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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. My son asked me if I would pick him and his girlfriend up and take them for a boat ride and dinner. Of course I said YES (divorced) and what a day it was. The fishing was a bit tough until I figured out the pattern. This one was about 2 lbs and sucked in a Fluke. My son's girlfriend never touched a fish before so this was her first time. Very enjoyable. I'm glad I made sure I wasn't too busy for the kids.
  2. Where are you at Bass109?
  3. What are you all throwing now that the temp is dropping and things are cooling off?
  4. I'm ready for the get together again. And yes, the Snook are going crazy...I'm off this Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues so I'll be Snook'n for sure.
  5. I hope the canoe came out better than your pictures.........
  6. Flukes work pretty much the same way and are more productive and easier to rig.
  7. I learned to fish using an Abu 5000 on a custom Fenwick rod (my dads). I was 7yrs old. I caught my 1st bass on it. The 1st rod that was all mine was an Abu 6000 on a custom built rod on an Ugly Stick blank. I was 10yrs old.
  8. I said it before and I'll say it again. THEY SUCK. I gave mine to Senko77. I hope he can catch bass on'em.
  9. Why worry about street legal when you plan on hauling asssss anyway?
  10. Let'em keep on being stupid.
  11. Yea, little Johnny was my neighbor also.
  12. It's his nephew....Congrats Unc......
  13. I wanna go..... If there is life, do you think they sell G-Loomis or the the Carrot Stick? Gotta have Shimano or I'm staying here.
  14. Well, now you got my brain all knotted up....
  15. I'll let you catch me.....
  16. If you ain't redneck then u ain't sh#$.
  17. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. But, if you teach a man to fish then he'll sit in his boat, listen to the radio and drink beer all day.
  18. I must really be dumb because I still can't figure the math one out. I used a calculator and got 4100 but in my head I get 5000,,,,I don't understand....
  19. how the heck did you get that bug on your screen.....
  20. Hmmmmmmm. My Crystal Ball says " How the heck do I know!" I guess YOU will have to fish it to find out. I'm in Florida and can't cast that far.
  21. Robert, What is taking you so long to go fishing and give us a report. Geeeeeeez, you're slow. Now get out of and go
  22. I feel like taking my castnet and netting and killing anything that is not a bass, catfish, speck, bream, bluegill, or anything not native.
  23. Those are some good looking lakes. Where is it?
  24. I haven't been but twice since the season started. Has anyone had any luck recently? The mullet are in thick I hear.
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