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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Well, I returned my new Revo SX that blew up while putting line on it to BPS. They gave me store credit with no questions asked. The clerk from the reel dept. said he has not had a Revo returned yet, much less with a blown sidecap and spool. I fingered the Revo STX and the Curado 100dsv for about 30 minutes comparing them. I went with the Curado since I already have the 200DHSV and know how dependable they are. What made my mind up was the Curado is an ounce lighter than the STX and it is also made for saltwater which the STX isn't. I like to trout and redfish also. It was only $50 more than the SX and same price as the STX. But I didn't get off that cheap. I told the clerk to ring up the difference when all of a sudden out of the blue came this darn monkey hauling tail down the isle straight towards me. That darn bait monkey grabbed me by the ear and drug me over to the tackle isle. $137 later and this is what I ended up with...
  2. Ditto. Wow, I guess I stirred the bee hive with this one. I love Loomis and I bought another one yesterday in addition to the replacement. There are many good fishing rod manufacturers out there and I too have several different kinds of rods. Well, not really. For bass I have Loomis, St.Croix and Hurricane Red Bone( which is the best rod I've ever used for $78, at Sports Authority) I've built rods for years and marketed them at tackle shops. I built on Loomis blanks, St. Croix and others. I was alwys use to using custom made rods as apposed to store bought production rods. Yes, I would consider the rods I built on Loomis blanks to be better than the ones Loomis put out, prettier at the least. I have gotten away from building rods and started buying production rods. A lot of companies making rods use people to put them together and wrap who don't even fish. Sometimes you will get a rod from whomever that was not put together the correct way because of some lazy person being paid minimum wage screwed up. I do not know what caused my Loomis to break. The last time I used it was for a tourny a week prior and for all I know my partner could have stepped on it and cracked it. Or could be a defect. I've seen several people break rods and it's usually because their drag is too tight and they are horsing the fish beyond the strength of the rod. I watched a buddy break a $500.00 custom made Loomis. We were fishing in the Tortugas for grouper. I looked at his rod bend and told him he had the wrong action blank for bottom fishing, that his was geared more for plug casting. Sure as sh%t, SNAP. In my opinion and experience, generally, the more money you spend on a rod, Reel, t.v, car, boat, shirt, shoes the better the product is going to be but their WILL be times you get a lemon. I will continue with Loomis as my 1st choice rods.
  3. When we hit our drought here in Florida and the local lakes and canals dropped extremely low, I used weightless worms or Flukes. The fish get trapped in little "ponds" and explode on anything that hits the water. The worm and fluke were the easiest to keep on top of the water and not get caught in the weeds. If it's open water then I'd use a Rapala minnow or baby spook.
  4. Fivebasslimit, I sure wanted to use it in my tourny. I was looking forward to purchasing the Premier too. I kinda feel the same as you do about the guy who lined it for me. I'm still venting but when I calm down I'll rethink it and probably get another for a 2nd chance. I read too many good reviews on here about them for this to be a routine problem.
  5. Hey Jeremy. I fish lite tackle for Trout, Redfish, Snook and bass. I'm doing more bass fishing than Trout and Redfish now but found myself slamming the hookset on trout the other day, thus ripping the hook out of its tender mouth. Circle hooks are mostly the blame since you don't have to really "set" the hook so you get used to using them until you go bass fishing. All I can say is try and remember what species you are going after and force yourself to adjust accordingly. I know it's aggravating.....you're not alone.....
  6. This is not my week. First my Loomis breaks, but replacement is on its way. My new Revo was delivered last night. I get up this morning and head out to our local tackle/boat dealer. I pick out/buy a new Loomis IMX MBR843C for it. I hand the clerk my NEW reel and a spool of line for him to spool for me. He's almost done spooling it when this happens!!!!!!!!!! I have never ever had a rod break on me and NEVER had a reel spread its spool before. Seen it happen to others but never me. I fish lite tackle for Snook, Trout, Redfish, Tarpon, Kingfish, Dolphin, and of course Bass. I learned at 6 yrs old how to throw a baitcaster and it was an ABU 5000. Over the years I turned to Shimano(exclusively) until recently. I bout a few Diawas (Zillion and Sol) but thought I'd try ABU again since they seem to have come a long way with the low profile Revo's. No way this shoulda happened. Unless the clerk had too much tension on the line machine while spooling the reel but then it was only #12 P-line and the line shoulda broke before the reel. I guess I'm driving down to Bass Pro Shops Saturday and ask for a refund. I doubt very seriously I'll get another Revo. More than likely it will be another Shimano. I may be wrong for saying this but I knew $149.00 seemed to cheap for a good/strong reel.... The store that lined it for me said they will replace it if BPS doesn't since it was in their possession when it broke. I kinda hope it was the persons fault who was putting line on it because I liked the way that reel felt in my hand and would consider another if it wasn't ABU's fault.
