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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. 7" Culprit or Zoom junebug worm with 1/8 bullet weight and 4/0 hook.
  2. I thought yall were just trying to screw with the alzheimers (sp) members.
  3. Chumming for certain saltwater species is almost a must. I chum for shiners but never heard of doing it for bass. If you want to chum for bass then just use a shiner. Lights attract small bait fish which attracts bigger fish. It casts a shadow which makes for a good ambush site for bigger fish to hide and wait for their prey. I don't believe the light attracts the plankton. Plankton is always present. If there is no plankton around then you have bigger problems and don't plan on catching anything.
  4. Has anyone tried or heard of this? An old timer was telling me he would brew a pot of coffee and then soak is worms in it. He said you could also put the coffee into a spray bottle and use it throughout the day. He said the scent of the coffee is an outstanding attractant for bass.
  5. 80's rock and country.
  6. Nice shopping spree. What did you do, get an advance on your tax return?
  7. Nice fish. The wind has been a real pain lately down here. What lake did you fish?
  8. Those are some decent size peacocks. Nice job!.
  9. 7 to 8 over 2lbs in 2-3 hours and I'm happy.
  10. Welcome aboard. Wish they had fishing when I was in school.
  11. Welcome aboard. No talking until you post some pic's of those Cali HAWGS.
  12. As a boater and occasional tournament fisher, this is what gets under my skin the most. 1. non-boater brings more than 5-6 rods, especially when some of them have broken guides or are underlined so they gripe about not being able to cast. These junk rods don't need to be in the boat. 2. They bring this huge suitcase thing they call a tackle box. Looks like they are going on a 3 week vacation w/out any way to do laundry. 3. They don't offer to pay for gas and then they leave without helping to clean the boat. At least their own trash for crying out loud. 4. Now this one burns my backside more than anything else. I ALWAYS position the boat as best as I can to benefit both anglers, regardless if it's a team tourny or individual tourny. I never intentionally stick the guy in the back of the boat out into the middle of the lake at a disadvantage. So DO NOT creep up to the front of the boat and stand next to me breathing down my neck while I'm trying to fish. Even though I have room, chances are I might not know you that well and don't need my rods stepped on by someone being inconsiderate. Plus I like to move around and don't want to have to say "excuse me, get the *&*& out of my way.
  13. That water (area) sure looks gooooood.
  14. I'm in Florida where it's in the upper 80's to mid 90's about 10 months out of the year. It feels extremely cold to me when it gets into the 60's and 50's but I manage to find fish as long as it's been a stable temp for at least 2 days. If the water temp (not air temp) drops more than 3-5* in one day then I find it not very productive until it's been at that temp for 2 or more days. It was 70* out the other day which was about 10* cooler than couple days before and I was slaying them on top water Rapala about a foot from shore from 6 inches to 3 feet of water.
  15. Ice? What ice? Only ice around here is in the ice maker. We have clear skies and a chilling 56* at 10:42pm. Think I'll go FISHING.
  16. Who had the courage to stand there and photograph you taking a dump?
  17. X2.. IMHO, if Clacutta were a tad lighter then they would be the BEST reel out there. PERIOD. I actually bought my DC by accident, but I have several regular Calcuttas and they are workhorses of any fresh water reel I've ever used.
  18. d**n Hawg those are some bid fish for the UL. Way to go....
  19. Those are definitely some healthy looking fish. Shad are awesome bait but I find it difficult or a pain in the ars to keep them alive.
  20. No, not Osborne. I caught them in a development lake around Lantana and the T-pike.
  21. I just shipped a 7' rod inside a rod tube. From Fl to Va. It was $25 and that was with $200 insurance. It was sent fed-ex from a pac n ship store.
  22. Come on guys, let them have their little clique. They don't have much else at their age and they sure the heck can't catch a fish.
  23. What are some of the stores on E-bay that sell quality tackle/rods?
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