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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Anything exotic or has teeth gets killed, except gar and pickeral.
  2. Nope, never heard of him.
  3. You were 40 years old before you feel in love with fishing ;D
  4. I am pretty confident with my tackle selection and use, from soft plastic, cranks, spinner baits, and top water. My weakness comes from not learning how to read topo maps and depth finders. I also don't understand how to use the moon phase/solunar tables to my advantage. I always fish when I have time to go instead of going when the phases indicate best time. What are some of yalls weaknesses?
  5. Spinnerbaits always have and always will be productive. No tackle box is complete without them.
  6. I fell in love with fishing the first time my dad took me. There is so much more to just catching fish and you nailed it in your post. You will get a ton of info from the people on this site. Glad to have ya on board. Now lets go catch some of those Peacocks we were talking about.
  7. I took my dad out for about an hour and a half this evening. He caught a couple good ones using Zoom Lizards.
  8. My son goes through about 5-6 of these glass jars a day. They hold his formula. Each jar holds 3 ounces and have screw-on lids. The jars are also nice and thick. I thought perhaps someone on here could use them for their tackle making to store things in. I will give these away for free and can send as many as you like. All I ask is pay for the shipping. I'll take care of the packaging. Shipping can't cost too much. I'm not looking to make anything off them.
  9. Wouldn't you want to know if you could get the same product at a less expensive price? I don't think it can be called a DEAL unless BOTH parties make out.
  10. I finally got off my lazy butt and found a new company. Was paying Citizens 4170 a year. New company is 1735 a year, after I had the wind inspection survey. It will go down even more if I get rid of the redneck, wood hurricane shutters and get "Approved Shutters." Citizens can finally kiss my
  11. That sounds really good. But I would prefer it with a jar of Ragu instead of dressing. Ok, maybe not Ragu but some homemade sauce. RAGU!!!!! No self respecting I talian uses that crap ;D Any way Bass Blvd If you were to take those steamed fish off the steamer and add them to the basic marinara sauce i posted in the Sausage and Pepper Recipie for the last 10 minutes and put it over some Liguini, then you got something nice!!!!!!!! That's what I'm talking about. Can you do that for me and have it shipped to me in a vacuum packed bag over ice. I dumped my only self respecting Italian girlfriend a few years ago. Her mom took the recips with her too.
  12. The 1 degree change will not affect anything except me sweating less. Don't analyze too much, just fish. I've been in Florida all my life. The weather changes that affect the fish are the cold months, which are now gone. From here on out it should be smooth fishing except for the wind. The wind is a pain in the booty if your a boat fisherman. The wind has actually kept me off the water for the past 4 days. It's unreal. Bottom line is, SCREW the weather and go fishing when you can. Anytime on the water is better than nothing. If your tournament fishing, well then that's a different story.
  13. I have been driving Ford and Chevy trucks everyday for the last 10 yrs. I swap out trucks every 2.5 to 3 years. These trucks are brand new and have on average 80-90k miles when I turn them in. They are used for law enforcement and take a beating. They are serviced every 3k miles. I have not experienced any after market problems as of yet. We also use Dodge but I personally pick the Fords and Chevy's. Personal preference. Toyotat on the other hand are nice but are a bit more expensive, or I've been told. I have several friends who drive Dodge and like them. I would go with the Dodge you mentioned. Consider getting it without power window/locks. Get vynal or cloth seats instead of leather. Also get vynal flooring instead of carpet. This will save you some money. Standard transmission sometimes saves a little too.
  14. I don't think it's any safer. In fact , I believe it's more dangerous by not keeping up with the flow of traffic. I'm not saying do 15 or 20 over to be like everyone else but doing 15 under the limit is deffinately a hazard.
  15. I stopped by McDonalds this morning for breakfast before I hit the old honey hole. I get to the counter and give the employee my order. It came to $4.73. I reach into my pocket and pull my money out and while doing so I dropped a 5 dollar bill onto the ground. I give the employee a 10 dollar bill and as she is counting out the change, I bend over to pick up my $5. (Now this is where I get schooled.) As I turn around to bend over, I see this little old bag lady bent over picking up my $5. I graciously said thank you as I held my hand out for her to put the money in. The lady looked at me and said it was hers, that she found it before I did. Now I explained to her that I dropped it and the $5 was not lost property. The lady proceeded to tell me losers wheepers, finders keepers. Well, at this point I gathered she wasn't playing with a full deck so I just shrugged it off, letting her keep the 5 bucks. I get my food and I go and sit down. I start eating and here comes the bag lady with her tray of food and all of her worldly belongings. She sets her things down on the table in front of me and goes into the bathroom. Now I'm sitting there looking at all her belongings, which included a backpack. (This is where I get revenge) I get up and grab her backpack just as she's coming out of the restroom. She starts yelling that I'm stealing her backpack to which I reply, losers wheepers, finders keepers. I take the backpack and leave. Now I was only going to circle the parking lot and return the backpack to her so she could learn a lesson. As I'm pulling into the parking space, I decide to look inside the backpack out of curiosity and guess what I find? A bunch of CRAP like you just finished reading.. What can say, It's 2:42am and I can't sleep.
  16. GEEEEEZ, yals fish are spoiled rotten. I have trained the bass in the lakes that I fish in to eat my Zoom or Culprit 7.5" junebug or redshad worm. If they don't eat that then they don't get to eat anything.
  17. Has anyone seen it yet? I just finished watching it. It was pretty good and Jessica Alba was 100% scrumptious.
  18. How did you hear of this? Only a select few of us are supposed to know that word even exists.
  19. I throw 2 or 3 hooks and 2 or 3 weights into a pack of worms. Sometimes I toss a crank bait or topwater plug into the bag also. I put the bag into my pocket and I'm all set. No need to carry the store with me. I know the pond or lake I'm fishing and what works best in each lake so no need to carry a bunch of crap. I also look at like this. If they don't hit a worm or a topwater rapala or crank bait, then they probably aren't hitting much of anything.
  20. My 1969 Mustang had 240,000 miles on it before I GAVE it to my best buddy after I graduated the police academy and could afford a new truck. It was a straight 6 with 3 on the floor.
  21. This is for all you S. Florida people posting about these peacocks. I live in Lake Worth and am on vacation. I have a bass boat and know they have been catching plenty of peacocks in the Southern Blvd canal. If anyone wants to go, send me a pm. I usually put in at Lake Osborne.
  22. That sounds really good. But I would prefer it with a jar of Ragu instead of dressing. Ok, maybe not Ragu but some homemade sauce.
  23. MMMMMMMMM, this pear is sooooooo juicy. Still hungry though.
  24. Well, seeing how the grapes and balogna sandwich the other night meade me sick, I think tonight I'll do a bowl of cereal. Perhaps plain cheerios and a banana. Or Cap't Crunch Berries. Better yet, I think I'll settle for a Bosc Pear...
  25. F me running, those were fricking hilarious. I woke my son up laughing so hard.
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