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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Your daughter arguably caught the best "big bass" bait, a golden shiner. I think we all have been poked once or twice. Saltwater fish seem to get me more than freshwater fish for some odd reason. I guess because you don't lip most saltwater fish. My wife also poked me in the eye when I woke her up at 4:30 am. I won't tell ya why I woke her up but her pokes hurt as much as a perch's poke.
  2. Can't you catch them 18 pounders from shore? Theres always the old cane pole, cork and wigglers with the 5 gallon bucket for a seat.
  3. I concentrate on shallower water at night, 1-8'. I use 10-12' black or june bug worms and fish them very, very slow. I may wait 15 -30 seconds between movements or longer. I might put a rattle in the worm but not always. You can also try C-rigging them. I don't use scent. For topwater, try large noise makers like a devils horse or chug bug. Black/blue jigs also produce well at night. Just remember to fish SLOW.
  4. I'm in and yall can kiss your _____ goodbye!!!!
  5. Nothing is better than a Father/son team. Nice looking fish too.
  6. Nice fish you got there young fella. Lake Wellington has produced for many generations. I used to fish it when I was a kid about 27 yrs ago. Oh yea, Does that face of yours come with a SMILE?
  7. They mold themselves after me.
  8. Depends on the lake for me too. I recently started hunting big fish and upgraded my bait size which I'm sure has resulted in fewer fish.
  9. Yea, I kmow. I don't hunt but I heard their archery section was awesome. The prices are no better than Sports Auth. or Wal-Mart but they have a few thing those stores don't. I think I'd rather order from our sponsors or Bass Pro unless I'm in dire straights of needing it fast.
  10. My first trip to Gander was shortly after they opened and they hadn't completely stocked all the shelves. My 2nd trip was today. No Loomis rods. No Calcutta TE DC's. No Shimano Chronarc MG's. I ended up spending $116 on tackle though. The cashier said I get a free meal from their restaraunt since I spent over $100. In fact, the sign on the regeister clearly displayed "Spend $100 or more and dads eat free from the restaraunt." Cool deal. Wasn't too hungry but who would turn down a free meal. I get to the restaraunt and order a hamburger. I'm told I had to buy one for my son in order to receive mine for free. SAY WHAT! That's not what sign or cashier said. There reply- Well sir, the restaraunt is seperate from the store.. I'm like ,AND??? Manager comes over and says "the newspaper says buy one get one free." I said "Who cares what's in the newspaper! Your sign says differently and the sign is in the store, not the newspaper!" The manager said "Let me check on this for you sir." He comes back and said "ok, we will honor it this time." I said "No thanks. I'll get a refund on my merchandise and go to Bass Pro Shops." I turned to a family of five and gave them my spare receipt and said "Here sir, lunch is on me. Order the most expensive thing on the menu" and walked out. Gander can kiss my BASS!
  11. Dude, I wanna be on t.v. Jack is looking good bro. As for you though, I have only one word "FAT ARS!" I know, that's two words. You and I got to get to the gym. Actually you are proof to the wife that I wasn't the only new daddy to put on a few pounds.
  12. Another good tip is to check your livewell before storing your boat.
  13. I'm an astronaut and I'm sending this message from outer space.
  14. I spent $500 on a reel but it says SHIMANO on the side.
  15. Stick to what you know, no time to experiment. Relax and have patience. Bring your food/snacks and liquid. Bring sunglasses and sunblock. Every cast could be the HAWG so pay attention. Just enjoy the moment. Good Luck.....
  16. super sweeeeeeeet! Way to go brotha!
  17. I took my tournament partner to my newly found honey hole this afternoon. We caught about 25 bass in 2 1/2 hours. Most were about 2 pounds with 4 or 5 averaging 3-4 pounds. Anyway, my buddy caught this one about 5 minutes before it got pitch dark out. We were fishing a drop off from 10' down to 36'. He was using a black/blue jig from Rattle Head Baits with #12 mono. She weighed 8.14 but looks considerably smaller in the photo. In fact, my battery had unknowingly died in my digital camera so we put her in the livewell until we got back to the ramp where I had my new, never used before work camera in the truck. another shot Thanks for looking, Doug.
  18. I will be more than happy and take two months vacation and house swap with ya. You get my boat, use of truck, dog and 88degrees with 70+% humidity.
  19. Water level is dangerously low in places on the lake. Stay in the rim canal or dynamite holes. Best advice is hire a guide and take live shiners. Or hire a guide and do artificial. Bring an extra prop and lower unit if you venture out into the lake. Don't slow down once you get on plane or you won't be getting back up.
  20. Nice outing. I used "The Lost" story before for the wife when I stayed out too long.
  21. I could certainly use some suggestions, ideas or any advice on modifying this boat. Here's the readers digest version of how I acquired the boat. I spent the better part of a year trying to figure how to access this property to fish a beautiful looking lake. After several trips of snooping, I finally decided to just ask permission. Permission was granted by the owner with open arms. I found 3 jon boats and 2 trailers that were just lying around on the 100+ acre property collecting rust and being a home for every insect and reptile you could imagine. She had been sitting for a couple years w/out use. The trees even grew around her. I asked the owner about the boat and he said I could have it for FREE and the trailer, which I don't think is going to fit the boat. He even said I could use his garage and electric to work on the boat. So now my 15yoa son and I have a summer project. DESCRIPTION of the boat. I believe she's a Starcraft. !4-16' long. Very heavy. Riveted, not welded. In fact, hundreds of rivets. found one small leak in bow, center. Torn rail on port side bow, about 8 inches is torn off. What I'd like to do. I already have a 19' Tracker as my bass boat so this jon will be used for T/M lakes only and saltwater use for Snook, Redfish and Trout. I would like to replace the current wood benches with new wood and make them about a foot or two wider. Install pedastool(sp) seats on the front and rear bench. Deck from the front bench forward for saltwater T/M, which I will take off my Tracker and replace it with the factory T/M. Install bilge pump and lights. I don't think it would be wise to deck the bottom since it's a riveted boat and would be difficult to fix the leaks if it was decked. Any and all help/suggestions greatly needed and appreciated. Here she is in the "jungle." What a Bit** it was getting her out. Here she is turned upright. and the transom area. Thanks for looking.
  22. You guys/gals need to go to summer school and stay the heck off our lakes and roads. I hope all of yall enjoy your summer and catch a PB.
  23. Between 3.84 and 4.17...
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