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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. It's still in the bedroom and she's getting ready for bed.HEHEHEHEHEHEHE
  2. Perhaps he's waiting to be set free....
  3. Because it's FUN... ... My wife hates, and I mean hates lizards. Well, she had to go poo and came running out of the bathroom screaming "Doug, come get this lizard from behind the toilet!" So being the A_Hole gentleman that I am, I was off to the rescue. Only I was equipped with a swim Senko. My hunting skills were no match for the lizard as he scurried across the floor and into our bedroom. (Thank goodness she didn't see that). I placed the Senko on the toilet seat and closed the lid . I said "Honey, it's all clear now. Go ahead about your business." I immediately sneaked into the babies room and picked him up to hide behind for what was about to happen. Sure as sh**, she came hauling balls out of the bathroom just a screaming. And she couldn't hit because i was in the safety zone, behind the baby. OMG, I laughed so hard that I wet my drawers. The only down side to this is I can't go to sleep tonight.
  4. That's cool. The only Horseshoe acres I was aware of was in Boca. You got one heck of a house.
  5. I wouldn't own a Bayliner or Force. I know Bayliner has come a long way since their poor quality hull construction but there's better.
  6. Your tallywhacker is gonna fall off. Just kidding dude. I bet your girlfriend is hammering you with questions like "I know you've been cheating" "who have you been kissing" "I knew you didn't love me "
  7. Nice!!! What county did you find that in. I'm in Palm Beach.
  8. Was that real? Fricking awesome...
  9. Wasn't it you that use them for sharkbait? : You have got one heck of a memory. LMAO, I was kidding about cats for shark bait. They were baby ducks. Ducklings stay afloat longer.
  10. LMAO....
  11. It seems the further from the coast you are, the cheaper the price.
  12. I changed #2. In order of the pictures.. 7.2 6.7 6.1 7.8
  13. KITTY KILLER!!!!!
  14. 7.2 6.7 6.1 7.8
  15. Why do I live in the fishing capital of the world and only have COD to choose from on the fricken menu board. I woke up craving some fried catfish or grouper but all they had was fricking cod. I don't understand. Thanks for listening, I almost feel better.
  16. "how does your livewell drain?" Mine drains through the drain hole!!!!!!
  17. I got nothing but junk. You don't want it. That's OK, I'll take all of your Cubs paraphernalia. Like he said, nothing but junk.
  18. Happy crappin.......
  19. With a wife and sister in-law like his, who knows? I know what I'd be doing. And I might even share with my friends since I could always buy a new one.
  20. 2 diapers and a bib to catch the puke.
  21. The fact that an employee in the fishing section never heard of Yozuri when I asked if they carried yozuri line. Don't open if you aren't stocked.. The manager argued 10 minutes before making it right. The reel and rod selection sucked. And lastly, because I said they suck.
  22. How far bellow the surface does the grass start? Braid will/should cut through the grass but I don't use braid. I like the challenge of mono. I would raise rod and rod tip up, tighten the drag and horse them up and away from the grass. You'll want a heavy action rod with backbone.
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