I was fishing one of my favorite developments 2 days ago when I lost one that I thought went about 7lbs. I was using a 7'' Culprit red shad worm. My son had called my cell phone which I was answering when she hit about 3 feet from shore. I felt a little bump and did a half a@@, one handed set. She jumped and came unbuttoned. Man was I upset.
Well, today I had to work day shift and got home about 45 minutes before the sun went down. I was ready for a challenge so I grabbed my 7', med. spinning rod outfitted with a Shimano Stradic 2500 and 8# test mono. I tied on my Lucky Craft Sammy and headed to my spot knowing she was still lurking in the shallows. I chose the Sammy because I knew the top water explosion would be awsom if I could get her to hit and a good fight on lite tackle.
I threw along the bank towards the culvert pipe where she was at 2 days ago. 7 casts and nothing except one dink that swatted at Sammy. I turned and threw the opposite direction along the same shore. On my 2nd cast I was retrieving Sammy when I paused for just a second. BAM. The explosion was like a M-80 being tossed into 6 inches of water. I knew it was her as soon as she hit. She did two wonderful acrobatic jumps for me before she headed to open, deeper water. I'm telling yall that when she jumped, her entire body came out of the water. Looked just like a Tarpon. She tired out after a rather short fight and I landed her.
I don't believe she went 7 but I'll put $100 down that she was all of 6.
Oh yea, this was the first fish I caught on the Sammy. I'm stoked