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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. S. Florida fishing has been as hot as the summer heat lately. A few of the guys have been slaying'em on the big "O" while others have been getting a workout muscling gamefish off the coast. My Uncle and I managed to pull a few good ones out over the last couple days while taking a break from doing nothing, haha. Our picture taking skills suck so please give us a little leeway. My Uncle was sitting while aiming the camera upward in the first photo. The fish doesn't even look like it's the same one I caught, hahaha. 7-30-12 just made 10lbs 7-31-12 around 6 - 6.5 7-31-12 between 7 - 8
  2. Yea, I think there are 4 states that don't require the witness/complainant going directly to police.
  3. Of course they have rights and absolutely they can keep us out, which doesn't bother me. It's his store and I'm his guest. If he doesn't want customers while armed then I'll go somewhere else. It's no different then refusing service for not wearing shoes or shirt.
  4. Just because a business owner doesn't want you armed while in his business doesn't make him anti-gun. I know a lot of idiots I wouldn't want to be around while they are carrying and I'm not anti-gun. I'm just anti-arshole carrying a gun. I carry everytime I leave my house.
  5. Dang, I'm glad someone is enjoying the heat while the rest of us folk are busting our arsses at work, haha. The steack and lobster are making my mouth water. I'll pass on the trout though. I love catching them but I think they're too mooshy for eating.
  6. I din't go with him. He said the bite was awesome but he nearly died from the HEAT.
  7. Don't yall have a law stating that the owner of a business has the right to REFUSE service/entry to ANYONE they want to, uless it's based on sex/race, etc. If the the tackleshop owner don't want you in his business because you are carrying, then you AINT coming in.
  8. I almost pulled the trigger on a new 7.5' Star rod today at Tuppens. Yes, Tuppens is expensive but they have the largest selection of Star rods that I know of. Actually, I almost called you to see which Star rod you have. I'm gong to start visiting you out there as soon as I'm done training the newbee at work.
  9. Ill take ya for 350 a day. My buddy went out yesterday and caught 63, most on spinnerbaits in 1.5 to 2 ft of water.
  10. Exactly. Unless you're lake is a small acre pond wit 100 people fishing all at one time.
  11. JoeP WAS Penn State. Maybe just the coach on paper, but in reality he was THE school. If he was still alive and coaching at Penn, it would be a cold day in HE** before I'd let my kid go there. I don't care if he had a full athletic scholorship or free tuition. The men who coulda put a stop to the tragedy a LONG time ago did absolutely NOTHING.
  12. I'm just waiting for a wardrobe mishap with the girls gymnastics.
  13. Way to go, Stu. You had to be spent after that HEAVY WEIGHT fight. I remember when the world record permit was caugh of the Lake Worth pier. I was 14-15 years old when the biggest arshole, bully, pothead, pier rat caught her on a crab. Thankfully, the record has since been broken. I haven't been to the pier in decades but their used to ne a mount hanging on the wall behind the counter. Did you take her home for dinner or what?
  14. I was one of the first members to buy the new Lews TP when they came out. Mine function today just as good as the day I received them and I have yet to break them dowm. I've added a drop of oil to each one and the worm gear but that's it. That being said, I DO need to send'em in for professional cleaning though. I just HATE parting with my gear.
  15. Girls beach vollyball had Walsh and I believe Trainer(sp). They were the bomb but don't know if they're still actice. I bet they made a very nice living off endorsements. Handball is on rt now. Aside from it being extremely boring, I bet they make next to nothing in the off season. Same for Archery, Shooting, canoing. and many other events. I bet unless you're ranked #1 in the world in any single event, then you probally can't make a living in your field.
  16. Haha, LMAO. I can't believe our government is behind this act of violence.
  17. A Blonde Kidnapping A blonde was down on her luck. In order to raise some extra money, she decided to kidnap a kid and hold him for ransom. She went to the playground, grabbed a kid, took him to a tree, and told him, "I've kidnapped you." She then wrote a note saying "I've kidnapped your kid. Tomorrow morning, put $10,000 in a paper bag and put it under the pecan tree next to the slide on the north side of the playground. Signed, A Blonde." The blonde then pinned the note to the kid's shirt and sent him home to show his parents. The next morning the blonde checked, and sure enough, a paper bag as sitting beneath the pecan tree. The blonde opened the bag and found the $10,000 with a note that read, "How could you do this to a fellow Blonde?"
  18. I'm with ya 100%. I thought the opening ceremony sucked. Plus, its hard to top what Bejing did 4 years ago. I also agrre about the pro's. I'd much rather see all non-pro athletes compete.
  19. I have the proper equipment and fishing hole to locate the sprind, but I'm clueless on how to read it. There is atleast 1 spring in the rock pit. I have a general idea where it is and that was based on what the owners told me. Hey Wayne, I'll pay you 100 bucks if you come down and spend a few hours of instruction on reading my DF.
  20. I think the summer heat has fried your brain. No wonder yu ride a scooter with pedals, HAHAHAHAHA
  21. Live Pin fish are one of the TOP baits for Snook and Redfish.
  22. Dang snakes are a P.I.T.A. The rattlers and moccasins can be down right mean little bastrds down here, particullary with this warm weather. The zombies are a whole different ball game. A chicken bone necklace helps keep a few species of Zombies away.
  23. Gun permits are up over 14% in Florida since the masacre.
  24. Yeas and No. I look forward to watching certain events a couple weeks before they start and I don't miss it when it's done. I don't care to watch the basketball, soccer or any event that can be watched on t.v throughout the year. I like watching the girls gymnastics and diving. Ice skating is pretty cool to watch in the winter olympics too. One little mistake in the gymnastics or ice rink can ruin their whole year. I can barely balance myself while taking a leak, much less doing flipps in the air or landing on the ice with skates on.
  25. Are they WORTH fishing? Depends on the price . Excuse my candidness, but why ask such a silly question? Why don't you do a little exploring and just fish the pond. I mean really, you took the time to take pictures and post your question "Is this worth fishing?" when all the time you could have been fishing it and ansewered your own question. If several people would have said NO, while some said YES, then that would have negatively messed with your confidence. Unless your day is so consumed with SO MANY tasks that you just have ZERO time to try it out for your own, then approach the pond with a positive attitude and be excited about hooking into a MONSTER and you'll soon find out on your own if the lake was WORTH fishing.
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