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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Is that made by Heddon and perhaps a popper? Actually it may not be a popper but that's the only thing close to what I want to call it.
  2. and I'm up watching the 3 stooges on spike network. I'm laughing so hard. This show sure brings back the memories of being a kid when we tried imitating them. Man, that was like 30 plus yrs ago. Holly cow, where has the time gone?
  3. They stand for the various uses that Loomis recommends. Go to their website and take a look around. It explains it all.
  4. I've had my 10' jon boat in the intracoastal waterway, inlet, ocean ( but I was a crazy idiot in my youth). You have to be cautious of the wind and how far from safety you are in case the waves pick up or storm moves in. I don't worry how deep the water is, just how quick I can get to safety if need be.
  5. Mine is a 2006 19'. I paid $19200 in Nov 2006 from BPS. This is my 2nd Tracker in 20yrs. My only prob is that it's a tad underpowered for me. It has a 90 optimax 2 stroke, aluminum prop. I could probably tweek a few more MPH out of it but I don't bother. The motor has NEVER given me a problem, knock on wood. The boat pushes almost 40mph with 2 men at 450lbds plus gear. I think you are getting a great deal as long as the motor checks out ok. I use mine in saltwater too and have not experienced any problems. Good luck.
  6. I hear that Peacocks are fairly good but like Tokyo said, eat the Talapia. They are much better. Save the bass and eat the Taplapia, bream, catfish and speck.
  7. I can't wait either. I'll have to get the box set since it will be his last one.
  8. I didn't want to be the one to mention it. That picture reminded me of the one where Muddy is bending over.
  9. I'm not trying to be insulting but why would anyone want a 5'6 worm rod. Or a 5'6 rod for any reason unless your catching shiners on it.
  10. I'm live in Florida. I've worn jeans only 2x in the past year. Shorts yr round or slacks if I have to dress up.
  11. All I know is, if it smells like calogn then leave it alone.
  12. Is it a requirement to speak proper English?
  13. A firefighter was on break and met his wife and 4 year old child at a local Wendy's for lunch. After they were done eating, they walked out to their car to leave. The firefighter put his family into the car and went back inside Wendy's to exchange his 4 yr. old son's toy from the happy meal because it was broken. Just as he got inside, some scum bag, piece of **** exited the bathroom with a 9mm and started popping off rounds. The firefighter was the only one to be killed. 4 others shot and wounded. Scum bag, piece of **** then takes his own life. This kind of crap really makes me boil inside. I don't understand is going wrong with humanity? !st, the unspeakable crime that Catt posted the other day and now this. And to think that I pass by that Wendy's at least 2x every single day and eat there on occasion. May God be with that man's family and all other that were affected.
  14. Westpalmdude (Jason) and I went out this evening for some bank beating. I took him to my new top secret spot and we managed to get about 6 or so. They were all small by S. Florida standards but we had a good time. We also made 2 new friends with a couple of curious, not so big gators. Here's Jason. Jason, I just noticed that your expression looks like you dropped a stink bomb. And our new friends. About 3' away from us. And no, I didn't feed them this time.
  15. It's in his post....
  16. I don't wear it. Woman love the natural stink my body puts off.
  17. I don't understand did you just write?
  18. It's 2:42a.m here on the east coast. I just finished a bowl of Froot Loops and can't go to sleep.
  19. I got the same as you. How did we end up as chicks? Oh well, as long as she fishes.
  20. I cant get them out of my head either.
  21. No prob here.........
  22. If you haven't caught a fish on it in 8 months then throw it away.
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