Because it's FUN... ... My wife hates, and I mean hates lizards. Well, she had to go poo and came running out of the bathroom screaming "Doug, come get this lizard from behind the toilet!" So being the A_Hole gentleman that I am, I was off to the rescue. Only I was equipped with a swim Senko. My hunting skills were no match for the lizard as he scurried across the floor and into our bedroom. (Thank goodness she didn't see that). I placed the Senko on the toilet seat and closed the lid . I said "Honey, it's all clear now. Go ahead about your business." I immediately sneaked into the babies room and picked him up to hide behind for what was about to happen. Sure as sh**, she came hauling balls out of the bathroom just a screaming. And she couldn't hit because i was in the safety zone, behind the baby. OMG, I laughed so hard that I wet my drawers. The only down side to this is I can't go to sleep tonight.