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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Yea, well his parent(s) werent competing, he was. And he was American born.
  2. What"s Keeping You From Doing What You Love? My 4yr old. He won't stay in his own bed,
  3. My kid on his 4th birthday. He was going to hold the fish or have to wear a pink skirt, haha. He freaked out saying "the bass ate my thumb" because its mouth gave him bass finger, lmao.
  4. Does anyone remember the commercial that used to come on many, many, many, years ago about the indian walking through a clean meadow and up to a hill. He then walks to the top of the hill and sees "civilization" on the other side. On the "civilization" side he sees a stream with a grocery cart, dead bird and litter in it. The camera then focuses in on the indian's face and you see a tear rolling down his cheek? I had that same feeling today out in the boat. I didn't cry but felt like it. Actually, I got very angry and wanted to donkey kick someone. I was enroute to Lake Clarke Shores from Lake Osborne via the Keller canal and saw a couch (yea, a *** couch), a cooler and an assortment of bottles and trash along the bank. I swear some people are so *** ignorant that they should be forced to live at the local dump.
  5. Senkos are a good bait but so are hundreds of other kinds of bait. Senkos are a bass catching machine, but they are catch ALOT of small ones too. Typically, BIG bass will eat your bream alot faster than a Senko. Live bait fishing and artificial bait fishing are two totally different animals. Both are enjoyable but neither are 100% effective. My best advice is "just go fishing whenever you can." Use different baits and techniques. Let your imagination be your guide.
  6. X3. 2/0 for the 5" and 4/0 for the 6" P.S. There are no replacements for the Senko. And Kinami is the same bait.
  7. Oooops, how could I forget, haha. I shouldn't make fun- there are some very good and dedicated athletes competing. From track and field to gymnastics to swimming. But I wonder, doesn't anyone give hanshakes anymore? Way too many hugs and not enough handshakes.
  8. Why is it that when a girl wins they show her family/husband/ boyfriend in the stands. But when a guy wins they dont show a girfriend/wife?
  9. You know what really ticked me off tonight? I was watching track and field when the Dominican guy took gold. Get this, he was born in New York and raised in some other state, but runs for the DM. That really P'd me off.
  10. Good luck and do good. Dont forget to add a few drops of JJ's majic to the teacher's chair.
  11. I was going to post a reply but decided not too. Life is going extremely good right now and I don't want to jinx anything.
  12. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. How can yall think football when yall should be focusing on OUR Olympians? Our water polo and ping pong boys need your support just as much as your 2nd stringers. Come on, show some LOVE!
  13. Generally, if you see the bass then they see. But that doesn't mean they still won't bite. You don't need to reel in your bait to cause commotion. The bait will naturally attract the bass. I've been doing a little experimenting lately with live bait. Actually, it's more of an observation than experimenting. I've noticed Big bass will swim with small bass/bluegill and not bother them. Then I've used gills and bass as bait and they get whacked almost instantly as they hit the water. I first thought this might be due to the bait being more vulnerable with a hook in their ars and easier for the bigger fish to catch, but I'm not so certain. I'm beginning to think that the live bait sends out a distress signal or emits some sort of "chemical" that attracts it's prey, I can toss an unhooked bass or gill in the water amongst several other bass and the one I tossed in won't get eaten. Then I will toss one in while hooked amongst the same school and it'll get hammered almost instantly.
  14. Yep, Robbies. My buddy lost a few layers of knuckle skin because he was too dang slow on the release, haha. My $200 sunglasses fell of my head and got sucked up by about 150 pounder. And yes, I was UPSET.
  15. Drop one hook size.
  16. There could be a number of reasons why the bass aren't eating. They see the hook (but probably not the reason) The bass can see you The bass aren't hungry enough The bait isn't lively enough Bait too big or too small You said you fly line the bluegill out there. Does that mean you're using a flyrod? If so, then how long of a leader are you using? I use live gills pretty often. Sometimes the bass are on'em like white on rice and sometimes they won't go near'em. Sometimes I have better luck on small gills while other times they want the big ones.
  17. Lews does has a proven track record, they've been around for decades. I sold a majority of my Shimano Chronarch 50mg's and have been using the Lews TP since the day they came out on the market. The TP has been nothing but great. I fish at least 25 hours a month and use the TP about 23 of the 25 hours. Mine cost $199 so I'd like to know where you guys are getting them for 160. I have not used the Chronarchs since they changed the 50mg, but the 50mg was and still is a very god real. The Lews fits my hand better than the 50mg and I also make better controled casts with it. If the new Chronarchs are as good as the older 50mg's then I don't think you could go wrong with either reel. I would put each reel on the same rod and see which feels beter to you.
  18. He may have his degree, but that doesn't mean he's edumicated.
  19. I was born with the talent to find the ladies, but always had to work hard at keeping'em. From the fishing aspect, I think I was gifted with sensitive hands/feel. I'm a "hands on" type person. Meaning I learn easier/more from doing and watching then from reading. I can read how to use a DF, but won't grasp anything until I actually go hands on.
  20. Did you touch the barrels with your hands when you first looked at them? If so, then I'd say you left some moisture on them causing the rust.
  21. Congrats on your new life. I start my 26th year on the job this October and plan on following in your footsteps in 7-9 years. Might be shorter if we get a new governer If you get bored, have another kid.
  22. I caught hundreds of greenies in just a couple of minutes with my cast net.
  23. Weuse my phone to take the pics. The first one came out super dark so i had to use photobucket to fix the colors.
  24. They need to include pole dancing into the gymnastics.
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