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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. LMAO. BRAVO, Jeff, BRAVO.
  2. LOL, I told her she lost her mind when she asked me to marry her. I warned her and gave her ample time to look for her mind and chang it, haha.
  3. Dang. I knew I heard correctly earlier today when I was getting out of the shower and overheard the t.v in the other room. I got busy and forgot to confirm. What a shame. R.I.P Sheriff Taylor.
  4. LOL, why would you put them back when it clearly says NOT TO. BTW, fish make good fertlizer, just not the way he's doing it, haha.
  5. I wouldn't spend a penny on any crankbait rod that is shorter than 7'5. Maybe 7', but I doubt it.
  6. I would strongly reccomend Red Bone by Hurricane. Dick's Sporting Goods ansd Sports Authority carry them as well as many other stores for under 90 dollars. I'd get a 7' or 7.5', M/H, 10-20 line class. You will be hard pressed to find a better rod at that price. I'd use #20 braid or #12 mono. http://www.google.co...MQSSbsgTeXF94Mw
  7. I bought Hannon's snakes a few years ago and had ZERO luck with them. Will they catch fish? Sure, there's a right time and place for everything. I just won't be wasting my time with the snakes. In fact, I gave mine away to a forum member. I seem to recall that they were very difficult to cast more than 30-40 feet. P.S. They work extremly well hiding them in the toilet bowl or in the wife's underwear drawer.
  8. How clear is clear? At 5-10 feet, I assume you can easily see the bottom? My first thought is that the bass can see you which is making them cautious. Are the bass pressured by other anlgers? Where clothing that blends with the background/sky. (many anglers belive in that theory and many don't) I would use as light as mono as possible, maybe even flouro. Stand back from the shore line (if you're fishing from the bank). Make long casts. If you're targeting a certain log/stump, then stay way back when casting to it. Cast beyond your target, maybe 5-15 feet past. Don't be affraid to cast your worm or jig onto the bank and then drag it into the water. You don't need to see the fish to know they are there or to catch them. Remember. If you see the bass, then they see you. The small ones might still bite, but the big ones are smart and know something is up. Remember. If you don't see the bass, then they can still see you.
  9. Looks likw a Warmouth. Fun to catch on the flyrod and good eating.
  10. I'll toss the net, no prob.
  11. I got out there late, was fishing by 6:30. I was scouting out some areas I usually don't fish during tournaments because I have certain "go to" spot, but they haven't been producing good enough lately. I got one at 3 pounds on a white Senko. Hooked another one about the same size and left. Both fish were in 3' of water. I moved across the lake and put 2 more in the boat using rattle trap. Both fish went for about 3 pounds total. Depth was about 8-10'. The were super warm, like they were in a sauna.
  12. The Warrior hath spoken
  13. I don't switch hands. My left stays on the left and my right stays on the right.
  14. It's 91 right now but feels like 98. We're at 63% humidity and fallig pressure, 30.10. Wind SSE at 18. It's 73 inside the house though. I'm getting the boat ready and will be on the water fishing by 6pm until dark. I have a tourny in 3 days so I need to find the fish.
  15. Instead of MASKING the pain with pills just so you can ride 10 miles, how about NOT riding 10 miles. Pills aren't going to FIX your knee so that you can have full function like you did before you had surgery. You' are now limited to what you can do. Follow your doctors orders and just stop when it starts to hurt. No need to push beyond that.
  16. x2.you don't want it to become a "pain in the ars," LMAO.
  17. You shoulda killed the fish and saved your lure. You could have eaten it or tossed it back as turtle food. I'm sure the fish died with your lure stuck in its throat.
  18. ICAST Show Rules 1. ICAST is open only to qualified members of the trade. All attendees must be badged for the duration of the show. 2. Exhibitors and attendees who are in violation of any portion of ASA’s rules and regulations will be asked to leave immediately and will forfeit his or her badge. Additional penalties may be applied. 3. Exhibitors and attendees must be in compliance with local, state and federal laws and any valid federal or state court order. 4. Exhibitors and attendees must refrain from any conduct that would be viewed as detrimental or disruptive to the operation of the show, including, but not limited to: inappropriate dress, lascivious behavior, excessive noise, unauthorized use of another exhibitor’s product or product concepts or any other activity ASA determines to be unacceptable or unethical. 5. Orders may only be taken within exhibitors’ booths. Retail sales are prohibited during the show. 6. Exhibitors are not permitted to place promotional materials outside their booth except in the Press Room. 7. Any attendee who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth, or anyone who is not an ICAST exhibitor who hosts an exhibit or other function outside the ICAST floor and official hotels is in violation of show rules and will be asked to leave. 8. Exhibitors may serve alcoholic beverages in their booths during the designated social hour. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from the show floor at all other times. 9. Photography and videography are not permitted on the show floor. Properly credentialed Media-Editorial attendees are excluded. 10. Children under 16 years of age are not permitted on the show floor during set-up and dismantle. Proof of age is required. No exceptions.
  19. So much for that idea. If we get tossed out then there's always Disney World. What kind of companies are allowed? Mom and pop businesses or big corporations? Just curious, I know some of yall have in the past. What exactly is it that you sell?
  20. Haha, that's funny. I did the same thing once. First, I don't believe (most of the time) in "late" punishment. I refuse to spank my kid because he was bad with his mother while I wasn't there. This story is going WAYYY back. My girlfriend (now ex) and I dated for 6 years and had a house together. We were basically married, just no rings or certificate (thank goodness). Anyway, one of my two sons had really ticked her off over something very trivial. Girlfriend told me to spank him or she was leaving. I took my son in the room and pretended to spank him. I spanked the bed and he pretended to be in pain by screaming. I must say we both did an awesome job of acting. I walked out of the room and closed his door saying "And don't you come out until you learn to show some respect." The girfriend was happy, my son was laughing and I kept the peace.
  21. My wife just asked if she can have the remote so she can turn the channel from watching the "Blues Brothers." I swear, the younger generation has no respect for good movies. UPDATE: Holy cow, she actually recognizes Ray Charles.
  22. I seriousluy doubt she went to jail for "just" spanking her child.
  23. If I drive up, can I piggy back with you guys to get inside?
  24. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so stern. My statement was based on what a FWC oficer told me. I'll do my own research instead of taking his word for it.
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