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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Is "fishguy1" really KVD? Just kidding.
  2. X2, better tighten that line up. Cool picture though.
  3. The seal danced better than she did.
  4. I love staring at people. I don't know why but I do. And I know one day I'm gonna get my ars kicked for it.
  5. I'd like to get out of the porn industry and into a "real" job. These girls only want me for one thing and I can't take it anymore.
  6. G-Loomis, GLX Length= 7.5, Power= heavy, Action=fast, Line wgt= 15-25 Calcutta 250 #50 braid. And I live and Flip in S. Florida.
  7. My buddy called me yesterday during the bite. He had 15 in 45 minutes up to 4.5 ponds.
  8. I did my garage floor with the paint chips. You can get the kit from home depo. Came out nice and was EASY/ Glad I did it.
  9. That's a panic attack just waiting to happen for me....
  10. I caught this beauty while trolling with this
  11. Sure do. It was, and still is, called a WEIGHT.
  12. As a kid,until 17, I did it all the time. I don't do it anymore though. Unless it's County or State property. But yes, I know it's wrong and you shouldn't do it. Sometimes trespassing is a misdemeanor and other times it could be a felony. I'm not suggesting you break the law but if you do, then know the law before hand. And I would not recommend shooting someone for fishing while trespassing unless you can clearly convince 12 people you or someone else's life was in immediate danger of being killed or seriously injured by the offender. You can however be detained by the owner or his designee with reasonable force until the authorities arrive.
  13. That was good but why do you they have to be rednecks?
  14. Thank you very much for the help/advice. I think you did a good job answering my question. I use big artificial and swimbaits for Snook so I definitely have the right equipment. I guess I grew up just using the "traditional" bass lures and never thought about going BIG for bass. One thing I have noticed though is there are a few techniques and baits that are relatively new to bass fishing (or just becoming popular) that have been used for YEARS in saltwater. I guess the bottom line is that I just have to get out there and try'em for myself and practice different techniques. Thanks again for the post.
  15. http://mailcenter3.comcast.net/wmc/v/wm/47E845C900043AC80000234F2215575474CBCEC800009A0B0B/Fruitcake%5FLady%2Ewmv?cmd=MimePart&no=7&uid=1640&sid=c0&format=raw&mimepart=2&content_type=application/octet-stream&name=Fruitcake%5FLady%2Ewmv
  16. Nice catch.
  17. Sorry to strike a nerve by trying to give a little constructive criticism. I wouldn't have said a thing if you weren't so young. I do know this to be true though. You won't get many responses to your questions or statements by making your posts look like a complete IDIOT wrote them. And it's not YOUR forum. IDOT...
  18. Way to go bizz. Just curious though. You and a few others on here are for sure the swim bait gurus. And I think you all live in Cali. Is there a chance you can explain your technique on using the swim baits and type of cover, structure, depth, etc. you would most likely fish the baits? I understand if you don't want to, but great if you you do. I want to start fishing those kind of baits here in S. Florida. Thanks.
  19. That sure is a pretty looking bass. Sometimes fish can be stubborn and hard to find. Way to keep after them. P.S I bet you were the best dressed fisherman on the lake that day though.
  20. Congrats to you Budaman. IMHO, b/c's are the only way to fish 98% of the time. I hope you enjoy it. Secondly, I agree with you Bass-Brat. People should take the time and learn how to properly structure a sentence. I have to write papers almost everyday that are reviewed by judges, doctors, lawyers and many other professionals. You should try and use proper writing skills because you never know who might be reviewing your writing. Forum boards are a good place to practice your writing skills.
  21. I have one hole that I like to dip my worm in that nobody else fishes. Theres another hole I've been trying to get access in for years but the owner won't budge and give permission.
  22. Shimano Calcutta TE DC on G-Loomis. Just over $800. Diawa Zillion on G-Loomis. $600. Think I'll stop now before my wife sees this or I make myself sick.
  23. Southern strain say yes mam and please while Northern strain smell like a Salomi roll.
  24. if this post is true, you're a pretty disgusting human being. if not, you're pretty funny. x2 If someone can use live snakes then why can't I use live cats? I mean where do you draw the line? But yes, I was kidding about using cats. I would never consider a cat for bait. Puppies are much better.
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