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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I was fishing one of my favorite developments 2 days ago when I lost one that I thought went about 7lbs. I was using a 7'' Culprit red shad worm. My son had called my cell phone which I was answering when she hit about 3 feet from shore. I felt a little bump and did a half a@@, one handed set. She jumped and came unbuttoned. Man was I upset. Well, today I had to work day shift and got home about 45 minutes before the sun went down. I was ready for a challenge so I grabbed my 7', med. spinning rod outfitted with a Shimano Stradic 2500 and 8# test mono. I tied on my Lucky Craft Sammy and headed to my spot knowing she was still lurking in the shallows. I chose the Sammy because I knew the top water explosion would be awsom if I could get her to hit and a good fight on lite tackle. I threw along the bank towards the culvert pipe where she was at 2 days ago. 7 casts and nothing except one dink that swatted at Sammy. I turned and threw the opposite direction along the same shore. On my 2nd cast I was retrieving Sammy when I paused for just a second. BAM. The explosion was like a M-80 being tossed into 6 inches of water. I knew it was her as soon as she hit. She did two wonderful acrobatic jumps for me before she headed to open, deeper water. I'm telling yall that when she jumped, her entire body came out of the water. Looked just like a Tarpon. She tired out after a rather short fight and I landed her. I don't believe she went 7 but I'll put $100 down that she was all of 6. Oh yea, this was the first fish I caught on the Sammy. I'm stoked
  2. Two things I've always wanted to do is visit Gettysburg and catch a Smally. I'm in S.Florida which is good for L/M and Peacocks but as yall know, no smallies. Is there any place near Gettysburg to fish for smallies or any members in that area that would like to take me. I'll have the wife with me but she can stay in the hotel room while I fish. She don't fish and will hate being left in the room but she'll forgive me. When would be a good time of the year to do both? Does it have to be in the summer? I'm tired of the heat and never seen snow. Thanks.
  3. Are we still on for this Sunday the 16th?
  4. Grocery bags, a lobster once, a porpoise ate my spanish mackeral that ate my silver spoon. Fought it for 10 minutes using 8lb test line. Had to chase it down with the boat when it nearly spooled me. I thought I for sure had a World record KING, caught a suitcase the other day with a L/C crank bait.
  5. Anything under 2lbs in Florida unless you are using ultralite with no more than 6lb test.
  6. Looks like a ****singing that song.
  7. -Great catch young man. Those fish look awsome.
  8. I have 3 packs of those and actually caught 2 bass over 2lbs on them. I shoulda kept Hannan's snakes to give away lol...
  9. Inlaws house for Christmas eve. Dinner at 9pm and open gifts at midnight. Weird. My parents house on Christmas day at 9am to open gifts. Back home at noon to got back to sleep.
  10. 2 rapalas (one black over gold and other silver over gold), rattle trap( blk over chrome), and worms. WORMS, WORMS, WORMS. Perhaps some flukes too.
  11. ok. I will do that. I won't get results back till next weekend though. My work schedule changed this week. I have to work days 8-5. Sucks big time.
  12. Well, earlier I said that my new Premier was bone dry so I oiled it and that seemed to have stopped the noise. NOT. Apparently when I took it apart to oil it, I did not put the spool tension knob in the same position. The reel made no noise when I casted it but now the spool was way too loose. I adjusted the tension knob to where I like it and I'll be damned if it didn't make that screetching noise again. I loosened the knob just 2 clicks and the noise stopped when I casted it. I tighened back 2 clicks and it made the noise. I tightened 2 more clicks and it stopped. I put it back to where I started(2 clicks looser) and it made noise. It appears to only make the noise when the tension knob is in this one specific position. I really like the way this reel fishes and fits my hand but the noise should not be happening. Any help with this problem would be appreciated. If I have to return it then I'm done with ABU but I'm willing to give it a fair shake.
  13. Nice fish young man. I hope you were using your own rod, reel and LURE when you caught your p/b or it doesn't count. Oh yea, we can only imagine how these pics woulda came out if Steve wasn't there.
  14. What round? I picked Mayweather in the 7th in your previous post. or someones post last week
  15. I forgot what I used.. Ask Home Depot or Lowes. Or pool company...
  16. Dude. u da HAWG CALLLLLLLER....
  17. and to think the manager called the CUSTOMERS dishonest. 3.50 a gallon is Dishonest...
  18. I took it apart and my reel was bone dessert dry. Oiled it and now it works fine. No more eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Why don't the stupid manufacturer oil these reels before sending them out?
  19. I took my brother out for about 1 1/2 hours today. We only caught 3 fish but it was better than sitting at home. The pattern for the last 3 trips has been to fish deeper water. I have been drifting with the wind in 13-18 feet of water, getting an occasional bump. I found a couple of humps that come up to 4-6 feet. The bass seem to be midway up/down the hump with the smaller ones on top. The funny thing is, the area I have been fishing is a few hundred yards from the boat ramp in the main lake. This lake holds about 2-3 tournaments a month and the weigh-ins are at the ramp. Everyone runs past this spot to other areas or lakes . Never leave fish to find fish and just because it's next to the launch site doesn't mean there is no fish. Besides, I know there are hundreds and hundreds of fish released here from the many tournaments so these fish can't go to far. Here is todays catch. My brother was using a black, 10" Zoom or Culprit with 1/4 oz weight rigged on a 7' M/H Crowder rod with a Quantum Cabo and Samurai braid. I caught this one experimenting with...The one and only WIGGLE RIG!!!!! I was using a 7' Med. Crowder rod with a SHIMANO Stradic 2500 and #8 mono. And no making fun of the hairdo.
  20. I don't think I got that far... My wife is YELLING for me to get to bed so I gotta go now. Man, I'm never allowed to stay up past my bedtime to play!
  21. Hey F-Bizz.... Kiss my ...
  22. ok.. I'm way the heck up there. how high does this darn thing go?
  23. Why do you insist doing this sht to us?
  24. She's definately doable but ain't no way she is the sexiest movie star. And her top lip looks bigger now than when she was 17 IMO.
  25. I use Ande exclusively for saltwater use. I use to use it for all freshwater applications until smaller diameter lines became available. Ande never went to smaller diameters ( as far as I know). I believe Ande holds more world records than any other line.
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