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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. If your wife is the one in the hat, then I HOPE that's not you holding the cow, pervert.
  2. Sports Authority usualy has the 600yd spools.
  3. Doug, LoL. No, this thread was not about movies. RW and I got a little off track. My wife is 10 years younger than me so I laugh when she hasn't heard of or seen certain things that were common to most folk when I was growing up.
  4. I end up giving most of my stuff away. Giving things away to less fortunate ones on here is fun if it's done right.
  5. Skyfall was good, but I'm partial to the older Connery/ Moore ones. I don't think I can muster enough kindness to take her to see Les Mis, haha. Jack Reacher? I thought that would be a pay per view movie, but I heard it was better than his MI movies. I almost have her sold on Lincoln, but it's her turn to choose. BTW, we missed out on the Hobit. We went to Cheesecake for dinner and she got a belly ache, had to come home. . I noticed today that our movie house only has Hobit in 3d, and we don't like 3d, so I just might get to see Lincoln tomorrow.
  6. That's what I meant to say. Thanks for reading my mind.
  7. I had plans of taking my wife on a date last weekend. We were going to go see The Hobit, which she picked over Lincoln and Gjango Unchained . I was looking for showtimes when I noticed an advertisement for Andrew "the Diceman" Clay. I asked her if she wanted to go see him at the comedy club. The wife had no clue who he was so I enlightened her by singing Hickory Dickery Doc and Old Mother Hubbard. The look on her face was priceless . I showed her a picture of the Diceman and let her listen to a segment on YouTube, she was like "No ____ way!" Fast forward to lastnight. A contestant on American Idol had a very bad stutter problem, but he didn't stutter when he sang. I told the wife that Mel Tilis was the same. She said "WHO?" I said "you mean to tell me you've never heard of MT or Coca Cola Cowboy?" She just rolled her eyes.
  8. haha, pretty good. But are 6 packs realy up to 10 bucks now? I haven't drank in about 8 years.
  9. I'm all about using cash. Clothes shopping, grocery shopping, toy shopping, girl shopping, I use cash 90% of the time. The other 9.99% of the time I will use my debit card. .01% is credit card. The one thing you NEVER EVER use your credit card or debit card, CASH ONLY, is when you vist the professional massage parlor.
  10. Shooter. I hear ya. I don't know the first thing about cycling or the amount of doping that goes on. I understand how someone could have mixed feelings on doping in a particular sport. Someone mentioned that doping is RAMPANT in cycling and probably almost everyone does it. Well, if cycling is your sport and the only way for a TOP athlete to compete is to to dope, then i could understand how some folk might be ok with that. On the other hand, the sport itself does not require any form of doping to be compete. It's human against human. You're either good or you're not. It appears the people who run the sport have laxed testing or no testing at all. perhaps they turn the other cheek, I don't know. If I had to dope in order to compete in my favorite sport because the majority of the field doped, then perhaps I'd become an advocate for better testing and stiffer penalties. It seems some folk think it's okay to dope because everyone else does it.
  11. I do not understand some of the point of views or opinions on doping to "level the playing field." IMO, no sport requires an individual to dope in order to play. It's the individual who needs to dope so he can be at the same level as the true, bad ars athlete. If you have to dope to improve your indurance or skills, then YOU are not at the level required to fit in with those WHO CAN play the sport amongst their peers who don't dope. How many kids were inspired by Lance? IMO, kids were inspired by a cheat and a liar- not someone I would considere a role model. But what about the money he provided for cancer research? Quite possibly done out of guilt for cheating. Oh, it's ok to be a cheat, liar and thief as long as you give a little bit of your loot to charity or the community? Geeez, if doping was made legal in sports then I could understand the less talented ones doing it. Imagine how great the great ones would have played if they doped.
  12. Do they make a rod designed for square bills? If so, then you're a SUCKER. Maybe I missinterpreted your question, but "Squarebill Rod" seems like you need a rod specifically for squarebills.
  13. Let's go over this. You want something cheap/inexpensive to PROTECT you and your family's LIFE? You want to buy CHEAP and later upgrade? If my gun is the ONLY thing standing between living and dying, then I dont think I would want to settle on the Zebco 33 of guns.
  14. I carry the Glock 22 .40. 9mm isn't powerful enough. .45 is ok but I'm satisfied with my .40 9mm is good for target practicing. Minimuim .40 for defense/stopping power. As far as being accurate, that's why you practice. Chances are you'll be in combat fire no more than 30-40 feet away.
  15. Try it. The hair will grow back if you don't like it. Besides, landscaped toes keep the stickers, hitchhikers and fleas away.
  16. You're number one concern should be RESPONSIBILITY. 9mm doesn't have enough stopping power IMO. Get a 40. Think of this.Someone breaking into your home knowing it's occupied is probably looking to do harm, or atleast prepared to do harm. The chances of that round hitting the bad guy, exiting the bag guy, going through the wall and hitting your kid is very, very slim. Could it happen? Yes, If it's me, I'm shooting. I don't think the bad guy is going to say "excuse me, sir. Go back to sleep. I'm not going to hurt you, your wife or kids. I'm just here to take your wallet."
  17. Same here. Which is another reason for us not to wear jeans.
  18. Nice "man" deck, but you've got to take a razor to those toe hairs
  19. Find an OLD pair of vintage Levi's and hold on to'em. They're worth $$$$$$.
  20. Breaking or dislocating the Booger Picker is a PITA. You never realize how much you need/use that little finger until you hurt it. FYI. A specialist might be able to do something to prevent your finger from looking diformed once it heals.
  21. Check out True Religion, about $170 a pair. I like Tommy Hilfiger and recentluy bought some VERY comfortable American Rag for I think 30 a pair. I really like the American Eagle cargo shorts. Tried their jeans and they shrunk, length and waist. I have a brand new, unworn pair I'll sell cheap.
  22. You have a T at Lox? Is it a club or open T?
  23. Nice fish. Good looking color, too.
  24. It's 15 years old with 150k miles. I guess you could say it has proven to be pretty trliable.
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