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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I need a 2nd boat for T/M lakes only. My 10' jon is just too small for 2 6'2 adults and equipment. I found this 16' canoe and seems to be suitable for my needs but have almost zero experience with canoes.. QUESTION... 1. Can rod storage or decks be mounted? 2. Can seats be added? Back rest types.. 3. Can lights be added? 4. Does this seem like a good boat/deal? 16 Foot Lightweight Aluminum Commercial Quality Canoe - - NO DENTS / LEAKS - made by Smoker Craft - have 2 seats but can easily be converted to 3-4 seats with ample room for 6'+ adults - unsinkable bulkheaded flotation at both ends - unbelievable 2000 lb capacity.....a 16 ft jon boat has a 800 lb capacity - very stable and u have to either be drunk or an idiot to tip .. can take Class III rapids no problem.... http://images.craigslist.org/0115080102080103052007120265dcd7f6ba81838d4b00bee1.jpg
  2. Congrats to you and the wife Chris!!!!! Can we go fishing now before mine is due?
  3. Westpalmdude (Jason) and I went to Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge for a little relaxation. This was Jason's first time fishing the Refuge. The day started out by me catching this Oscar. We then headed down the canal and did some exploring deep into the refuge. No telling where this would have taken us but we weren't going to risk the T/M battery finding out. Then we thought we saw Doug Hannon but it was only one of his snakes out for a swim. This guy was much more fun to play with than the snake. I was smacking my lure against the water trying to get some weed off when his attention was drawn to us. He swam towards us from about 50yds away. I think he has been fed by people in the past because he wasn't shy at all and at one point just floated inches from the side of the boat looking at us. I caught this little dude on a worm and a couple others on a spinnerbait. And what about Jason? Well, he spent most of the day hunting for a trophy using a 10" worm but came up empty. It wasn't until after we loaded the boat up and snuck over to the NO FISHING zone did he finally catch one. It was about 1/4 pound and sucked down that 10"er like a monster. Too bad the rest of the fish weren't that aggressive.
  4. What the were these doing?
  5. It's better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6.
  6. How about the double chocolate chip ones? Thanks for the info. I'm clueless when it comes to computers.
  7. You guys are killin me. How can you live where you can't fish 365?
  8. Dan, The first picture is of an iguana swimming across the lake. You can barely see its head along the bank next to the tree. It swam too fast for me to get it while it was in the middle of the lake.
  9. Try cruising about 40mph in the ocean during pitch dark and have a flying fish fly into the boat and smack ya on the chest. Not only will it scare the shttttt out of ya but it hurts like all heck.
  10. Have you ever been to Florida? it IS a jungle.LOL All the trash you see was ion a narrow canal leading into the main lake. Some people have no manners when it comes to their trash. Believe it or not though, that spot was one of the hottest of the day. Lots of eel grass and moving water.
  11. Jason (Westpalmdude) and I headed out to Lake Clarke Shores this afternoon. We seen this guy swimming across the canal along the way. He swam too fast for me to get a good shot though. (Look along the shore line by the tree) We get to Lake Clarke and I put a couple in the boat using a Fluke and June Bug worm. Jason threw a spinnerbait for about an hour with nothing to show for it. I tied a spinnerbait on and my 3rd cast produced this little one. Jason got just a little . I think 8 or 9 were boated but all dinks. Of course the ones of any notable size came unbuttoned. I think there were 2 or 3 of those.
  12. Glades, Lets get together then. Westpalmdude and I just got in from a day on the water. Preety good day for numbers but not size.
  13. Mayweather in 7........................
  14. Welcome aboard pardner. I'm in Florida too, all my life. Your basics would be a 6 1/2' - 7' medium to medium heavy spinning rod with 10lb test line. You can pick up a nice little spinning outfit for you and your son at Wal-Mart for about 30-40 bucks apiece. Get some rubber worms in the June bug or Red shad color. Any brand will do but Zoom and Culprit are the most popular. Get the 6 inch or 7 1/2 inch length. Get a pack of 1/8 ounce bullet (worm) weights. Try and get black ones but regular lead color will work too. Get a pack of 3/0 tru-turn hooks to rig the worm. All this can be had for under $100. Read the articles on this site and like suggested earlier, try hiring a guide and tell him you want to use artificial so that way you can learn.
  15. What up Jason? Glad to have ya back in Fla. with all the wind. Lets go FISHING.....
  16. Cool. I'm off tomorrow (Tuesday) if any of you want to get together. Mom's Kitchen is on Lake Worth Rd. just east of the the Turnpike (s.side) if you want to get a bite or maybe we can just fish. My cell is 662-0784 incase I'm not logged on.
  17. 7 1/2 foot G-Loomis flippin stick. Either IMX or GLX.. Thank you....
  18. What the hell is that thing? Thought it was a sword fish at first.
  19. In Florida....95 degrees with high hunmidity and blue bird skies with ZERO wind.
  20. Oh, Ok.. Ahhh said the blind man as he stood on the poop deck and peed into the wind..... and it all comes back to me now. But no, I never used them..
  21. Just curious as to how many Palm Beach County members we have here on the site. We do a get together about every other month or so for anyone who wants to come regardless of where you live but perhaps there are some people who can't make it and we have never met. Many of our neighborhoods are gated/private and access is limited to residents and their guests. Some of these developments have nice lakes and hold decent fish. I thought it would be cool if we networked and perhaps shared neighborhoods to get a more diverse area to fish. I wouldn't suggest adding someone to your guest list at the main gate unless you know them well enough but what harm is there going together? We can even network to bordering counties but Palm Beach is such a large, long county to drive through that it may not be suitable to drive just to fish for an hour or so . But I'm game for anything. So how about it? I'm near Lake Worth Rd. and the Turnpike.
  22. I'm in the same boat you are. All my reels are either too small or too fast for deep dive cranks. I'll get that reel when income tax comes around. I always take $1000 - $1200 out for new rods/reels.
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