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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I'm still alive guys. I basically told her that she should feel blessed being married to me and that there are thousands of women who would give their right breast to be in her shoes. Actually, she will make out good seeing as her birthday is a month away and the ring she wants isn't available yet. Thank all of you for the GREAT ideas.
  2. That's great JF111. It sounds like you have a great bunch of kids. Hopefully we will hook up soon.
  3. nice fish Hawg. You seem to consistently catch nice fish.
  4. It is 9:00pm and tomorrow is my 5th year wedding anniversary. I have absolutely no gift for the wife. Man am I in BIG trouble. I wonder if she would accept one of my Loomis' ?
  5. Hi, Hello, What's up? Now shut up and go study.
  6. I was throwing a weightless fluke. Have not thrown anything weighing more than 1/4 ounce on it.
  7. I was going to say the same thing Ronnie. All I can say to everyone who has not tried this reel is, SORRY. By FAR the farthest casting reel. Beats my Zillion, Sol, Curado 200 and 100 and Premier hands down. The 2nd furthest casting reel is my regular Calcutta.
  8. I was ready to order until I saw the weight. That is the 200 though. The 100 weighs cosiderably less. I hope they make that one too.
  9. T-rigged plastics. Top water baits.
  10. Didn't you learn about sunscreen in SEMINHOLE country?
  11. Wild Turkey...No cups or mixers needed.
  12. I thought it smelled kind of odd when I opened the package.
  13. True, a lot of people are being forclosed on. But why? MANY of them exceeded their budget buy cashing in retirement funds, taking lines of credit to buy more than they could chew . And now look, they are screwed. They weren't smart and could not manage a nickel.
  14. KUDOS !!!!! awesome dude.
  15. Toyotas run forever. I think 26k is high for a standard cab and 2 wheel drive, I assume. The cruise control deal is a bunch of crap. You would thing CC comes standard on all cars. That's like paying extra for door locks. Check out Nissan Titan. I've only seen them from the outside and they look nice. They may be more than the toyota but I'm not sure.
  16. YOU ARE WRONG..... Many if not most rentals cost more to rent than having an actual mortgage. With rates being low right now, you can have a 250k mortgage around 1300 a month. And I guarantee the house would be bigger and nicer than the one you find renting at that price. It's a buyers market. Renting gives you no equity. no tax write off. If you made by weekly payments then you would pay off the hose in d**n near half the time and save thousands in interest.
  17. I fished an area off Forest Hill Blvd today and found several bedding Peacocks. My dad caught one off the bed about 2 pounds. We didn't target them after that one. I look forward to catching many of them in the coming months as long as this wind and rain stops. I already have my ultralight rigged with #4 and #6 mono. What's that do I hear, could it be my spool going ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ?
  18. I have an aluminum Tracker that is a year old and I want to polish /clean the hull. Can the hull be polished too much that it hinders your fishing, like making it shiny instead of dull? They come new with a dull finish so should they stay that away?
  19. Not me. If ABU don't make super good by permanently fixing it and throwing a goody in, then I'm done. Back to full time Shimano. I'll try the Core out. Light reels are so nice. I'm actually considering selling my Zillion to buy the Core.
  20. Mine did it right out of the box. Sent it back to Cabella's and they sent me a new one. I have been using the new one now flawlessly for a month, until today. Started squeeching again. SFlBassaddict had it happen to him on two of the Premiers also. As far as I know, no one has been able to determine the problem. I think I will call ABU directly and see I don't understand is up. And yes it has been oiled.
  21. I'm playing Poker Stars as I type this. I also occasionally play Full Tilt Poker.
  22. I would expect nothing less of a man who uses RAGU!!!!!! Drizzle some Ragu over her and you would get one heck of a meatball.
  23. I wouldn't mind wrapping up in that skin after she works out in it..
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