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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Really! I loved this movie......all men with my stature should see it. There is nothing wrong with seeing other men strip down to almost nothing!!!
  2. Thans for the info. I'll see u out there in a few Sundays from now. Whats the fee and can you pay at the ramp. Can I just show up or do I need to contact someone first?
  3. It's ILLEGAL to return Snakeheads back to the water. Kill and leave it on the bank, eat it, lick it, do what you want with it, BUT DO NOT RELEASE IT BACK INTO THE WATER.
  4. Way to go, Bruce. I wish I had known there was a tourny outta Slim's because I would have fished it too. My buddy fished some BASS tournament last week out of Clewiston. I think there were 28 boats. 4 boats had over 30 pounds and 18 boats had over 20.
  5. The most fun you'll have is running the bridges at 40+ mph. Even though you know you got a 2' clearance, it'll scare the sht out of ya.
  6. Eric, I'll go with ya if you can get us in.
  7. It has been VERY widy here in S.Florida lately and 1/2oz Rtraps have been producing for me.
  8. I want to know which male forum member is going to have enough ***** to post a review, hahaha. I just know someone went with their wife/gf, hopefully by force.
  9. Yep, the wife went on opening nite with her friends while I played poker. I took the wife and kid to see Madagascar 3 today and the girls were in line for Majic Mike. Ain't that the truth, brotha. Sht, the recent hit book "Fifty Shades of Gray" was the talk of every woman. Now they have Majic MIke. Heck, I'll pay for the wife to go see it again and again if it gets me more time on the water.
  10. When can I invite myself to go Snook'n?
  11. Good move, especially living that close to the Jupiter inlet. North county is the BOMB for Snook. I've used my Tracker for snook fishing several times. How come you didn't want to use yours?
  12. Whatta beauty, congrats. Just by looking at the head and gill plate, I'd say easy 20. Maybe 23-25. There are two things that make fish stronger than what they really are, CURRENT and OLD AGE, hahaha. People don't know what they're missing by not being able to catch Snook.
  13. Happy Birthday! I can see the candles on your cake glowing from 1200 miles away.
  14. I never knew we were looked upon like that.
  15. Geeeez, I saw 104 and was getting ready to sing Happy Birthday to you.
  16. I don't believe any state has a alaw prohibiting spanking your child.
  17. Get a mask and fins and go diving to see what's down there.
  18. Clayton, Grouper know every hole and will make an immediate run for them once hooked. I fish for grouper using liteweight gear so don't copy me. Many people use 50-80 pound mono leader, depending on the depth and bottom structure. Some make the leader anywhere from 3 to 10 feet long, and even longer. My best advice is to use a stout rod and 30-40 pound main line. Hammer the drag and horse the grouper off the bottom/reef as fast as possible. This is where the stout rod and heavy leader come into play. If the grouper goes into the hole and flares out it's gills, then good luck getting him out. The best thing to do is just keep constant pressure on the fish until he gives up or the line breaks. Give your reel a couple cranks after your bait/sinker hits the bottom (if your fishing straight down). This will give you a headstart getting the grouper away from the holes after he eats your bait.
  19. lol, you look like a 6th grader on patrol with that green belt on . Do the grouper have a size limit in Kuwait or can you keep any size? Also, be careful with the raw chicken and wash everything the chicken touches. You don't need to get sick from handling raw chicken
  20. I'm the same way. I will NOT spank out of anger and I make every effort to make sure the punishment fits the attiude. Discipline is a learned behavior. Your not born knowing how to act.
  21. Clayton, I throw cast nets from bridges all the time. Sometimes I'm 15-25 feet obove the water. There is a certain technique used to effectively throw it from way up- above 10-15 feet.
  22. Dangerous? No. I have yet to chop a fish into chum but I have, on accasion, got my lure/line wrapped around the blade. Never with a fish on though.
  23. I'm with SirSnook on this one. I prefer to fish solo if im in a serious tournament. Otherwise, I want someone who is mellow and just enjoys time spent on the water. Don't take this the wrong way, but it's kind of like a first date. Do I want to leave at first site or soon after she opens her mouth to talk? Do we hit it off and find that we share similar interests that would warrant a second date? I can tolerate almost anyone for 6-8 hours, but few get a second date. Another way I look at is, do I want a once every week or so fishing partner or a full time friend to hang out with besides fishing? To me, two different types of people. I have a few very good fishing buddies, but that's all they are.
  24. LMAO, I can just hear the voice of a 3 yr old saying that. "Don't crack me." His choice of words are hilarious. I hear ya about the spanking vs. abuse. That's what ticked me off about that lady interfering with her comment. It's obvious she seen me spank him on the butt with an open hand, cleary not abuse. I wanted to walk over to her and say "Bi***, people like you are a big reason why we have punks roaming the streets."
  25. I wish I hadn't have given him the ultimatum of getting out by the count of three or getting spanked.I just didn't know what to do when he ignored me after getting to three. I went with my instinct and that was to do what I said I was going to do and not back down. Don't think for a second that it didn't darn near kill me to spank my "little man." It crushed my heart, as I'm sure it did his too.
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