A firefighter was on break and met his wife and 4 year old child at a local Wendy's for lunch. After they were done eating, they walked out to their car to leave. The firefighter put his family into the car and went back inside Wendy's to exchange his 4 yr. old son's toy from the happy meal because it was broken.
Just as he got inside, some scum bag, piece of **** exited the bathroom with a 9mm and started popping off rounds. The firefighter was the only one to be killed. 4 others shot and wounded. Scum bag, piece of **** then takes his own life.
This kind of crap really makes me boil inside. I don't understand is going wrong with humanity? !st, the unspeakable crime that Catt posted the other day and now this.
And to think that I pass by that Wendy's at least 2x every single day and eat there on occasion.
May God be with that man's family and all other that were affected.