  7. I didn't see him
  8. You got a chuckle out of me. Jimzee, I thought about that but I'm sure i'll get them mixed up. I just got a lucky craft in the mail and I'm already researching bass pro on the web trying to see how deep it runs cause I forgot. DUH....
  9. I hope this don't sound stupid but how do you keep track of how deep all your crankbaits dive? Some of my Rapalas have it inscribed on the lip but my luck crafts don't. I was going to use a sharpie to write it on the lip in very small #'s.
  10. Yall mentioned everything except TACKLE> DUH....
  11. d**n man, Sorry to hear that. My Loomis broke yesterday. What's up with all the breaks all of a sudden.
  12. Very nice fish and cool picture of the snake. I bet he never got that cat down. Don't take this wrong but you look fatter in your avatar.
  13. I came home from work and there on my front porch sat a brown box from BassPro. Ordered it Thursday night and here I sit Monday night fingering it. It's the Revo sx (black). Very nice looking. Got a L/C crank bait and spinner bait box too. Tomorrow I will head out and spool it with 14 and buy a Loomis for it. I might even try R/W's line. (Maybe I said) Now I can't wait for the Premier to come out.
  14. I guess it's likes Hewes flats boats. Their boat are awsome but they are price way high. They are priced high because of the name.
  15. I was upset when I wrote the original post. It wasn't 300 for the rod. I believe it was 225. Good observations guys. The break is below the round part of the guide which rules out slamming it in the door, etc. It broke at the taper too. I did go the xpeditor route because if it's a manufacturer defect you still have to pay shipping and handling. But if they say it's my fault then the bill would be more than 50 bucks. I did not want to chance them trying to screw me and say it was user error so I payed the 50 bucks no questions asked route. It does make one wonder though that how much they mark up their rods to cover the $50 no questions asked warranty. They are giving me the exact rod brand new for $50 when it retails for $225.
  16. Thanks for the help.
  17. Hurt just a little. I'm logging onto Stars and see if my winning streak is still there. I won 1st place 3x and 3rd place 1x out of 5 games at the $100 table sit and go.
  18. Thanks Jason, But now I feel sick from eating all of them.
  19. I'm without my topwater plug rod for a week. Isn't that bad enough?
  20. Event hough this just happened to my Loomis I'm still gonna by 2 more(IMX). They are replacing the broken one for $50.
  21. Well, first I retrieved my Loomis from my rod rack/stand to go do a little evening fishing when the top 12 inches broke off in my hand. I have no clue how this happened. I'm so upset...PSSSSD OFF, MAD, ANGRY and feel like . I grabbed another rod and went storming out of the house pouting like a little . I tried taking an action picture of this bass jumping out of the water but had a hard time timing it. I ended up losing it while fumbling with the camera. She was probably 4-5 pounds. I got this one just a few moments later but waited till I landed her before breaking out the camera. I was using a Fluke in the Arkansas Shiner color. I returned home and contacted G-Loomis via the internet and will have a new identical rod on my doorstep by the end of the week for $50.00... The wife was kind enough to bake me chocolate chip cookies to help ease the pain.
  22. Can you guess what kind of rod this is,(was) ? Did you guess Don't ask how this happened because I ain't got a clue. All I know is I am extremely PSSSSSSD OFF. I already contacted G-Loomis and they will have a brand new one on my door step by the end of the week for $50.00.
  23. i'm up pretty good rite now on poker stars. My luck may change though...I just snapped my $300 mint condition G-Loomis.
  24. Was just curious as to how many people on here play on-line poker besides me. I play at Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker.
  25. Bassn Blvd


    Where did that come from? Are you still medicated?
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