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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. You go ahead and keep telling your self that but I'd rather go fishing.
  2. Excuse my French but what is up with that? Has Willie lost his mind? I don't know about the rest of yall but I ain't down with that....and I'm sure the man in black ain't either.
  3. How did he get that boat into the box????
  4. I just received this rod from Tackle Direct. it's 7 1/2', Med, #8-17 line. It seems a bit light to me for tubes/jigs with #10 mono. And only has 6 guides which I think are to few.i I would like opinions on this rod before I take it out of the wrapper and use it. I may swap it for a 7 footer m/h. It's my only spinner other than my U/L. I was planning on using it for jigs/tubes and small cranks. Thanks.
  5. What's so fricken happy about it. My dog hasn't stopped barking for the past 3 hours. Fricking ankle biter barks every time someone sets off a bottle rocket or fire cracker and it's driving me NUTS!!!!!!!! Aside from that, Happy 4th to all my fellow AMERICANS! That's it! I've had enough! Darn kids next door must have spent $500 on fireworks but if my stupid dog don't stop barking then I'm going to cook it. ARRRRRRG.
  6. I carry my .40 Glock and .38 Airweight S&W in the boat on every trip. Why? Because I won't leave them locked in my truck at the ramp, only to be stolen. #2 reason- because my job says I will be armed whenever in public.
  7. what the heck is chocolate rain. That was stupid or did it go over over my head?
  8. Informative but why should you use the C-Rig to pinpoint the structure/hump when a depth will work.
  9. So our county has put us under strict water restrictions for the past year if not longer. I guess we saved so much water that the water company now has a surplus and hasn't profited. Instead of laying people off, they decided to increase the price of water consumed by consumers. Several people in my neighborhood got a $100 water bill this month when their average was 35-45 $. Our electric company was also just approved to a 16% increase. When will this shi* end? I think the world (lifestyle) as we know it is coming to an end and different lifestyles are are going to occur.
  10. I'm a pitcher for the Florida Marlins.
  11. Vegetables and oysters are for steaming, Bluegill are for frying.
  12. Lets see. I spent 60 last week and 370 tonight on another Loomis and some Mattlures.
  13. I guess I'll be getting the new , larger crank bait rod. Any new worm rods coming out?
  14. My son does that after every shower and it pissses me off .
  15. The pictures posted are old, just like Google Earth. They aren't current and are not used by police for raids.
  16. Put a few drops of JJ's Majic in the a/c vents of your co-workers car. They will stink for days.... And yes, I did do it to someone at work.
  17. It's odd how fish act differently in different bodies of water. I fish a shell pit too. Sometimes visibility is 15' or more. I have used braid w/out leader and caught as many fish as using Flouro. I have been using Yozuri #12 and #15 last 4 outings and it doesn't seem to bother the fish. I use 10' june bug worms and 1/4-1/2 ounce weights. Perhaps it's your technique/presentation or lure choice that is causing the fish to turn away. I am not completely satisfied that mono, flouro or braid play as big of a role in scaring fish away as some people make it out to be.
  18. Lets see.....Try vacationing when it's not the rainy season. I like the movies when it's raining out. Watch t.v, workout, cook a nice meal but most of all, I love sleeping in the rain.
  19. #12 mono on cranks and topwater - Yozuri Hybrid #12-#15 mono on worms- Yozuri Hybrid #12-15 mono for spinner baits- Yozuri Hybrid #15 Mono for jigs #20-30 Mono flipping
  20. Was Mr. Rogers gay?
  21. I guess I'm the "Pro" then. I am very proficient with both and can cast/use the BC with anything I use my spinner for, except a beetlespin. I prefer B/C over spinner at all times but I can do the same techniques with both. Remember, Practice, Practice Practice and "Can't never could"
  22. I'll be 41 August 14!
  23. I guess that makes you the oldest fart here since there are none at 60 and older.
  24. prime numbers?
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