I went out today and bought my dad a Curado 100 for Christmas and got the $50 rebate. Yippy. And then I started looking at spinning reels to use with 4-6 lb test mono since I'm getting onto this lite line kick. I wanted to keep it inexpensive so I bought the Shimano Sahara 750 rated for 2-6 test. Was only $59. But since I'm a valued (Sucker) shopper at this store, they gave me 10% off for both reels and the rebate.
So I went home and paid the bills and ate dinner. I got bored and began surfing the net (after I made sure the wife was sound asleep) looking for a rod for my new spinner. I ended up on the Loomis site. Did yall know that Loomis has a Bait Monkey patrolling their site looking for victims to attack? Yep, they sure do. I ended with an IMX 6'6 SJR-782 one piece.....
There have been attacks. Bombs have been recovered along with 600 AK47's and 500,000 rounds of ammunition with documents to blow up the U.K in New York since 911. The items were located here in the states.
I tell you what. I watched the whole movie today at the class(local College) and it woke me up. Thousands are already here in the states. The class was law enforcement only but I think anyone should be allowed to attend
I just finished attending a week long Terrorism class for work and will be taking the advanced course in a few months. The instructor showed us this movie which will definately make you re-think our situation here in America. I just logged onto the site and they want $4 to view the whole video so that's up to you but you can preview it for free.
I can tell you this though, it is REAL.
I hope you catch many on them. That frog pattern must be new because I never seen it. Someone posted on here a while back an Ebay link where a frog pattern lure auctioned for i think around 1k.
Those are some cool pics and nice fish. Kudos to you and your little bud.. That spider gave me goose bumps though, no lie. I hate, terrified, woosie, little girl over spiders.
I tip when I get good service not because it's the norm. Does anyone tip the fireman, hospital staff, police officers who have to work on Christmas or the teachers? I go to subway for a sub and there's a tip jar. I go for a scoop of ice cream and theres a tip jar while the owner pulls up in a 80k mercedes wearing 10lb's of jewelry. Seems like the business world relies on the consumers to pay the salaries of the employees by tips so the employees don't have to pay more.
I don't know why I'm so grumpy tonight. I must be sleepy.
Been here all my 40 yrs and never heard of the Holylands. Could you be referring to Isreal? LOL.... What area of the county are you referring to? I'm sure people have different names for it.
That's just awsome. Great looking bass. And on 6# gear. Now I'm gonna have to try and top that but it isn't going to be easy with 4# line But if I do then you get to use 2# line.
If I'm just having fun then use a 6' ultrlite with 4# test mono. If I'm catching them to eat and want numbers then 6' lite rod with 8# mono or a 12-14' crappie pole with 8# mono.
Yes I returned it and she swam away just fine. I C&R only.. I couldn't tell where the blood came from unless she swallowed the plug and worked its way loose during the fight.
I have a scale. Left it in the boat. I guess I need 2.
Everyone else,
Thanks for the Kudos.
The Michael Vick story got me thinking. How many of yall lost your favorite athlete (pro) to something stupid they did? My favorite was Mike Tyson, even though I think he is a street thug/punk. That man had one heck of a fist that I liked to watch him K'O people with.
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