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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Why all the redneck harassment? Atleast I don't have to drive my John Deere to the laundry mat anymore..
  2. Good one.
  3. Watching that girl was hilarious.
  4. It looked about 1 1/2 - 2 feet long
  5. This creature surfaced next to my boat today while fishing a bass tournament. How and why is this crap in our lakes. South Florida. http://elmersaquarium.com/10knifefish.htm
  6. Wow, that hurt. Now I cant see the letters on my keyboard.
  7. That rod took some punishment. Must have been a Loomis.........
  8. Thank you guys, and gals, for all the support. I can't wait to buy him his 1st fishing rod. Does Loomis and Shimano make one small and lite enough for an infant?
  9. This is going to get nasty I just know it. Devils advocate here. No it isn't part of the JOB to get hurt, especially due to someone elses negligence. What if the mom was being neglectful and not watching the baby with her full attention. The baby wonders off and gets hurt and so do other who try and help the baby. Shouldn't the mom or sitter be held accountable. I think so. Suppose your dog attacks me as I come into your house to protect you or your significant other from being hurt or killed during a domsetic dispute. Shouldn't you be held liable? I didn't ASK to come to your house and help be a marriage counselor or referee during your fight. But then again, every case is different. Accidents do happen where you can't really put fault on anyone. That officer has WORKERS COMP to pay for her injury.
  10. It has been said by some and felt by others that there is some negativity going on around here. How can that be? We are all fishing buds. I suggest an internet group hug and pat on the back with your fellow basser. Better yet, forget that hugging crap. I want all of you who read this to stop what you are doing. Stand up (Doesn't matter who's watching) and do the Now don't we all feel better? Life is too short to be negative, mad, angry, sad or whatever. I loves you all..........
  11. Who's having a problem?
  12. Well, we went to the doctor today. !st of all, thanks for all the comments. Some were constructive while others were just ............ My wife is only 17 weeks pregnant and is far from ever being lazy. As soon as she confirmed she was pregnant though, I noticed a change in her activity. Her activity level went way down. I didn't know if it was her trying to baby herself or what. The doctor said today that her placinta (sp) is in a lower position than it should be and can be painful. In most cases it fixes itself towards the end of the pregnancy but if not, then it could be dangerous. Anyway, the doctor said the most strenuous exercise she can do right now is a mild walk. That's all I needed to hear. I will now be taking over her chores until further notice. I better not even catch her folding a towel. Oh yea, the doctor also said we were having another professional fisherMAN in the family.
  13. All I got to say is ..Holy Hell Batman, What a game!!!!!!!!
  14. I do the outside work (yard) and she does the inside. I don't mind helping out now that she's pregnant but I'll be darned if she gonna take control of the remote during college football day while I dust and mop...OH HELL NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. How can your line snap so often. I fish 3-4 times a week and cant remember the last time my mono snapped on a fish.
  16. I use her all the time in saltwater. Just flush the motor and give her a bath the same day you take'er out. I stop at the drive thru do it yourself car wash on the way home and then flush the motor when I get home while I unload my gear.
  17. I know a pro who guides on Lake Okeechobee who uses Italian salad dressing mixed in with his worms. I never tried it but it may work well with the carrot stick.
  18. LMAO...
  19. 7' G-Loomis with Curado 100 (Bass, Sea Trout, Redfish) 7' G-Loomis with Curado 200 (Bass, Trout, Redfish) 7' G-Loomis with Diawa Sol (Bass) 7' G-Loomis with Abu Premier (Bass) 6'6 G-Loomis with Shimano Bantam Black Mag (Bass) 7' St. Croix with Diawa Zillion (Bass) 7' Crowder with Calcutta 250 (Bass) 7' Crowder with Calcutta 300TE (Snook) 8.6' Crowder with Calcutta 700 (Snook) 7.5' Crowder with Shimna Stradic 4000 (Snook, Trout, Redfish) 7' Crowder with Shimano Stradic 2500 (Bass, Trout, Redfish) 8' Custom made(gator blank) with Shimano TLD15 (Snook) 7.6' Custom made(Gator) with Shimano TLD15 (Snook) 7.6 Custom made (Gator) with Calcutta 700 (Snook) 12' Uglystick with Shimano Baitrunner 4500 (Surf Fishing)
  20. Almost forgot and haven't seen it mentioned. What about SOAP. That show was fricking hilarious with Billy Crystal.
  21. The old ones were the best in my opinion. All in the family Sanford and Son Chico and the Man Mash Hogans Heroes but Honeymooners has to be the all time best. Only sitcom I watch now is Seinfeld reruns.
  22. Awsome looking lake in the video. Also liked the way you surfed around in the jon. I woulda been in the water for sure.....
  23. Or is she being straight with me? My wife is 4 months pregnant and told me about a month and a half ago that she was unable to do house work because she could hurt herself and it would not be good for the baby. Well, here I am on my day off vacuuming, dusting and mopping. (mopping 1900 sq ft of tile sux) And where is she? She went to get her nails done and go shopping. Uh Oh! She's home and I ain't done mopping.. Be right back guys. Okay I'm back. Geeeez, now get this. She comes into the house and tells me to unload the groceries because they are too heavy to carry. Aftrwards, she flops on the couch with the REMOTE for the t.v and tells me the dog is begging to go out to peeee. Now I love my wife to death along with the turkey in the oven but I also love FISHING. Today makes 3 times in a row I had to do this domesticated work. Have I told so many Bull Shyt fish stories that she somehow has learned from me how to B.S ? Lord, what have I done?
  24. I think they are junk fish too but fun to catch..!st place gets you a 25k Hewes redfish flatsboat though.
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