Respectfully, you might want to check your facts there, BocaBasser. The Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for pumping water from the lake, NOT the South Florida Water Management District. The reason why the Corps drew the lake levels so low a year and half ago is because the Herbert Hoover Dike, which keeps the lake waters in their current boundaries, is not strong enough to withstand high lake levels. In other words, it's built like swiss cheese.
Then what happened was after the drawdown, the drought began and SFWMD was forced to impose water restrictions because Lake O serves as the water supply for environmental, agricultural, and urban water uses for all of South Florida.
I can assure you that no one in South Florida is happy right now. The farmers aren't getting the amount of water they want, residential users aren't getting the amount of water they want, and the environment isn't getting the amount of water it needs.
YEA! That's what I said.