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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Get the most that the boat is rated for.
  2. I'm rooting for ya Frog. Stop watching the clock or you will be watching it for years to come. Do something physically active when you get the craving to light up and may the force be with you.
  3. Westpalmdude and I were just discussing this last week. We thought it would be cool if we could do a get together at Disney. Does anyone know if you can fish the lakes at Disney? Wifes and kids can do Disney while we fish.
  4. It's about time you left them carp alone. Nice BASS...
  5. I think he got a thorn in his side and is sitting out for a while.
  6. Those of us who expect people to respect and obey the law, that's who. Being illegal doesn't have to be unethical. I know it's illegal to feed the gators. I just find it funny that some people are so quick to throw out statutes over something so trivial. You can cut the head off a bream for catfish bait or drag the ocean with mile long nets killing tons of aquatic life while searching for your species, hold animals in captivity for YOUR entertainment. But wholly hell, strike me down for throwing a bass to a gator. Like I said, GIMME a BREAK friend. This thread has gone way out to left field so I'm done commenting on it.
  7. The point I was trying to make was that the canal was so small and had several alligators in it. The gator was attracted to the noise of my lure, not me on the bank. If I was to walk a ways down the bank away from the gator and continue to make noise on the water, then the gator will follow the noise, not me on the bank. Perhaps I should have said the gator wasn't following us but instead it followed our lure.
  8. X2 Can I attribute my craving for sex to all the playboy magazines I snuck and looked at as a kid?
  9. The extreme southern border of wellington. South of Lake worth Rd. and west of S.R 7
  10. Not true Rolo. Gators will follow your lure or the sound of your splash out of curiosity thinking it may be a food source. The canal I was fishing in was about 20 ft wide and 1/4 mile long. There were several gators in this canal (3 that I saw). We were using flukes and other top water baits that create noise and never did we attempt to cast near a gator that was visible. The gator simply followed our baits as we walked the bank. The gators were small, 4' and less which probably makes them even more curious. I've waded the St. Johns river for years with stringers of fish tied to my belt loop and have had to dump the stringer on more than one occasion because gators would follow me and get too close, looking for an easy meal ( the fish on the stringer) and it wasn't because they have been hand fed. But yes, gators will become a nuisance if continuosly hand fed and could pose a real threat.
  11. Give me a break.. I'm well aware of the laws of the state of Florida.It's also illegal to pitch your cigarette butt out the window of your car or to urinate in a public place and the list goes on and on. it's also illegal to have sex if you have herpes or other STD's with any person whom you have not told you have a STD.
  12. I didnt mean to sound offensive with my "LOL @ feeding the gator" comment. I actually found your brother feeding the gator funny. Theres nothing wrong with feeding a gator a bass ever year or so lol... I didn't think you were being offensive bro. And I could carer less if you were, but I know you weren't.
  13. Prayers sent. My whole body got warm and numb when I read what happened. I pray for you and the survivors but I also pray the assailant gets his 10 fold. Jail ain't good enough.
  14. That my friend is a Huddlebug by Huddleston lures. 5 to a pack and $10 a pack. A bit expensive but they ARE the BOMB. They come weighted but I take the weights off and modify it a little bit.
  15. This was my second time feeding a gator in 35 yrs of fishing. I wouldn't make a habit of it and I felt kinda bad afterwards when I could hear the bones breaking as he chomped on the bass. Gators for the most part leave you alone, until you start feeding them.
  16. The lakes I fish in are also extremely clear with 10' visibility. I use watermelon seed craws or lizards. I also use a white beetle spin which the bass seem to LOVE but won't touch the same color spinner bait or worm.
  17. But they were all small. 1 pound range but fun never the less. My brother and I went out from 4:30-6:00 and caught about 18 on flukes, crawfish and senkos. Jayhawk, If you see this post, we caught these in Wellington. My brother.. Me. My brother feeding the gator. That gator followed us at least 100 yards down the canal interested in our flukes. We stopped casting and walked another 50 yards or more but he kept following.. What happened here. I know I resized these pic's before posting.
  18. Darn Hawg, I logged on to post my catch from today. Perhaps I'll forget about posting mine now that I seen yours. Nice fish buddy.
  19. Quantums are great reels. I have 10 of them that I use for my boat anchor.
  20. I have the MBR844 and MBR843. I use the 843 with Flukes. I use the 844 with worms/jigs. Both rods are excellent and extremely lite. I believe they are 4.5 ounces but you can do to G.Loomis sites and check out the weights. I personally think the 843 might be a more all around rod because its a M/H versus Heavy but I like using liter tackle/rods.
  21. I submitted a post before this one came out. It was in reference to spraying coffee on your plastics, plugs etc. An old timer told me about it and swears by it.
  22. Try using a 2/0 or 3/0 circle hook. Hook the Bream in the nostrils or just under the dorsal fin. Depending on the size bluegill, give the bass time to eat it. The MOST important thing to do when using the circle hook is to NOT set up. Just raise the rod tip and start reeling.
  23. Nice grouper. Is that Cobia legal size though?
  24. 40 and in the best bass fishing shape of my life.
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