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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. you MUST ALWAYS use your running lights in the dark, regardless the amount of boat traffic.
  2. I hear the Snook are in full swing along the bridges and inlets. I haven't been since last season. This heat sucks for bass fishing in the day time so perhaps I'll head out and do some late night SNOOKN'..
  3. Hey David, a second look at your post made me realize you like a mini Avid with those glasses.
  4. I guess you proved that bass will eat just about any kind of junk ...I'm just busting on ya Dave. Congrats to ya. It looks like you're becoming quite the lure maker. Perhaps you found your calling.
  5. I use wild shiners only, 6-10". I use a 7'H, rod with 20-25lb mono. I use a balloon for a bobber and fish the the edge of grass beds.
  6. I wouldn't waist my money on any of them. Has to be SHIMANO but not the Curado.
  7. except perhaps he should have gotten the chair. WARNING: Might be a tad bit gruesome for some. http://police-brutality-blog.blogspot.com/2007/08/american-justice-esteban-carpio-was-he.html
  8. Good post and nice looking fish you caught. And kudos to getting your kids out there to fish. I have to ask though. Is that a purse I see hanging from your daughters shoulder?
  9. Wow! I was wondering where the grammar and spelling police have been. Let me guess, your prescription ran out and you can't get to the doctor until Friday. Actually, I agree with you. Some of the posts on here are hard to read due to the lack of proper grammar.
  10. I just got the Jr bass delivered to me a couple days ago. If it catches the fish that I think it will, then I'll be ordering more.
  11. yea, but this is a fishing forum....
  12. one thing is for certain, it WILL sink.
  13. If you have te t.v where glare will hit it then most certainly get the LCD. If you are going to use it for gaming then get the LCD. If none of the above then I don't know. I have he 56 Samsung LCD and love it. They do put off a lot of heat though. Not sure if Plasmas do.
  14. Avid made it home. Must have gotten tired of living on the streets, in the rain and snow under some worn out cardboard box. Welcome Back Avid!!!!!!!!
  15. An arm and a leg. Ok, I think I just dribbled in my drawers.
  16. You can only use it if you have the proper license.
  17. How did you get that scratch on it?
  18. Lake Worth, Palm Beach County. No better place to meet peeps from New York
  19. I wonder how much shipping was.....
  20. I have the 56" Samsung LCD and all I can say is "AWESOME"
  21. Just graduated from cane pole to zebco 404.
  22. I would like it much better if it was updated at least once a year.
  23. 4 miles round trip? You need to invest in a good pair of Nike.
  24. Here's what I did for a while to earn extra cash. I repaired fishing rods for my friends and their friends. I would re-wrap a broken guide or fix the top guide if it broke. Sometimes I would re-do the whole rod. I also worked at 2 different tackle shops building rods for them but I preferred doing it at home on my own.
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