I stopped by McDonalds this morning for breakfast before I hit the old honey hole.
I get to the counter and give the employee my order. It came to $4.73.
I reach into my pocket and pull my money out and while doing so I dropped a 5 dollar bill onto the ground. I give the employee a 10 dollar bill and as she is counting out the change, I bend over to pick up my $5.
(Now this is where I get schooled.)
As I turn around to bend over, I see this little old bag lady bent over picking up my $5. I graciously said thank you as I held my hand out for her to put the money in. The lady looked at me and said it was hers, that she found it before I did.
Now I explained to her that I dropped it and the $5 was not lost property. The lady proceeded to tell me losers wheepers, finders keepers.
Well, at this point I gathered she wasn't playing with a full deck so I just shrugged it off, letting her keep the 5 bucks.
I get my food and I go and sit down. I start eating and here comes the bag lady with her tray of food and all of her worldly belongings. She sets her things down on the table in front of me and goes into the bathroom. Now I'm sitting there looking at all her belongings, which included a backpack.
(This is where I get revenge)
I get up and grab her backpack just as she's coming out of the restroom. She starts yelling that I'm stealing her backpack to which I reply, losers wheepers, finders keepers.
I take the backpack and leave. Now I was only going to circle the parking lot and return the backpack to her so she could learn a lesson.
As I'm pulling into the parking space, I decide to look inside the backpack out of curiosity and guess what I find?
A bunch of CRAP like you just finished reading..
What can say, It's 2:42am and I can't sleep.