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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Beat his bass. Why do people need more than 2 chances to do the right thing?
  2. Coming from a guy with over 6k posts.....
  3. $100-$150= the Shimano Stradic...2nd choice would be the Quantum cabo. I personally won't consider anything else unless you want to spend $300 plus. I have 2 Stradics and am very pleased with them.
  4. I held the new Stradic the other day while looking for an ultralite. Man is it SWEET. I have 2 of the last model that I am now considering swaping out for the new ones. They redesigned the spool to better handle braid. Supposedly now when you use braid it will criss cross as it goes onto the spool which I was told is better. I don't know or care because I don't use braid much. The reel is very nice though.
  5. The drag on the Premier in my opinion is not anything to brag about IMHO. There is not much room between loose and hammered, unlike My Shimano's, particulary my Calcutta. Maybe I'm comparing oranges to apples though. I also noticed that the drag will not loosen as well as my other reels either. The line still has plenty of tension to it when I back the drag all the way down for storing. Perhaps I'm just spoiled with my Shimanos and few Diawas. I do like the design, weight and castability though so therefore I will give mine a 2nd shot but I will not buy 2. I already spoke to Cabelas ( where I bought it ) and they respectfully said to send it in for a replacement.
  6. The wife doesn't know NOTHING so SHHHHHH. Remember this- deny, admit nothing and demand proof. I bought a Shimano Sahara the other day while X-mas shopping for dad. Rated for 2-6 lb test.
  7. LOL. Nah, She's only an IMX not a GLX.
  8. I was up most of the night and early this morning pacing the floors back and forth. I couldn't sleep due to the anticipation of what was to come this afternoon. Finally at 12:41 pm I heard a loud (possibly)diesel truck stop in front of my house. My dog and I ran to the front door and stepped outside before the driver could even get out of the truck. And then, there she appeared, protected from the elements in a heavy duty cardboard tube was PeggySue. Yep, She's tall and slinder, 6'6, very pettit at 2.8 ounces and has a smooth, firm butt. That's right! I named my new LOOMIS IMX PeggySue and we're going to have many, many good times together. Now I can't decide to put #4 or #6 mono on her. Oh well, I have to go hold my PeggySue.
  9. ROOKIES!!!!
  10. I'll Probably fish with Westpalmdude. What time is your tourny on the 30th and how much. I never fished out there so I will have to rely on pure SKILL and INSTINCT .
  11. Lots of fun although I have not flyfished in many years. Don't get me started either. The last thing I need to do is start buying fly gear. Oh Lord, more rods.
  12. I'm not. I use Firefox but I'm getting use to the scrolling so don't knock yourself out for me. Thanks.
  13. You gotta stop playing in the streets. LOL. I was getting a check every other week for 4 months from 300-800 bucks when I was regulary playing. Your not playing the house in On-Line poker but it can be VERY addictive and easy to go bankrupt. I don't recommend doing it for an income and set a limit.
  14. I play on 2 sites for money for past 3 yrs. I could probaly have bought a new Triton and about 10 more Loomis' and Reels since beginning. most I won at 800 person tourny was $6300.00. Came in 3rd. I play mostly 9 person sit & go's. Longest streak was 16x in a row finished in top 3.
  15. The 1st tourny starts Sunday Jan 06 at Holiday park. I didn't get out there last year but think I will this year. Anyone else fishing it?
  16. Listerine? I have no clue. But atleast your eyes will smell fresh. I imagine it was the alcohol in the listerine that burnt.
  17. You are oh so right.
  18. Pepper spray does indeed suck. If you get sprayed again not much you can do. Immediately flush eyes with cool water. Force eyes open and look into the wind. Let the wind blow into them and flush again with cool water. If you stay outdoors and sweat then you will continue to feel a burning/stinging sensation to your skin but your eyesite should be ok. DO NOT shave prior to being sprayed. If eyes are not working properly after 30 minutes seek medical attention. The affects of the spray should not last longer than that.
  19. my buddy accidently tasered his wife in the rear.
  20. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=49795
  21. I/m so tired but i fight it. I hate going to bed but when i do I don't like to get up.
  22. was he trying to bunjy jump or what? Hart to tell what he was doing.
  23. Mine looks like the screen shot you posted and I still have to scroll all the way to bottom of page for PM's.
  24. Made fun of us rednecks.
  25. Ditto. Mine does the same thing after 2 lube jobs. I'm sending it back to Cabellas for an exchange. I'm going to replace it with another because I like the weight and it cast extremely well. If the replacement does the same thing then ABU can go to #$%$
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