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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Look up portable depth/fish finders on Bass Pro Shops. I think they mount to the side of the boat, kind of like a trolling motor.
  2. I've sold all my Shimano's except my Calcuttas and I have one Chronarch 50mg left. I will sell the 50mg, just too lazy to post it. I love my Lews TP.
  3. You're better off collecting aluminum cans.
  4. Don't you mean ants and other bugs? He said it was a mulch fire.
  5. Lets see, how have the Senkos been producing in S.florida. Last Thursday night tournament results for me. 2nd biggest fish caught, 6 pounds even. 7 ounces shy of big fish. Finished in 4th out of 27 boats. All fish caught on Black/blue flake Senko. Thursday night tournament two weeks ago. Finished 2nd out of 25 boats and had big fish. All fish caught on Senkos. I only fish GY Senkos, NO knock offs. Secret: I've also been getting'em on white with some sort of light colored flake at night.
  6. Jeff, You're one lucky man to go fish that lake, Typical or not, your chances of even 1 fish over 10 are so much in your favor. Take some video. I'd mail you my GoPro if I could figure out what I did to not make it work, haha.
  7. everyone who uses them has been catching fish on them.
  8. Dang, you're on fire. You're going to have Shimano and Strike King knocking on your door if you keep it up.
  9. Thre was no need to worry. RW just needed a little more time to loosen up the old joints and warm the muscles so he could hoist in the HAWGS.
  10. And?
  11. There is no difference. Mercury labled them "saltwater" to put customers mids at ease. They are the same motors. I use my 90 mercury and Tracker in saltwater. As with ANY motor and boat, give it a good flush and rinse after a day in the salt.
  12. Clayton, are you allowed to venture off base? I don't know what the set up is for over there, but I vision you stranded in a tent city somewhere in the desert. Have you gone into town? Do they have restaurants? Have you met any locals who cook? What kind of food do the people over there eat?
  13. IMO, RoLo pretty much hit the nail on the head with his advice. I'll bet a hundred bucks on the following. Option 1: I select 5 members from this forum to fish Lake "O". Those 5 members fish 40 hours over a 7 day period. Fish artificial bait. I bet at least two 10 pounders wil be caught. Option 2: Same guys. Same lake. Using live shiners. Half the time spent fishing. Multiple 10 pounders caught.
  14. What, mess hall food isn't filling you up? Haha. I know, that was a low blow.
  15. I HATE, HATE, HATE, that.
  16. The only thing I slow down on is the amount of summer tournaments I fish. I use to do a LOT of saltwater fishing in the summer until I sold the boat. I'm tempted to take the bass boat for some snapper. I hear the big Mangorves (4-6 pounds) are moving in to the shallow reefs.
  17. We think alike, almost. I leave in 45 minutes for my night tournament. Right now I'm spooling my NRX 854JWR and Lews TP with #12 Hybrid. It will be used with a 3/8oz black/blue jig and Rage trailer.
  18. What, you mean Abe wasn't there to give a live version? hahaha
  19. ^x2. Remember, you will be fishing inshore which will most likely require casting and using unweighted bait, such as live shrimp, or 1/8-1/4oz weighted jigs and plugs. You're not going to get very close to schooling redfish and snook without spooking them so you're going to need the longer rog to make casting an easier task. You will more than likely be fishing open water which means you can get away with lighter gear. The important thing is to use a reel that has a very good drag and large line capacity. You can land anyfish with lightweight gear in open water as long as you have enough line and a good drag.
  20. Nice catch and good story. But what I find more of an acomplishment is that you caught her with a jig on #6 mono. Most people wouldn't even consider using anything less than #12 with a jig, unles you were throwing a 1/8oz jig. Kudos to you!
  21. What a day!. I had the in-laws, my parents, other family and friends over for a cookout and pool party. I grilled 36 hot dogs and wings. The ice cold WATERMELON was the best though. The WM's have been absolutely great for the past month and a half. We ended the night with a fireworks show out in the street. GREAT day was had by all. I hope everyone elses day was safe and great.
  22. SirSnook is dead on. In fact, go to your local mom and pop tackle shop. They probably build rods and can reccomend you a good one. I'm telling you now, you will be sorry you bought a 6'9" rod for the species of fish you mentioned. You don't want anything under 7'. You asked for advice and you're getting some darn good advice from 2 guys who grew up fishing the inshore salt. SirSnook fishes inshore EVERY DAY, unless his arthritis is acting up, Hahahahahaha. Sorry Stu, I just had to take a poke.
  23. Yep, sure do. My last couple night tournaments were won with the following lures. White Senko Chrome rattle trap Aurora Pointer Minnow Black/blu fleck Senko.
  24. I've been using toothpaste for decades. It works very well when soap and water doesn't cut it, usually after a long day saltwater fishing using cut bait.
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