Does anyone remember the commercial that used to come on many, many, many, years ago about the indian walking through a clean meadow and up to a hill. He then walks to the top of the hill and sees "civilization" on the other side. On the "civilization" side he sees a stream with a grocery cart, dead bird and litter in it. The camera then focuses in on the indian's face and you see a tear rolling down his cheek?
I had that same feeling today out in the boat. I didn't cry but felt like it. Actually, I got very angry and wanted to donkey kick someone. I was enroute to Lake Clarke Shores from Lake Osborne via the Keller canal and saw a couch (yea, a *** couch), a cooler and an assortment of bottles and trash along the bank. I swear some people are so *** ignorant that they should be forced to live at the local dump.