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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I use them and like them. They are soft and a bit on the expensive side but they work well. 2 bucks a piece. I had to modify them to suit the S. Florida habitat though. P.S The delivery process from the store to me was EXTREMELY slow.
  2. I heard of one incident involving a ray jumping into a boat before. Marlin and other bill fish have been known to jump into the boat while hooked. What a freak accident and very sad.
  3. HAHA.. No way was I cutting in that photo, even though it looks like it. The nurse said to pretend like I was cutting.
  4. First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone here at BR for all of the support you have given to me and my family. My wife and I send out sincere thanks to everyone. Our son, Adan, was born at 10:40pm, St. Patrick's Day. He was the last one to be delivered for the day at that hospital. The wife did an amazing job before and after the delivery. The nurse placed my hand on Adan's bare stomach within 1 minute of coming out of mom's womb. As soon as he placed my hand on the stomach he said "Say hello to your new son" and tears started to fall from my eyes as I touched the most innocent, beautiful creature in God's world. What an amazing experience this has been. Just to think that two of us walked into the hospital and in just hours later there was three of us. Enjoy the pic's. Will this one qualify for the State v. State challenge? 8 pounds 14 ounces Thank you all again for the support. Oh yea, and to top it off, there is a nice looking lake on the hospital property. I'm headed back to the hospital to tuck momma and baby into bed and go catch a few. It's a full moon tonight.
  5. 4:27pm here. The doctor just called and said for me to have the wife at the hospital between 5 and 6pm to give birth. YEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWW! There better be a pond by the hospital is all I gotta say. Gotta go now....
  6. They launch from Lake Osborne main ramp off Lake Worth Rd. You can fish anywhere you want from there as long as you stay in the boat. They are every other Thursday from 6p to 10p. There is a one time registration fee of $30. and then $40 per team per tournament. You can fish by yourself if you want to. Usually pays top 5-6 places, depending on how many show up. Last week I think we had 30 boats. The top 10 teams with most overall weight fish the classic at end of year with guaranteed payback to all 10 teams. Big time cook afterwards at ramp with raffle and prizes. BB-Q is free and they had NY strips last year.
  7. Great fishing young man. Your posts have caused me to go out and buy 2 of the lures you use. Now where in the heck have you been? Some of us were about to send out the search plane. P.S. You need to have your wife start cutting your jeans into shorts for ya. One pant leg looks a bit (lot) shorter than the other.
  8. Congrats bro !!!!!!
  9. Yesterday was the first night tournament of the year (6-10). They are every other Thursday from now until October. To start things off, I forgot about the tourny until 1 1/2 hours before it started. My trolling motor was half charged and only 1/4 tank of gas in the boat. 4 of my 7 tournament rods were unlined and my partner was throwing up. My partner managed to boat 1 fish that went barely 1/2 pound and I only had 2 hits in the entire 4 hours of fishing. 2 hits! How embarrassing and pitiful is that since I fish the same body of water all year. All we can do is pick our chins up and do better next time. Besides, we were giving everyone a heads start on points towards the classic.
  10. Way to whak'em Russ. I thought for sure you were going for a swim when you slid off your seat. Please get a wider boat.
  11. I'm surprised Muddy hasn't chirped up yet. I thought for sure he would be all over this one.
  12. Ask your dad.
  13. Where in Palm Beach are you? I'm in P.B also.
  14. A dink? This is the 1st question I always ask my date.
  15. Oh yea, The baby should be here Monday if not over the weekend. We will induce on Monday. or planning to anyways.
  16. Jason, Jason, Jason. Do I have to teach you everything. As far as tides go, the most important thing is that the water is moving and not slack. I prefer the last 1 1/2 of the incoming and first 1 1/2 of the outgoing. But like I said, just make sure the tide is moving. Look for some flats or areas where the grass is growing. (in the water, not in the yard) and try your jerk baits. Try top water, spooks and "walk The Dog" lures 1st thing in morning. Try this too. Cast a chunk of mullet as far under the Mangroves as you can. No bobber. You can use a weight to help keep it stationary, 1- 1.5 ounce should work. Use a 2ft mono leader but do this when the tide is high and starting to go out. The reds and snook will move in to feed on the baitfish that get washed out of the mangroves as the tide goes out. Look for oyster bars also, they hold fish. Don't forget, the trout will have teeth and the snook have razor sharp gill plates so be careful.
  17. I have 2 stradics and like both of them. However, I have heard from a few people that they do not hold up well for frequent saltwater use.
  18. I don't want to sound like I['m poking too much fun at ya but, can you video your next launch and post it on here. I love watching people at the ramp. You see some pretty wild things. Good luck with your new boat and tight lines.
  19. Italian Boy Confession: > > "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl" > > The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Parisi?" > > "Yes, Father, it is." > > "And who was the girl you were with?" > > "I can't tell you, Father, I don't want to ruin her reputation." > > "Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may as > well tell me now, Was it Tina Minetti?" > > "I cannot say." > > "Was it Teresa Volpe?" > > "I'll never tell." > > "Was it Nina Capelli?" > > "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her." > > "Was it Cathy Piriano?" > > "My lips are sealed." > > "Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then?" > > "Please, Father, I cannot tell you." > > The priest sighs in frustration. "You're very tight lipped, Joey Parisi, > and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an > altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself." > > Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and > whispers, "What'd you get?" > > "Four months vacation and five good leads." >
  20. Are you trying to defend him because you can't be serious.
  21. I think somebody has wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on their hands.
  22. A commercial just came on t.v advertising Life mineral water. They had little animal puppets dancing to a song by Michael Jackson. I don't understand is wrong with this company promoting him with their water? The man is a child molesting pervert who needs to be jailed. And you mean to tell me that out of millions of songs they had to pick his. What a shame.
  23. Anyone have them? I have dreamed about snakes 4x in the last 2 weeks. My dad was in 3 of them and they were always trying to bite him. He was only bitten in one of the 3 dreams he was in. The 4th dream was involving a friend who got bit on the arm. Why am I having these type of dreams and what do they mean?
  24. my mistake. I didn't pay close enough attention the to "V"..
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