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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Yo redneck, Coincidence or not but mine started to do the same thing as yours. I log onto here and I get a fishing related pop up. I log onto my bank and I get some sort of financial pop-up. I'll try Glenn's suggestion.
  2. Paintball guns? What's up with this younger generation. We use to use Daisy BB guns to play against eachother.
  3. The wind has been blowing HARD here in S. Florida for the last week or so. The lakes have gone from 3-5 feet visibility to stained/coffee. Today was extremely tough. The winds were out of the east about 20mph. We launched and headed straight for the canals, looking for shelter. I managed to pull one dink on our 1st stop. By the time I got it in, about 3 seconds, we had blown across the canal. The next 3 hours was a total bust. Jason was staring off into space when he spotted these guys. Yes, there are two of them up there. Two lizzards about 40' up. Has anyone else down here in Fla. had troubles finding the bite?
  4. I'll try to spell it.. Myan ciclid
  5. I could use a couple bouy markers. Thanks bro.
  6. I have 10 invizx. Love for cranks and traps.
  7. Glad to hear the action was good for ya.
  8. Air temp was about 78. Water temp was 73....
  9. Jason called me to go fishing in his super secret hot spot. I loaded the boat and hooked it up to the truck. I drove us 15 miles only to find out that the ramp was only 6" under water. We would of had to drive the truck off the ramp about 20 yards into the water/mud to get the trailer deep enough to launch....NOT HAPPENING....Have to admit though, the lake did look awsome. So after 30 miles round trip we ended up in my neighborhood lake in my development. About 1/10 mile from the house. Jason hooks into his double digit. 11 ounces double digit that is.... Then there were my two dinks. And now for the action shots. If you look just above the fish jumping out of the water, you will see a small yellow speck on your screen. That speck is my beetle spin being spit out. The fish was actually about 2lbs but looks small due to the angle. Jason did one heck of a job photographing. We are going again tomorrow. Hey Avid....now that is how you use a camera....
  10. I had to watch it again. But this time I showed the wife. I'll be darned if I didn't tear up again.
  11. Take it back to BPS.
  12. I have the Curado 100 and like it very much. Never tried the 51mg. 90 yds is plenty of line depending on your application though.
  13. Jason, Yea. The wife was sitting next to me when you called so I had to be vague about what bought.
  14. I'll be the first to admit it. I shed more than one tear while watching. Totally amazing.
  15. How can I fish if I stow away my gear. I'm in Florida. I'll be thinking of you northerners again this winter while I'm fishing. I know it's gotta suck not being able to get out to fish.
  16. to call someone you haven't spoke to in a while or just lend a helping hand. I don't intend this post to be negative but the holidays are upon us and not everyone has it as good as others. This time of the year brings many suicides to those who are alone or in a financial bind, amongst other bad situations. Domestic disputes/violence also increases as we ease into Christmas. I don't know why this happens during this wonderful time of the year but it does. Actually, I do know of many reasons. Remember this before you argue with your spouse. In most states there is a zero tolerance for domestic violence and if the police find any signs of physical abuse then they are under obligation to make an arrest. Even if the victim refuse prosecution, an arrest is still made. Don't spend the holidays behind bars. I'm not saying there is a good time for domestics and suicides but peoples tolerance levels seem to decrease around this time. So think twice and be the wiser person and leave for a while to cool off if things get a bit heated. Don't raise your fist. Make an effort to help someone in need and you might just save a life.
  17. Yes. I bought the &' G-Loomis GLX. I posted it in the rod/reel section under "I bought another one"...
  18. I never heard of this guy till now now Micropterus. Thanks for the schooling. That guy has an amazing voice.
  19. Okeeheelee Park is located on the north side of Forest Hill Blvd. about 1/10 mile east of the turnpike. No exit for the T-pike at Forest Hill though. Take I-95 to Forest Hill Blvd. and go west approximately 6 miles to the park (rt. hand side). If you hit the turnpike overpass then you went 1/10 mile too far. Take T-pike to the Lake Worth Rd. exit. Go east on Lake Worth Rd. to Pinehurst (traffic light at Pinehurst and is about 1 mile east of the T-pike). Go left (north) on Pinehurst about 2-3 miles. You will come to a traffic signal which is Forest Hill Blvd. Just continue through the intersection until you find the pavilion. It's the alligator pavilion and I have no clue where at in the park it is so look for the signs.
  20. I visited Tuppens (local boat/tackle store) today just to browse. I was armed with my pocket knife and my .38 cal S&W just incase I spotted that monkey we all fear. I was looking at the G-Loomis MBR844C. It's a 7' GLX heavy power, fast action, weighing in at 4.65 ounces. Priced at $355. Well, the next thing I know is I wake up lying in the middle of the isle with a lump on my head and a killer headache. My wallet was on the ground next to me with my debit card out. Then I noticed a sales receipt stapled to my shirt. I have no idea where the heck that monkey was hiding when it ambushed me but he's still on the loose so beware. I was considering the Megabass but I won't buy a rod without being able to finger fondle it and I can't find anyone close to me that has one I can try.
  21. They make'em but why in the world would you want one (lefty)?
  22. I haven't played on-line poker in a while so I decided to play tonight after work. I put $200 into my poker account and played 2 tourny's. I am now up to $1300. Whewwwwwwwww Hooooooooooo. Say hello to my new G-Loomis IMX (or maybe the GLX) flippin stick. Think I'll hyper space it over to Bass Pro for a little re-stocking too.
  23. U r a wise old man. LMAO...nice try
  24. I'm in. I'll bring 1. paperplates 2. forks/knives 3. napkins 4. ketchup/mustard Doug.....
  25. I bet he's great at "Finesse" fishing. Sorry LBH for ragging on ya but I'm bored.
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