I could certainly use some suggestions, ideas or any advice on modifying this boat. Here's the readers digest version of how I acquired the boat. I spent the better part of a year trying to figure how to access this property to fish a beautiful looking lake. After several trips of snooping, I finally decided to just ask permission. Permission was granted by the owner with open arms. I found 3 jon boats and 2 trailers that were just lying around on the 100+ acre property collecting rust and being a home for every insect and reptile you could imagine. She had been sitting for a couple years w/out use. The trees even grew around her. I asked the owner about the boat and he said I could have it for FREE and the trailer, which I don't think is going to fit the boat. He even said I could use his garage and electric to work on the boat. So now my 15yoa son and I have a summer project.
DESCRIPTION of the boat. I believe she's a Starcraft. !4-16' long. Very heavy. Riveted, not welded. In fact, hundreds of rivets. found one small leak in bow, center. Torn rail on port side bow, about 8 inches is torn off.
What I'd like to do. I already have a 19' Tracker as my bass boat so this jon will be used for T/M lakes only and saltwater use for Snook, Redfish and Trout. I would like to replace the current wood benches with new wood and make them about a foot or two wider. Install pedastool(sp) seats on the front and rear bench. Deck from the front bench forward for saltwater T/M, which I will take off my Tracker and replace it with the factory T/M. Install bilge pump and lights. I don't think it would be wise to deck the bottom since it's a riveted boat and would be difficult to fix the leaks if it was decked. Any and all help/suggestions greatly needed and appreciated.
Here she is in the "jungle." What a Bit** it was getting her out.
Here she is turned upright.
and the transom area.
Thanks for looking.