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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. JHawk, I went out and on my own and found the place my buddy was telling me about. I caught 5 in 20 minutes up to 2 pounds. the wind was a KILLER to me too. Don't give up on the wellington canals/lakes. Actually, I think the problem is too many developments have gone up and consumed all the good fishing areas by making it private property. Curious though, Have you tried those ponds behind the Wellington mall? I seen some Guats using a cast net in them the other day.
  2. They already scraped the lake bed in certain areas.
  3. I have used Ande for over 30 yrs. No better line for saltwater. I used it for freshwater too until I decided to experiment with smaller diameter lines. Ande IS top quality.
  4. I haven't received mine either. Been over 4 weeks since they received my info.
  5. Assuming I spent the rest of my life fishing in S. Florida, then it would be a 7.5 inch Culprit worm in the Junebug color.
  6. Hyacinth are found in darn every S.Florida lake. I use a screw on weight that is heavy enough to penetrate. 1/4 - 3/4, depending on how thick the Hyacinth are. A lot of times I will get reaction strikes as apposed to strikes from jigging the bait in one spot for a period of time. I also throw a fluke parallel to shore, if the bank is lined with the plant. The fluke can be twiched to dart underneath the plant. Very productive at times.
  7. I can't understand a word they are saying....
  8. Don't you mean SHE gets the snack while you get the meal?
  9. Yes, we know. No punctuation.
  10. My favorite late night snacks are 1. Cap't. Crunch Berries 2. Froot Loops 3. PB&J with chips 4. M&M's. While on the water, my cooler is packed with 1. Ham sandwich 2. Banana/apple 3. Trail mix 4. Chocolate Ding Dongs...And don't laugh!!!! I have no idea why the manufacturer chose that name. 5. Gatorade and water.
  11. My 1st bait is always a Zoom Fluke. You can work it so it will dive under the grass mats. A weighted worm along and in the grass will produce. Also try pegging a worm sinker to a craw or flappin daddy and flip into the grass. A black over gold or over silver rapala (minnow) worked along the edges also. Lastly would be spinnerbaits but don't forget to throw a beetlespin on lite tackle. Beetlespins ALWAYS produce.
  12. What ever happened to Okeechobee Cracker member?
  13. good one
  14. That's fricking great.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  15. That suck big time. I too hate carrying just 1 measley fish to the scales. Kind of embarrassing, unless it's the big fish of the day........
  16. Nice catch Hawg. The best medicine is to go fishing. Did you get those on the U/L?
  17. I use a baitcaster to skip. It was VERY difficult at first but practice,practice,practice makes simple. You must become one with the rod and reel.
  18. Welcome aboard mate. Pay no attention to the MOOK SQUAD. You'll here plenty about them if you stick around a while. They're mostly a bunch of harmless old guys who cant spell or take photo's.
  19. Has anyone tried the cyclone line winding machine?
  20. Respectfully, you might want to check your facts there, BocaBasser. The Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for pumping water from the lake, NOT the South Florida Water Management District. The reason why the Corps drew the lake levels so low a year and half ago is because the Herbert Hoover Dike, which keeps the lake waters in their current boundaries, is not strong enough to withstand high lake levels. In other words, it's built like swiss cheese. Then what happened was after the drawdown, the drought began and SFWMD was forced to impose water restrictions because Lake O serves as the water supply for environmental, agricultural, and urban water uses for all of South Florida. I can assure you that no one in South Florida is happy right now. The farmers aren't getting the amount of water they want, residential users aren't getting the amount of water they want, and the environment isn't getting the amount of water it needs. YEA! That's what I said.
  21. anyone night fishing this week with the full moon?
  22. Very interesting Rolo. I never researched it but I do know one of your points is very true and that's the sugar cane owners are very powerful and influential people. Do they pull there water from Lake O to water the crops?
  23. I would ask him to fish his best against me and have fun.
  24. I use Sabiki's to catch most all my saltwater bait but never tried for shiners.
  25. That's it! I think.... The bass I caught today had a strong fish odor that I couldn't quite place but, now that you mention it, it was kinda like shad. The lakes I fish aren't overly dirty or anything and bass from a different lake may not smell as strong as one from another lake.
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