) or is it better on hard bottom? Do you use 1, 2 or 3 baits at same time? Any help is appreciated.
  18. I bought them several months ago and don't like them. They are very realistic and work great scaring the shi@ out of the wife but I haven't caught a thing on them. They don't cast very well at all. I used a 7.5 m/h spinning rod with 20 lb braid on a stradic reel. I also used a 7' med with my curado & 15 lb mono. They are difficult to control when casting and I think because they are lond and flimsy that you get too much air resistant. I suppose they will produce if you dedicate a whole day fishing them in the right conditions but I catch too many nice fish on the worm, senko, cranks and spinner baits to fool with these things... And they are not new. I believe someone came out with something similar in the 60's or 70's.
  19. Really like the fish and.....your partner. Wink She looks like she could take care of herself. Cool Dan I think that's a he? Grin Grin Well, I give up. Is she a she or is she a he ?
  20. Four hours of fishing with only four bites in the middle of the day with 98 degree heat. Okay, be honest.... your trying to lose weight or you got kicked outta the house and have nothing to do. Man your hardcore......Nice fish though considering all the sweat that went into it........
  21. i'm going speck fishing tonight. I use live minnows and fish a hole about 15-25 feet deep. I'll set the cork about 8-12 feet deep. I'll use a lantern to hand over the water or floating lights to attract baitfish and the speck.
  22. nice fish but the background is making me sick.
  23. I use my calcutta, strdic spinner all the time for fresh and salt. just make sure you rinse them good after each saltwater use, I was told DO NOT use the Diawa Sol in saltwater though. Will screw it up big time.
  24. Have you ever tried using a 4/0 spooled with 80 lb on a 9 foot bridge rod (used for snook fishing) for bass fishing? Me either, but with an eight ounce sinker tied to the end of the line makes a great detrent fot jet skiiers.
  25. 6 a.m? What's the matter George, you need a sleeping pill? It is now 1224 pm and I just finished my breakfast. Cheerios and fruit.
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